- 5e Creatures
- 5e Classes
- Category:Subclass
- 5e Subclasses
- 4 Elements: Baldur's Gate 3 Edition
- 4's Dead
- Aberrant Bloodline
- Aberrant Bloodline, Variant
- Aberrant Mind
- Absolute Solver
- Absolute Solver, Variant
- Abyssal Executioner
- Abyssal Knight
- Abysswalker
- Ace
- Acrobatic Nomad
- Adept Survivor
- Aegis Domain
- Aerial Assailant
- Aerial Combatant
- Aetherdancer
- Aetherheart
- Agony Domain
- Air Domain
- Air Elemental Warrior, Variant
- Air Planetouched Warrior
- Airborne Conclave
- Alchemical Toxicologist
- Alchemist
- Alchemist Rogue
- Alchemist, 2nd Variant
- Alchemist, Variant
- Alchemy
- Alienist
- All-Knowing
- Ambusher
- Amelioration
- Analysis Domain
- OGC:Anarchy Domain
- Ancestral Weapon Master
- Ancient Magic
- Ancient One
- Angelica Domain
- Anguish Domain
- Animator
- Anti-Mage
- Anti-Mage Conclave
- Anti-Mage Warrior
- Anti-Magic Warrior
- Antimatter Warrior
- Arachnissassin
- Aran
- Arboreals
- Arcana Domain
- Arcana Domain, Variant
- Arcane Archer
- Arcane Artist
- Arcane Assassin
- Arcane Assassin, 2nd Variant
- Arcane Assassin, Variant
- Arcane Avenger
- Arcane Battery Artificer
- Arcane Battle Master
- Arcane Blade
- Arcane Blade School
- Arcane Cannoneer
- Arcane Chef
- Arcane Crafter
- Arcane Craftsman
- Arcane Craftsman, Variant
- Arcane Defender
- Arcane Doctor
- Arcane Dragoon Lancer
- Arcane energy ingenier
- Arcane Engineer
- Arcane Fist
- Arcane Guardian
- Arcane Linguist
- Arcane Mechanist
- Arcane Origin
- Arcane Origin, Variant
- Arcane Pugilist
- Arcane Ranger Conclave
- Arcane Rifleman
- Arcane Scientist
- Arcane Scientist, Variant
- Arcane Shot
- Arcane Soul
- Arcane Swordsman
- Arcane Tactician
- Arcane Thrower
- Arcane Trickster
- Arcane Tutor
- Arcane Warden
- Arcane Warmonger
- Arcane Weapon Master
- Arcanist: Scholar
- Arcanist: Summoner
- Arcanist: Titansmith
- Arch Paladin
- Arch Sorcerer
- Arch-Magi
- Archangel's Blood
- Archdragoon
- Archer
- Archer of Divine Undeath
- Archfighter
- Architect
- Archivist Tradition
- Archmage Patron
- Archon of Mystra
- Arishikage Clan Ninja
- Arithmetic Soul
- Armorer
- Armorsmith
- Armory
- Armstrong Warrior
- Arsonist
- Arsonist Trickster
- Art Domain
- Artificer
- Artillerist
- Artillerist, Variant
- Artillery Specialist
- Artillurgist
- Artiste de Cirque
- Ascendent Knight
- Asgardian Sorcery
- Aspect of Twilight
- Assassin
- Assassin of Darkness
- Assassin, Revised
- Assassin, Variant
- Astral Assassin, Variant
- Astral Beast
- Astral Bloodline
- Astral Sorcery
- Astral Walker
- Astral Wanderer
- Astralborn Bloodline
- Asylum Origin
- Athasian Bard
- Athasian Cerebremancy
- Atheism
- Atheism Domain (Ur-Priest)
- Atlas
- Atlira Arcane Archer
- Atlira Draconic Sorcerer
- Atlira Fiend Blood Sorcerer
- Atomic Samurai
- Augumented
- Auramancer
- Auromancer
- Author
- Auto-Mechanic
- Avatar of Rage
- Avengers Sect
- Avian Knight
- Awakened Mystic
- Axe Idiot
- Axemaster
- Back-Alley
- Backliner
- Backstabber
- Banana Domain
- Banner Commander
- Banneret, Revised
- Banneret, Variant
- Banshee Soul
- Banuk Shaman
- Barbarian
- Battle Champion
- Battle Domain
- Battle Enchanter
- Battle Engineer
- Battle Fiend
- Battle Healer
- Battle Mage
- Battle Master
- Battle Master, Variant
- Battle Master, Variant 2
- Battle Smith
- Battle Smith, Variant
- Battle Sorcerer
- Battle Sorcerer, Variant
- Battle Sorcery
- Battle Soul
- Battle Wizard
- Battlemage
- Battlerager
- Battlerager, Stoneworked
- Battlerager, Variant
- Bearer of the Magic Orb
- Beast Alma
- Beast Master
- Beast Rider
- Beast Walker Druid
- Beastheart
- Beastheart Brawler
- Beastial Beyond
- Beastlord
- Beastshifter
- Beauty and Love Domain
- Beguiler
- Beguiler Warlock
- Behemoth Hunter
- Beholder Bloodline
- Believer
- Berserk
- Berserk Fighter
- Berserker, 2nd Variant
- Berserker, 3rd Variant
- Berserker, Variant
- Binate Duelist
- Binate Marauder
- Biomechanist
- Black Mage
- Black Warden
- Blade Born
- Blade Caster
- Blade Dancer
- Blade Dancer, 2nd Variant
- Blade Grappler
- Blade Master
- Blade Slinger
- Blade-throwing Bulwark
- Bladecaller
- Bladedancer
- Bladedancer Conclave
- Bladedancer Conclave, Variant
- Blademaster
- Bladesinging
- Blast Domain
- Blessed of the Ashes
- Blessed One
- Blessing of the Gods Sorcery
- Blightbearer
- Blitz Knight
- Blitzkrieger
- Blood Assassin
- Blood Binder
- Blood Domain
- Blood Knight
- Blood Knight, Variant
- Blood Mage
- Blood Monk
- Blood Rogue
- Blood Sorcerer
- Blood Sorcery
- Blood Sorcery, Variant
- Blood Warrior
- Blood Wizard
- Blood-fueled Juggernaut
- Bloodbeast Origin
- Bloodhunter
- Bloodied Knife Freak
- Bloodline of Beast Whisperer
- Bloodline of Everfliers
- Bloodline of Swarmkeeper
- Bloody Executioner
- Bodyguard
- Bokor
- Bomber
- Bomber, Variant
- Bond Wielder
- Bone Breaker
- Bone Crafter
- Bonesmith
- Born and Bred
- Bound Bloodline
- Boundary Forger
- Bounty Hunter
- Bounty Hunter, Variant
- Bow Master
- Bowman of the Wild
- Brambleknight
- Bravely Default Ranger
- Bravo Blade
- Brawler
- Brawler's Shadow
- Briar Champion
- Broken Soldier
- Bronze Age Hoplite
- Brother of Blade
- Brother of Wolves
- Brotherhood Assassin
- Brotherhood Assassin, Variant
- Brutal Combatant
- Brutalist
- Bubble Witch
- Bucky the Aarakocra
- Buer
- Buff Mimic
- Bugg-Shash
- Bulwark
- Bulwark Knight
- Burning Soul Origin
- Burning Wind
- Bushwhacker
- Butcher
- Caledorian Dragon Mage Bloodline
- Calefactor
- Calligrapher
- Camera Operator
- Candy Scientist
- Cangaceiro
- Cannoneer
- Captain
- Capture Ranger
- Card Arcanum
- Card Mage
- Cardslinger
- Cartographer
- Catastrophic Origin
- Cavalier
- Cavalier, 2nd Variant
- Cavalier, Variant
- Celestial Archer
- Celestial Knight
- Celestial Symbiote
- Celestial, Variant
- Chain Fighter
- Chain Wielder
- Chair
- Challenger
- Champion of He
- Champion of Nature
- Champion, 2nd Variant
- Champion, 3rd Variant
- Champion, 4th Variant
- Champion, 5th Variant
- Champion, Variant
- Chance Domain
- Chaos Caller
- Chaos Domain
- Chaos Knight
- Chaos Mage
- Chaos Pyromancy
- Chaos Wizard
- Chaotic Knight
- Chaotic Traveler
- Chaplain
- Chemical Monster
- Chesser
- Chromatic Conclave
- Chrono Knight
- Chrono-Manipulator
- Chronolord
- Chronomancer
- OGC:Chrononaut
- Chronos Origin
- Chronos Soul
- Chronurgy Magic
- Circle Domain
- Circle of Anathema
- Circle of Anathema, Variant
- Circle of Animal Companionship
- Circle of Animals
- Circle of Ash
- Circle of Astronomical Wonder
- Circle of Beasts
- Circle of Birds and Beasts
- Circle of Bubbles
- Circle of Chaos
- Circle of Constellations
- Circle of Dominance
- Circle of Dragons
- Circle of Dragons, Variant
- Circle of Dreams
- Circle of Empathy
- Circle of Fae
- Circle of Fae Trickster
- Circle of Faezres
- Circle of Flora
- Circle of Garnet
- Circle of Graveyards
- Circle of Hunger
- Circle of Iron
- Circle of Ley
- Circle of Life
- Circle of Lycanthropy
- Circle of Masks
- Circle of Monsters
- Circle of Moon, 2023 Movie Edition
- Circle of Moths
- Circle of Mutation
- Circle of Nature
- Circle of Oozes
- Circle of Pestilence
- Circle of Plants
- Circle of Pokemon
- Circle of Prehistoric Ferocity
- Circle of Rage
- Circle of Rainbows
- Circle of Reincarnation
- Circle of Reptiles
- Circle of Rituals
- Circle of Rodents
- Circle of Roots
- Circle of Rot
- Circle of Rot, Variant
- Circle of Savagery (Malar)
- Circle of Science
- Circle of Serpent
- Circle of Shades
- Circle of Shaman Shapeshifters
- Circle of Solitude
- Circle of Spiders
- Circle of Spirits
- Circle of Spores
- Circle of Spores, Second Variant
- Circle of Spores, Variant
- Circle of Stars
- Circle of Stars, Variant
- Circle of Steel
- Circle of Steeping
- Circle of the Avenger
- Circle of the Barrel
- Circle of the Beast
- Circle of the Bloodmoon
- Circle of the Blue Mage
- Circle of the Caverns
- Circle of the City
- Circle of the Claw
- Circle of the Clock
- Circle of the Clock Legacy
- Circle of the Dragonshifter
- Circle of the Duplicate
- Circle of the Elemental Warrior
- Circle of the Elements
- Circle of the Feather
- Circle of the Fey
- Circle of the First Forest
- Circle of the Fittest
- Circle of the Force
- Circle of the Forest
- Circle of the Fountain
- Circle of the Four Winds Druid
- Circle of the Furies
- Circle of the Gorgon
- Circle of the Graft
- Circle of the Harvest
- Circle of the Healer
- Circle of the Healing Waves
- Circle of the High Sea
- Circle of the Hunt
- Circle of the Hybrid
- Circle of the Long Winter
- Circle of the Manakete
- Circle of the Matriarch
- Circle of the Moon
- Circle of the Moon, Variant
- Circle of the Mother
- Circle of the New Moon
- Circle of the Noble Beast
- Circle of the Oblivion
- Circle of the Pack
- Circle of the Pack, Variant
- Circle of the Path
- Circle of the Pillars of the Earth
- Circle of The Primal
- Circle of the Primeval, Variant
- Circle of the Reaper
- Circle of the Ringmaster
- Circle of the Seasons
- Circle of the Shepard
- Circle of the Shepherd, Variant
- Circle of the Soil
- Circle of the Solar Crest
- Circle of the Subtle Realm
- Circle of the Summoner
- Circle of the Sun
- Circle of the Sunken
- Circle of the Swarm
- Circle of the Swarm, Variant
- Circle of the Sword
- Circle of the Torn Veil
- Circle of the Traveler
- Circle of the Veil
- Circle of the Voice
- Circle of the Void
- Circle of the Web Walkers
- Circle of the Wildlife
- Circle of the Winds
- Circle of the Wood
- Circle of the Woodshaper
- Circle of Twigs
- Circle of Twilight
- Circle of Twilight, Variant
- Circle of Vengeance
- Circle of War
- Circle of Warshapers
- Circle of Waves
- Circle of Wild Magic
- Circle of Wildfighters
- Circle of Wildfire
- Citadel of Goodwin
- City Domain
- Claw of Konjoshu
- Cleric of Pantheism
- Climate Caster
- Cloaked Fist
- Cloaker
- Clockwork Soul
- Coastal Domain
- Coastline Guardian
- Coinblade
- Cold Domain
- Cold Domain, Variant
- Cold Heart
- Cold Heart, Variant
- College of Acapella
- College of Action
- College of Apamaanit
- College of Arcane Archer
- College of Beasts
- College of Boom
- College of Boons
- College of Bows
- College of Bows, Variant
- College of Boy Kissing
- College of Chimes
- College of Comedy
- College of Compulsion
- College of Conquest
- College of Convocation
- College of Corruption
- College of Creation
- College of Cultists
- College of Death's Song
- College of Diplomacy
- College of Divination
- College of Divinity
- College of Dolls
- College of Dubstep
- College of Eldenwood
- College of Eloquence
- College of Enchantment
- College of Envoys
- College of Failure Leader
- College of Fate
- College of Fighters
- College of Flaming Dance
- College of Fools
- College of Fortune
- College of Funkin'
- College of Fury
- College of Gambling
- College of Glamour
- College of Gravitas
- College of Guile
- College of Healing
- College of Heavy Metal
- College of Hymn
- College of Hymns
- College of Jesters
- College of Lambasting
- College of Legends
- College of Luck
- College of Lullabies
- College of Martial Dancing
- College of Masks
- College of Masks, Variant
- College of Melee
- College of Metal
- College of Midwest Emo
- College of Mockery
- College of Mockery, Variant
- College of Names
- College of Nature
- College of Necromancy
- College of Osu
- College of Pain
- College of Pantomime
- College of Prestige
- College of Prophecy
- College of Prosecutors
- College of Protection
- College of Puppetry
- College of Radiance
- College of Regulation
- College of Rejuvenation
- College of Repertoire
- College of Revelry
- College of Satire
- College of Sculpting
- College of Shanties
- College of Shitposting
- College of Sorrow
- College of Soulking
- College of Sound
- College of Soundstrikers
- College of Strokes
- College of Swords
- College of Synesthesia
- College of Synth
- College of Taiko
- College of Teaching
- College of the Acrobat
- College of the Barkeep
- College of the Bartender
- College of the Choir
- College of the Colossal Chord
- College of the Crimson Blade
- College of the Dancer
- College of the Dealer
- College of the Edge
- College of the Epic Saga
- College of the Falling Star
- College of the Feudal Lord
- College of the Gambler
- College of the Jedi/Sith
- College of the Jester
- College of The Kingmaker
- College of the Mesmer
- College of the Moment
- College of the Moment, Variant
- College of the Nightosphere
- College of the Raccoon Spirit
- College of the Road
- College of the Soul Star
- College of the Stage
- College of the Stars
- College of the Sunsinger
- College of the Thespian
- College of the Toréador
- College of the Toréador, Variant
- College of the Troubadour
- College of the Vain
- College of the Vocalist
- College of the Vocalist, Variant
- College of the Wandering Skies
- College of the Wilds
- College of Time
- College of Time, Variant
- College of Tongues
- College of Trickery
- College of Troublemakers
- College of Undead
- College of Uproar
- College of Valor
- College of Valor, 2nd Variant
- College of Valor, Variant
- College of Ventriloquism
- College of Vylius
- College of Whispers
- Color Domain
- Colossal Warrior
- Colossus Wielder
- Combat Assassin
- Combat Magic
- Combo Combatant
- Combo Master
- Commander
- Concentration Everfliers
- Concocter
- Concrete Conduit
- Conduit
- Confectioner
- Constructor
- Contender
- Control Domain
- Coral Magic
- Core Forgemaster
- Coriumancer
- Corrupted Lineage
- Corrupted Saint
- Corruptor
- Cosmic Origin
- Coward
- CPU Blue Heart
- Crusader
- Cryogenist
- Crystal Mage
- Crystal Mother
- Cubi Monarch
- Cursed Lycanthrope
- Cursed Musician
- Cursed Soul
- Cursed Warrior Domain
- Custodian
- Cyber Soldier
- Daedric Soul
- Dagger-Master Assassin
- Dahnan Mage
- Dark Angel
- Dark Knight
- Dark Knight FF X-2
- Dark Mage
- Dark One
- Darkened Domain
- Darkness Domain
- Darkness Hunter
- Dawnwarden
- Deadeye
- Deadly Blade
- Death Bloom Circle
- Death Dancer
- Death Domain
- Death Domain, Variant
- Death from the Sky
- Death Guard
- Death Knight
- Death Mage
- Death Magus
- Death Magus Domain
- Death Note
- Deathdealer
- Deathknight
- Deathtouched
- Debt Domain
- Deceptive
- Deckmaster
- Deep Mind Sorcerer
- Deepwood Sniper
- Defiler
- Defiler Domain
- Delver
- Demolitionist
- Demolitionist, 2nd Variant
- Demolitionist, Variant
- Demon Hunter
- Demon's Spearmen
- Demonic Blade
- Demonic Divinity Origin
- Demonic Knight
- Demonic Little Grey Cat
- Dervish
- Desperado
- Destined Bloodline
- Destroyer
- Destruction Domain
- Detonator
- Devil Bloodline
- Devil Hunter
- Dhampir Paragon
- Diluvian Warrior
- Dirty Fighter
- Disciple of Balance
- Disciple of Wulfen
- Dissection Sorcerer
- Dissolvent
- Divine Agent
- Divine Bloodline
- Divine Bloodline, Variant
- Divine Crusader
- Divine Hospitaller
- Divine Knight
- Divine Mercenary
- Divine Soul
- Divine Soul, 2nd Variant
- Divine Warrior
- Dizzy Master
- Doctor Do It All
- Dodgemaster
- Domain of Conquest
- Domain of Heracy
- Domain of Mercy
- Domain of Night
- Domain of Rebirth
- Domain of Respite
- Domain of the Old Ones
- Domain of the Outer Ones
- DoomKnight
- Doomspeaker
- Door Master/Fighdor
- Draco
- Draconic Bloodline, Variant
- Draconic Knight
- Draconic Sorcerer
- Draconic Warrior
- Draconic Warrior, Variant
- Dragon Blood Origin
- Dragon Domain
- Dragon Domain, Variant
- Dragon Heir
- Dragon Hunter
- Dragon Knight
- Dragon Knight, Variant
- Dragon Master Conclave
- Dragon Patron, 2nd Variant
- Dragon Piercer
- Dragon Priest Domain
- Dragon Rider
- Dragon Slayer Conclave
- Dragon Warrior
- Dragon's Blessing
- Dragonclad
- Dragongod Domain
- Dragonheart Mage
- Dragoon
- Dragoon, 2nd Variant
- Dragoon, Variant
- Drakewarden
- Dread
- Dread Knight
- Dreadnought
- Dream Domain
- Dreamscaper
- Drone Carrier
- Druidic Archer
- Drunken Pirate
- Drunken Swordsman
- Dual Blade
- Dual Blade, Variant
- Dual Soul
- Dual Wielder
- Duelist
- Dungeoneer and Dragon Killer
- Dusk Thief
- Dusk Warden
- Duskblade
- Duskblade, Variant
- Dwarven Defender
- Dynamo
- Earth Elemental Warrior
- Earth Planetouched Warrior
- Earthborne Bloodline
- Earthfeeler
- Earthshaker Knight
- Echo Knight
- Eclipse Knight
- Eco Divino
- Eighth Hour - Carceri
- Eldritch Abomination Warden
- Eldritch Forger
- Eldritch Hunter
- Eldritch Knight
- Eldritch Knight, Second Variant
- Eldritch Knight, Variant
- Eldritch Lineage
- Eldritch Raider
- Eldritch Scout
- Eldritch Secrecy
- Eldritch Sorcery
- Eldritch Warrior
- Elegant Edge
- Elemancer
- Elemental Adept
- Elemental Archer
- Elemental Assassin
- Elemental Conduit
- Elemental Conjurer
- Elemental Domain
- Elemental Domain, Variant
- Elemental Fighter
- Elemental Knight
- Elemental Origin
- Elemental Path
- Elemental's Blade
- Elementalist
- Elementalist, Variant
- Eleventh Hour - The Nine Hells
- Elite Mercenary
- Elluel Bowmaster
- Eloquent Sage
- Elven Sky Domain
- Embodiment of Lust
- Emperor's Children
- Empowerment
- Empty Wanderer
- Enchanter
- Enchantress Bloodline
- Enforcer
- OGC:Entropy Domain
- Envoy of the Dead
- Erlking of Hate
- Eternal Challenger
- Eternal War School
- Ether Domain
- Ethereal Bloodline
- Evangelist Domain
- Eviscerator
- Eviscerator Redub
- Evoker (MC)
- Exorcism Domain
- Exosuit Brawler
- Expert Craft
- Extricator
- Eye of the Storm
- Eşkiya
- Faceblaster
- Fae Bloodline
- Fae Fang
- Faintly Accursed
- Faith Militant
- Fallen Deity
- Fallen Soldier
- Familiar Master
- Fate Domain
- Favored Soul Rework
- Favored Soul, Variant
- Favoured Soul, 2nd Variant
- Fear Domain
- Fear Navigator
- Fearless Leader
- Feminism Domain
- Fencer
- Fey Bloodline
- Fey Bloodline, 2nd Variant
- Fey Bloodline, Variant
- Fey Wanderer
- Fey Wanderer, Variant
- Fey-Thane Bloodline
- Field Specialist
- Fiend Blood Origin
- Fiend Bloodline
- Fiendish Blade Sorcerer
- Fiendish Bloodline
- Fiendish Tradition
- Fifteenth Hour - Mount Celestia
- Fifth Hour - Limbo
- Fire Born
- Fire Disciple
- Fire Domain
- Fire Domain, Variant
- Fire Emblem Tactician
- Fire Planetouched Warrior
- Fire Warrior of the Lost
- Firearm Virtuoso
- Firebending Origin
- First Hour - Elysium
- Fist of Thaël
- Five Finger Death Punch
- Flame Domain
- Flame Hashira
- Flame Master
- Flamewielder
- Flash Ninja
- Flayer
- Flesh-Forger
- Floraturgy
- Force Domain
- Force Mage
- Force of Havoc
- Forester
- Forge Domain
- Forge Domain, Variant
- Forge Master Patron
- Forgemaster
- Forger of Souls
- Forgotten Hunter
- Forsaken Warrior
- Fourteenth Hour - Arcadia
- Fourth Hour - Ysgard
- Foxtail Bloodline
- Foxtail Bloodline, 2nd Variant
- Fragile Body
- Freedom Domain
- Frenzied
- Front Runner
- Frost Domain
- Frost Knight
- Frost Origin
- Frost Sorcery
- Frost-touched Bloodline
- Frostwarden Warrior
- Fusilier
- Gadgeteer
- Galeforce Gladiator
- Gambling Soul
- Gangster
- Gastromancer
- Gemwright
- General College
- Genie Origin
- Genius
- Gentle Blade
- Geomancy
- Ghost
- Ghost Assassin
- Ghost Dragon Patron
- Ghost Fiend Assassin
- Ghost in the Machine
- Ghoul Investigator
- Giant Domain
- Giantslayer
- Gift of the Eldritch
- Gladiator
- Gladiator, Variant
- Gladiator, Variant 2
- Glitched NPC
- Glitched Sorcerer
- Gloom Stalker
- Glutton
- Godless Domain
- Gotthänder
- Gourmet
- Grand Marshal
- Grappler
- Grave Domain
- Grave Sorcerer
- Grave Walker
- Graverobber
- Gravewalker
- Gravitonic Archer
- Graviturgy Magic
- Graviturgy, Variant
- Gravity Arcanist
- Gravity Knight
- Gravity Mage
- Gravity Magic
- Gravity Warrior
- Great Old One Bloodline
- Great Weapon Dancer
- Great Weapon Master
- Green Knight
- Grenadier
- Grimm Reaper
- Gritty
- Gryffindor
- Guardian
- Guardian Domain
- Guardian, Variant
- Gulthias Tree
- Gun Domain
- Gun Lance
- Gunslinger
- Gunslinger Conclave
- Gunsmith
- Gunsmith, Variant
- Hacker
- Hag Bloodline
- Haki User
- Half Cold, Half Fire
- Half Cold, Half Heat
- Hallowed Necromancer
- Hammer Master
- Hand of Blood
- Harmacist
- Harvest Domain
- Harvest Domain, 2nd Variant
- Harvest Domain, Variant
- Haunted
- He of Eternal Darkness
- Healer
- Heavy Archer
- Heavy Defender
- Heavy Duelist
- Hedge Knight
- Hedge Mage
- Hedonist
- Heist Artificer
- Hellborn Bloodline
- Hellfire
- Hellraiser
- Herald of Chaos Warlock
- Heretic Sword Domain
- Hero of Ooo
- Hex Knight
- Hexblade Conclave
- Hexer Origin
- Hexgun
- Hexgun, Variant
- Hexrogue
- Hexshot
- Hidden Adept
- Highwayman
- Hitman
- Hoardekeeper
- Holy Avenger
- Holy Hunter
- Holy Waters Domain
- Hoplite
- Horizon Walker
- Horizon Walker, Variant
- Houndmaster
- Hourglass Domain
- House of S.I.V.A.
- Hufflepuff
- Hunt Domain
- Hunter Domain
- Hunter of the Undead
- Hunter Patron
- Hurler
- Hydric Bloodline
- Hyperkinetic
- Ice Domain
- Ice Domain, Variant
- Ice Origin
- Ice Rock
- Iggwilvian Knight
- Illusion Domain
- Illusionary Weapons Master
- Illusory Duelist
- Immortal Guardians
- Impi
- Imposter Origin
- Improvised Thrower
- Improvised Weapon Breaker
- Improviser
- Inaba Style
- Incantatrix
- Incursionist
- Indigo Magic
- Infernal Birth
- Infernal Domain
- Inferno
- Infinite Caster
- Infinity Knight
- Innate Sorcerer
- Inquirer
- Inquisitive
- Inquisitor
- Inquisitor Conclave
- Insanity Magic
- Instinct Fighter
- Interdimensional Traveler
- Investigator
- Investigator, 2nd Variant
- Investigator, Variant
- Invisible Blade
- Iron Sentinel
- Jaguar Warrior
- Jammer
- Jedi/Sith
- Jedi/Sith Arcane Tradition
- Jedi/Sith Conclave
- Jedi/Sith Origin
- Jedi/Sith, Variant
- Jeweler
- Jigoku Itto-Ryu
- Jingoist
- Jinn Bearer
- Jinx
- Joker
- Journeyman
- Judge of the Dead
- Judoka
- Juiblex Cultist
- Kaboomer
- Kaleidogen
- Karmic Soul
- Keisho Ninja
- Keyblade Domain
- Keyblade Rogue
- Ki Domain
- Ki Soul Origin
- Killer
- Kinetic Duelist
- Kineticist
- King of Babylonia
- King's Hammer
- Kishin Asura
- Knife Master
- Knife Thrower
- Knife Thrower, Variant
- Knight Enchanter
- Knight Errant Conclave
- Knight of the High Tower
- Knight of the Mystic Fire
- Knight of the Order of the Union
- Knight of the Order of Wulf
- Knight Templar
- Knight Templar Oath
- Know
- Knowledge Domain
- Kraken Bloodline
- Kusari Clan
- Kyūdōka
- Kūha
- Lancer
- Lapidary
- Law Domain
- Law Mage
- Legendary Blazer
- Liberator Conclave
- OGC:Liberty Domain
- Librarian
- Librarian of Stolen Souls
- Lich Lord
- Lichdom School
- Life & Death Domain
- Life Hunt
- Light Domain
- Lightbreaker
- Lightbringer
- Lightning Domain
- Lightning Lancer
- Lightning Spearman
- Limbo Lineage
- Lineage of Inherited Power
- Lithic Bloodline
- Little Champion
- Living Gear Fighter
- Living Wall
- Lord of Suffering
- Lord of the Unknown
- Lord of the Unknown, Variant
- Lore Mastery
- Lore Mastery, Variant
- Lore Savant
- Lost One
- Love Domain
- Love Domain, 2nd Variant
- Love Domain, 3rd Variant
- Love Domain, 5th Variant
- Love Domain, Variant
- Love Princess
- Lovers
- Luck Domain
- Lucky
- Lucky Bastard
- Lucky One
- Lumberjack
- Lycan Bloodline
- Macgyver
- Maestro
- Mage Breaker
- Mage Hunter
- Mage Seeker
- Magebane
- Mageslayer
- Magi Hunter
- Magic Crafter
- Magic Domain
- Magic Kanji
- Magic Marksman
- Magic Savant
- Magic Wrought
- Magical Girl
- Magical Girl Villan
- Magical Knight
- Magical Savant
- Magician
- Magnetemplar
- Magnetic Warrior
- Magnetist
- Magus
- Magus Bloodline
- Magus Sanguis
- Magus Venator
- Maid
- Man-at-Arms
- Manhunter
- Manipulator
- Marauder
- Marine
- Marksman
- Martial Artist
- Martial Artist Master
- Martial Blade
- Martial Champion
- Martial Soul
- Martyrdom Domain
- Master Dual-Wielder
- Master Enchanter
- Master Ninja
- Master of Cuts
- Master of Fear
- Master of Manipulation
- Master of Monsters
- Master of the Elements
- Master of Two Weapons
- Mastermind
- Maverick, Variant
- Mech Pilot
- Mechanist
- Mechanized Engineer
- Mediator
- Medjey
- Melee Tactician
- Memorivore
- Mercenary
- Mesmer
- Mesmerist
- Meta-Gambler
- Metamage
- Midnight Sentinel
- Militant
- Mind Domain
- Mind Mage
- Mind Sculptor
- Mind Vine
- Mindstalker
- Miniaturizer
- Miracle Domain
- Mirror Domain
- Mirror Mage
- Mischief Domain
- Missionary
- Mistreaver
- Mistwalker Marauder
- Mobian
- Mobster
- Modron Bloodline
- Momentum Domain
- Monster Catcher
- Monster Hunter
- Monster Slayer
- Monster Slayer, Variant
- Monster Tamer
- Moon Child
- Moon Domain
- Moon Druid: Baldur's Gate 3 Edition
- Moon River
- Moonlight Conclave
- Moonlight Guardian
- Moonlit Champion
- Moonshadow Warrior
- Moonspeaker
- Mord Sith
- Mountain Warden
- Mountebank
- Mounted Champion
- Muscle Mage
- Muscle Magic
- Muscle Magic, Second Variant
- Muscle Magic, Variant
- Muscle Sorcerer
- Muscle Sorcerer, Variant
- Muscle Wizard
- Mushroom Mender
- Music Domain
- Musician Warrior
- Mutant Creeper
- Mutant Creeper Extension 1
- My Ancestors
- Myriad Knight
- Mystery Domain Cleric
- Mystic Assassin
- Mystic Frost
- Mystic Theurge
- Mystra's Domain
- Naga-Blooded
- Natural Warrior
- Nature Domain
- Nature's Champion
- Nature's Handmaiden
- Nebulous Walker
- Necroblade
- Necrocurse Knight
- Necroknight
- Necromancy Bloodline
- Necron
- Necrosomner
- Necrotic Circle
- Neon Conduit
- Neon Knight
- Nevervoid Binder
- New School of Necromancy
- Night Domain
- Night Drifter
- Nightblade
- Nightmare Hunter
- Nightmare Origin
- Nightstalker
- NightWing
- Ninja
- Ninja Clan Yami
- Ninja Warrior
- Ninja Warrior, Variant
- Ninth Hour - Hades
- Nomadic Arrow Conclave
- Nora Stitcher
- Nothic Bloodline
- Oakleaf
- Oath of "Throwing it Back"
- Oath of Academia
- Oath of Aid
- Oath of Akatosh
- Oath of Apocalypse
- Oath of Archery
- Oath of Astora
- Oath of Balance
- Oath of Beauty
- Oath of Brawn
- Oath of Celestials
- Oath of Celibacy
- Oath of Censorship
- Oath of chambara
- Oath of Chivalry
- Oath of Commerce
- Oath of Conquest
- Oath of Courage
- Oath of Covertness
- Oath of Death
- Oath of Devotion, Variant
- Oath of Domination
- Oath of Earth
- Oath of Embers
- Oath of Equity
- Oath of Eschatology
- Oath of Execution
- Oath of Forbidden Knowledge
- Oath of Furor
- Oath of Glory
- Oath of Hellfire
- Oath of Hospitality
- Oath of Immaculacy
- Oath of Improvement
- Oath of Infection
- Oath of Innocence
- Oath of Judgement
- Oath of Judgement, Variant
- Oath of Knowledge
- Oath of Knugen
- Oath of Liberation
- Oath of Luna
- Oath of Mercy
- Oath of Mystra
- Oath of Peace
- Oath of Perfection
- Oath of Piracy
- Oath of Plague
- Oath of Presence
- Oath of Protection
- Oath of Protection, Variant
- Oath of Pugnator
- Oath of Redemption
- Oath of Rot
- Oath of Ruin
- Oath of Sacrifice
- Oath of Self Indulgence
- Oath of Shielding
- Oath of Silence
- Oath of Song
- Oath of Soup
- Oath of Storm's Legion
- Oath of Superiority
- Oath of Supremacy
- Oath of the Administrator
- Oath of the Ancient Blades
- Oath of the Ancients
- Oath of the Ancients, Variant
- Oath of the Antimage
- Oath of the Antimage, Variant
- Oath of the Arcane
- Oath of the Beast
- Oath of the Berserker
- Oath of the Betrayed
- Oath of the Black Bottle
- Oath of the Blood Moon
- Oath of the Bodyguard
- Oath of the Chalice
- Oath of the Chosen
- Oath of the Corrupted
- Oath of the Crimson Legionnaire
- Oath of the Crown
- Oath of the Crown, 2nd Variant
- Oath of the Crown, Variant
- Oath of the Crusader
- Oath of the Cycle
- Oath of the Dagger
- Oath of the Dawn Phoenix
- Oath of the Death Knight
- Oath of the Decaying
- Oath of the Deep
- Oath of the Defender
- Oath of the Despot
- Oath of the Dragon
- Oath of the Dragon Gods
- Oath of the Dragon Gods, Variant
- Oath of the Dragon Lineage
- Oath of the Dragon Lord
- Oath of the Dragon Warrior
- Oath of the Dragons
- Oath of the Dusk Phoenix
- Oath of the Elements
- Oath of the Elements, Variant
- Oath of the Eternal Flame
- Oath of the Exterminator
- Oath of the Fae
- Oath of the Fae, Variant
- Oath of the Fallen Knight
- Oath of the Farseer
- Oath of the Forgotten Powers
- Oath of the Forsaken
- Oath of the Fury
- Oath of the Gargoyle
- Oath of the Grave Digger
- Oath of the Guardian
- Oath of the Guardian, Variant
- Oath of the Gun
- Oath of the Half-Moon
- Oath of the Hand
- Oath of the Harvest
- Oath of the Hero
- Oath of the Holy Gun
- Oath of the Horseman
- Oath of the Indomitable
- Oath of the Inquisition
- Oath of the Inquisitor
- Oath of the Iron Fist
- Oath of the Jedi/Sith
- Oath of the Jungle
- Oath of the Justiciar
- Oath of the Lancer
- Oath of the Lanternbearer
- Oath of the Lawman
- Oath of the Legion
- Oath of the Leper
- Oath of the Lich-Servant
- Oath of the Life Protector
- Oath of the Light
- Oath of the Mage Hunter
- Oath of the Mariner
- Oath of the Mask
- Oath of the Moon
- Oath of the Mother
- Oath of the Nameless One
- Oath of the Night
- Oath of the Nomad
- Oath of the Old Ones
- Oath of the Pale Knight
- Oath of the Prideful Sun
- Oath of the Purge
- Oath of the Rainbow
- Oath of the Raven Queen
- Oath of the Reaper
- Oath of the Rock
- Oath of the Samurai
- Oath of the Seeker
- Oath of the Sentinel
- Oath of the Shield
- Oath of the Silver Hand
- Oath of the Silver Hand, Variant
- Oath of the Silver Shield
- Oath of the Sin of Pride
- Oath of the Skykeeper
- Oath of the Solar Warrior
- Oath of the Storm
- Oath of The Sword
- Oath of the Templar
- Oath of the Temple
- Oath of the Torch
- Oath of the Torch, Variant
- Oath of the Undead Destroyer
- Oath of the Undeath
- Oath of the Valkyrie
- Oath of the Valorous
- Oath of the Warlord
- Oath of the Watchers
- Oath of the Watchers, Variant
- Oath of the White Hat
- Oath of the Witchadin
- Oath of Time
- Oath of Treachery
- Oath of Vengeance
- Oath of Vigilance
- Oath of Virtue
- Oath of Volition
- Oath of War
- Oath of Wild Magic
- Oathbreaker
- Oathbreaker, Variant
- OC Stands
- Occult Domain
- Occult Hunter Conclave
- Occultist
- Oceanic Domain
- OGC:Authority Domain
- OGC:Charity Domain
- OGC:Circle of the Untamed Wilderness
- OGC:Circle of the Worked Stone
- OGC:College of the Passage
- OGC:Community Domain
- OGC:Conformity Domain
- OGC:Cosmic Syzygy
- OGC:Dream Domain
- OGC:Fey-Blooded
- OGC:Flames Domain
- OGC:Harmony Domain
- OGC:Integrity Domain
- OGC:Labyrinth Domain
- OGC:Lightless Prowler
- OGC:Misfortune Domain
- OGC:Oath of Discovery
- OGC:Oath of the Angelic Avatar
- OGC:Oozemancer Bloodline
- OGC:Path of the Fell Pact
- OGC:Path of the Survivalist
- OGC:Sacred Blaze Domain
- OGC:School of Nightmares
- OGC:School of the Inside Out
- OGC:Science of Black Powder
- OGC:Sentinel
- OGC:Stone Domain
- OGC:Supremacy Domain
- OGC:The Arcane Blaze
- OGC:The Enigmatic Eye
- OGC:The Eternal Blaze
- OGC:Transcendent Soul
- OGC:Tumbler
- OGC:Unseelie Knight
- OGC:Water Domain
- OGC:Way of the Acrobat
- OGC:Winter Domain
- Old Blood
- Old Variant of Celestial Restraint
- One Dragoon
- Ooze Bloodline
- Ooze Domain
- Open Mind
- Open Mind, Variant
- Opportunist
- Orb Sentinel
- Order Domain
- Order of Judgment
- Order of Scribes
- Order of Serataani
- Order of the Ascetic
- Order of the Blood Revenant
- Order of the Death Knights
- Order of the Deathstalker
- Order of the Devil Slayer
- Order of the Dragon
- Order of the Dream Eater
- Order of the Endless Hunt
- Order of the Fang
- Order of the Forge
- Order of the Ghost
- Order of the Giant
- Order of the Jinx
- Order of the Juggernaut
- Order of the Kraken
- Order of the Legacy
- Order of the Lucid
- Order of the Maleficar
- Order of the Mind Flayer
- Order of the Open Mind
- Order of the Oracle
- Order of the Phantom Warrior
- Order of the Pixie
- Order of the Planemind
- Order of the Powder Keg
- Order of the Pyromancer
- Order of the Seraph
- Order of the Shadow Soul
- Order of the Soul Hunter
- Order of the Sword Scourge
- Order of the Tapir Spirit
- Order of the Timekeepers
- Order of the Virtual Idol
- Order of the Wielder
- Order of the Witchbane
- Order of the Yharnam Hunter
- Oseram Weaponsmith
- Outlaw
- Outrider
- Pacifism Domain
- Pack Master
- Pact Keeper
- Pact of Dozan
- Pact of Hope
- Pact of Perfect Pitch
- Pact of the Cursed Warrior Warlock
- Pact of the Demonic Dragon
- Pact of the Vampire
- Pact-Borne
- Pactblade
- Pactblade, Variant
- Paladin
- Paper Mage
- Paragon
- Path of "Real" Spellcaster
- Path of Abyssal Might
- Path of Arcane Rage
- Path of Arcane Rage, Variant
- Path of Blinding Rage
- Path of Blood
- Path of Blood Tithe
- Path of Blood, Variant
- Path of Crash
- Path of Einherji
- Path of Explosion
- Path of Graceful Rage
- Path of Gruumsh
- Path of Hanma
- Path of Heavy Armor
- Path of Hemomancy
- Path of Hollow
- Path of Hoodoo Will
- Path of Hybrid
- Path of Kaioken
- Path of Nurture
- Path of Radiance
- Path of Rage Incarnate
- Path of Ragnarök
- Path of Relentless Fury
- Path of Rhonas
- Path of the Aberrant
- Path of the Aberrant, Variant
- Path of the Abomination
- Path of the Abyssal Rage
- Path of the Ancestral Guardian
- Path of the Annihilator
- Path of the Arcane Rage, 3rd Variant
- Path of the Ash-Veined
- Path of the Badass
- Path of the Barbarian
- Path of the Bat
- Path of the Battle Master
- Path of the Battleborn
- Path of the Battlerager
- Path of the Beast
- Path of the Beast Monarch
- Path of the Beastlord
- Path of the Beastlord, Variant
- Path of the Berserker Armor
- Path of the Bladelord
- Path of the Blighted
- Path of the Blood Beast
- Path of the Bloodied
- Path of the Bloodrager
- Path of the Brawler
- Path of the Broken Chains
- Path of the Broken Chains, Variant
- Path of the Bruiser
- Path of the Brute
- Path of the Calamity
- Path of the Calm
- Path of the Cannibal
- Path of the Cavalry
- Path of the Champion
- Path of the Champion, Variant
- Path of the Chicken
- Path of the Chosen
- Path of the Colossal Weapon
- Path of the Colossus
- Path of the Consumer
- Path of the crimson blood
- Path of the Crusader
- Path of the Cursed Blade
- Path of the Cursed Soul
- Path of the Dark Lord
- Path of the Demonoid
- Path of the Dervish
- Path of the Devil
- Path of the Devourer
- Path of the Divine Berserker
- Path of the Doloromancer
- Path of the Dragon
- Path of the Dragon Shaman
- Path of the Dragon Soul
- Path of the Dragonoid
- Path of the Dragontribe
- Path of the Dragoon
- Path of the Drake Blood
- Path of the Drunken Brawler
- Path of the Drunken Lout
- Path of the Elements
- Path of the Enraged Brawler
- Path of the Executioner
- Path of the Exile
- Path of the Experiment
- Path of the Fiery Rage
- Path of the Fist
- Path of the Flagellant
- Path of the Force Warrior
- Path of the Frozen Warrior
- Path of the Giant
- Path of the Giant, Variant
- Path of the God Hand
- Path of the Grappler
- Path of the Gravedigger
- Path of the Great Beast
- Path of the Gutbuster
- Path of the Healer
- Path of the Heartless Hunter
- Path of the Heartstoker
- Path of the Hellborn
- Path of the Hellborn, 2nd Variant
- Path of the Hellborn, Variant
- Path of the Hellion
- Path of the Hog Rider
- Path of the Hollowed Soul
- Path of the Holy Crusader
- Path of the Horselords
- Path of The Hunger
- Path of the Hunter
- Path of the Huntmaster
- Path of the Ichor
- Path of the Immortal
- Path of the Immortal Warrior
- Path of the Immortal, Variant
- Path of the Infernal Rager
- Path of the Inner Beast
- Path of the Inner Beast, Variant
- Path of the Inquisition
- Path of the Instinctive Soul Barbarian
- Path of the Iron Fist
- Path of the Jedi/Sith
- Path of the Juggernaut
- Path of the Ki Warrior
- Path of the Knight
- Path of the Lightning Rager
- Path of the Living Tank
- Path of the Lumberjack
- Path of the Mage Slayer
- Path of the Marut
- Path of the Monkey King
- Path of the Mundane Maker
- Path of the Norse Gods
- Path of the Northern Reaver
- Path of the Occultic Warrior
- Path of the Old Gods
- Path of the Old Master
- Path of the Otherworldly
- Path of the Otherworldly, Hybrid Version
- Path of the Owl
- Path of the Pack
- Path of the Pain Vortex
- Path of the Phoenix
- Path of the Phoenix, Variant
- Path of the Pinoak Warrior
- Path of the Poet
- Path of the Primal Dragon
- Path of the Primordial Predator
- Path of the Primordial Predator, Variant
- Path of the Procrastinator
- Path of the Protector
- Path of the Psi Fury
- Path of the Psi Smasher
- Path of the Psion
- Path of the Psychedelic Rager
- Path of the Psychic Berserker
- Path of the Psycho
- Path of the Psycho, Variant
- Path of the Pugilist
- Path of the Pummeler
- Path of the Rage Caster
- Path of the Rage Mage
- Path of the Raging Bull
- Path of the Raging Fortress
- Path of the Ranger
- Path of the Ravage Doctor
- Path of the Rebuker
- Path of the Reckless Warrior
- Path of the Rune Scarred
- Path of the Scale
- Path of the Scarred Witch Doctor
- Path of the Scourge
- Path of the Scourge, Variant
- Path of the Semi-Immortal
- Path of the Shaman
- Path of the Shaman Warrior King
- Path of the Shugoki
- Path of the Siege Tower
- Path of the Silent Berserker
- Path of the Silent Berserker, Variant
- Path of the Sin of Wrath
- Path of the Skald
- Path of the Skinshifter
- Path of the Skull of Iron
- Path of the Slasher
- Path of the Slayer
- Path of the Slayer, Variant
- Path of the Small Thorn
- Path of the Smasher
- Path of the Sorcerers’ Curse
- Path of the Spellbreaker
- Path of the Star
- Path of the Stone Warden
- Path of the Storm Herald
- Path of the Stormborn
- Path of the Strongest
- Path of the Super Saiyan
- Path of the Supernova
- Path of the Suplexer
- Path of the Survivor
- Path of the Swift Striker
- Path of the Tainted
- Path of the Tank
- Path of the Tavern Brawler
- Path of the Thousand-Lives
- Path of the Titan
- Path of the Titan V
- Path of the Titan VII
- Path of the Titanborn
- Path of the Totem Warrior
- Path of the Totem Warrior, Expanded
- Path of the Totem Warrior, Expanded, Expanded Variant
- Path of the Toxophilite
- Path of the Troublemaker
- Path of the Unleashed Fist
- Path of the Usurper
- Path of the War God
- Path of the War Rage
- Path of the Warborn
- Path of the Warforged
- Path of the Warlord
- Path of the Warlord, Variant
- Path of the Warp Spasm
- Path of the Warrior Shaman
- Path of the Warrior Shaman, Variant
- Path of the Watcher
- Path of the Weapon Master
- Path of the Weredragon
- Path of the Whistling Stones
- Path of the Whole
- Path of the Wild Mind
- Path of the Wild Shifter
- Path of the Wildwood
- Path of the Wrath Awakener
- Path of the Yojimbo
- Path of the Zealot
- Path of Thunder
- Path of Unnerving Calm
- Path of Voices
- Path of Wild Magic
- Path Sin of Wrath
- Peace Domain
- Peace Domain, Variant
- Peasant Hero
- Perfect Blade
- Persona User
- Pestilence Domain
- Phantom
- Phantom Knight
- Phantom Thief
- Phantom Thief, Variant
- Phoenix Bloodline
- Phoenix Sorcery
- Physicist
- Pickpocket
- Pirate
- Pirate, Variant
- Pistolero
- Pit Fighter
- Plague Doctor
- Plagueborn Bloodline
- Planeswalker
- Poison Specialist
- Poison Stalker
- Poisoner Guild's Initiate
- Polearm Defender
- Poltergeist Patron, Warlock
- Portal Master
- Portalier
- Poseidon
- Prankster
- Predator
- Prehistoric Circle
- Prehistoric Circle, Variant
- Preternaturalist
- Primal
- Primal Hunter
- Primal Reflector
- Primal Seeker
- Primeval Guardian
- Primeval Guardian, Variant
- Primordial Knight
- Primordial Magic
- Primordial Renewer
- Primordial Specialist
- Profane Soul
- Professional Thrower
- Prophet
- Protection Domain
- Protection Domain, Variant
- Pseudo Cleric
- Pseudo Druid
- Psi Warrior
- Psi Warrior, Variant
- Psion
- Psion Mind Defender
- Psionic Trickster
- Psionics
- Psionist
- Psy-Knight
- Psychokinetic
- Psychotic Blood Sorcerer
- PsyOp
- Pug
- Pumpkin King
- Punishment Domain
- Puppeteer
- Puppeteer Sorcerer
- Puppeteer Sorcerer, Variant
- Pure Necromancer
- Purity Domain
- Purple Dragon Knight
- Pyral Bloodline
- Pyromancer
- Pyromancer Wizard School
- Pyromancer, Variant
- Qin Shi Huang
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantumancer
- Queller of Dark Arts Domain
- Quickdraw
- Radiant Domain
- Radiant Mind, Starlight Soul
- Radiant Soul
- Radiant Vanguard
- Radiant Warrior
- Rakshasa Bloodline
- Ranged Assassin
- Ranged Killer
- Ranger
- Ranger of Araluen
- Ranger of the North
- Rastafarian
- Ratio Technique
- Ratt
- Ravenclaw
- Raw Magic
- Re:Champion
- Reality
- Reaper
- Reaper Domain
- Reaver
- Red Army Rogue
- Red Ray
- Reincarnated
- Reinforcer
- Renegade
- Reporter
- Revelry Domain
- Revenant
- Rifle Expert
- Rift Sorcery
- Rimuru Tempest Subordinate
- Ripper
- Robot Artificer
- Rooted Soul
- Rootwraith
- Royal Ranger
- Ruffian
- Ruin Smith
- Rune Keeper
- Rune Knight
- Rune Master
- Rune Scribe
- Rune Smith
- Rune Warden
- Rune Wielder
- Rune-Smith
- Runeblade
- Runecaster
- Runic Blade
- Rust Eater
- Sacred Blade Domain
- Sacred Guardian
- Sacrificer
- Sage of War
- Saivas
- Saiyan, Fighter
- Salvation Domain
- Samurai
- Samurai, 2nd Variant
- Samurai, Variant
- Sanctification Domain
- Sand Dervish
- Sandborn Sorcery
- Sanguine Scion
- Santa Claus
- Santoryu
- Santoryu, Variant
- Sarkicism Domain
- Savage Attacker
- Savage Beast
- Savage Brute
- Scar Caster
- Scarecrow Master
- Scholared
- School of Abjuration
- School of Academics
- School of Anatomy
- School of Arcane Archery
- School of Biomancy
- School of Borrowing
- School of Chicanery
- School of Chronomancy
- School of Conjuration
- School of Dabbling
- School of Diablerie
- School of Discovery
- School of Divination
- School of Divination, Variant
- School of Divinity
- School of Enchantment
- School of Enchantment, Variant
- School of Endymion
- School of Fireball
- School of Gun Magic
- School of Gun Magic (pre-edit)
- School of Historical Studies
- School of Illusion
- School of Incarceration
- School of Martial Art
- School of Mastery
- School of Mereology
- School of Minor Magic
- School of Nature
- School of Necromancy
- School of Panacea
- School of Polygony
- School of Runes
- School of Runes and Rites
- School of Runes, Variant
- School of Sanguimancy
- School of Simplicity
- School of Sniping
- School of Summoning
- School of Telekinesis
- School of the Arcane Fist
- School of the Arcane Weapon
- School of the Dark Arts
- School of the Focus
- School of the Focus-Blade
- School of the Generic
- School of the Gunmage
- School of the Hedge-Mage
- School of the Occult
- School of the Physik
- School of the Primal Horrors
- School of Time Magic
- School of Transformation
- School of Transmutation
- School of Unbroken Will
- School of Universal Magic
- School of Voodoo
- School of Warping
- School of Wizardry
- Schrodingermancer
- Scion
- Scorpion Knight
- Scoundrel
- Scout, Fighter Archetype
- Scout, Reimagined
- Scout, Roguish Archetype
- Scout, Variant
- Sea Assailant
- Sea Domain
- Sea Sorcery
- Seasoned Hunter
- Second Hour - The Beastlands
- Sellsword
- Sellsword, Variant
- Sengoku Samurai
- Sentinel of Zenius
- Sentry
- Serendipity Scion
- Servant
- Settler
- Seventh Hour - The Abyss
- Sha'ir
- Shade
- Shade Knight
- Shadow Adept
- Shadow Archer
- Shadow Assassin
- Shadow Blade
- Shadow Domain
- Shadow Dragon Bloodline
- Shadow Fighter Mage
- Shadow Magic
- Shadow Monarch
- Shadow Monark
- Shadow Necromancer
- Shadow Patron
- Shadow Priest
- Shadow Prowler
- Shadow Star Shinobi
- Shadow Tech
- Shadow Thief
- Shadow Veil
- Shadow Walker
- Shadow, Variant
- Shadowcaller
- Shadowcaster
- Shadowdancer
- Shadoweir
- Shadowfell
- Shadowhunter
- Shadowling
- Shadowmaster
- Shadowslinger Origin
- Shadowstalker
- Shaman
- Shamanism
- Shard Knight
- Sharp-shot
- Sharpshooter
- Sharpshooter Conclave
- Shield Defender
- Shield Guardian
- Shield Master
- Shieldbearer
- Shielded Mind
- Shieldman
- Shien
- Shining Blade
- Shinobi
- Shoggoth Bloodline
- Shrouded Blade
- Siege Breaker
- Silent Knight
- Silver Knight Conclave
- Simplicity Domain
- Sin Eater Domain
- Sin of Greed
- Siren Soul
- Sixteenth Hour - Bytopia
- Sixth Hour - Pandemonium
- Skill Master
- Sky Domain
- Slasher
- Slasher, 2nd Variant
- Slasher, Variant
- Slaughter Knight
- Slaughterer
- Slayer
- Slime Rancher Ranger
- Slytherin
- Smelting Aura Warrior
- Smoke Conduit
- Smoky Soul
- Smuggler's Savvy
- Snake Charmer
- Snake Dagger
- Sniper
- Sniper Hunter
- Solar Sentinel
- Solarflare Vanguard
- Solarpunk
- Somnomancer
- Song of Creation
- Songsaber
- Songsword
- Songsword, Variant
- Sorcerous Knight
- Sorcerous Knight, Variant
- Soul Archer
- Soul Blade
- Soul Magi
- Soul Manipulation School
- Soul of the Fantasia Finale
- Soul Ripper
- Soul Sworn
- Soul Unleashed
- Soul Warden
- Soul-Knife
- Soul-Stealer
- Soulblade
- Soulknife
- Soulknife, 2nd Variant
- Soulknife, 3rd Variant
- Space Domain
- Space Wanderer
- Spartan
- Spear Dancer
- Spear Master
- Spectral Ghost
- Speedster
- Speedster, Variant
- Spell Archer
- Spell Breaker
- Spell Guardian
- Spell Gunner
- Spell Muncher
- Spell-Shadow of the Raven Queen
- Spellblade
- Spellblade, Variant
- SpellShot
- SpellShot, Variant
- Spellstealer
- Spellstrider
- Spellsword Crafter
- Spellthief
- Spelltouched Origin
- Spider Domain
- Spider Domain, Variant
- Spider Rider
- Spider Rogue
- Spin Master
- Spin User
- Spirit Beast
- Spirit Domain
- Spirit Domain, Variant
- Spirit of the Wild
- Spirit Rider
- Spiritual Invoker
- Spook
- Sprinter
- Staff Expert
- Stand
- Stand User Variant, Original Universe Archetypes
- Star Sorcerer
- Starburst Striker
- Starseer Domain
- Stasis Domain
- Statue Domain
- Steel Dancer Conclave
- Steel Hand
- Steel Soul
- Steelborn
- Steelbrand
- Stone Obelisk
- Stone Sorcery
- Stone Sorcery, Remade
- Stoneheart Guardian
- Stonestepper
- Storm Bloodline, Variant
- Storm Bringer
- Storm Herald Fighter
- Storm Sorcerer
- Storm Sorcery
- Storm Sword
- Stormbound
- Stormchaser
- Strategic Command School
- Street Brawler
- Streetfighter
- Strength Domain
- Strength Domain, Variant
- Strider
- Strife Domain
- Striker
- Stylist
- Succubus Queen Patron
- Succubus's Toy
- Sugar Daddy
- Sugar Warrior
- Summoner
- Summoning
- Sun and Moon
- Sun Domain
- Sun Domain, Variant
- Super Minion
- Supernaturalist
- Survivalist
- Survivor
- Sussy Imposter
- Swarmkeeper
- Swarmstopper
- Swashbuckler
- Swiftblade
- Swiftcrafter
- Sword Dancer Domain
- Sword Master
- Sword of Zephuros
- Sword Sorcery
- Sword Specialist
- Swordmaster
- Swordplay Tradition
- Swordsman of Will
- Swordsoul
- Sylvan Knight
- Symbiote
- Synerthogen
- Tactical Commander
- Tactical Fighter
- Tactical Fighter Variant
- Tactician
- Tahl'shias
- Tainted Nexus
- Tao Domain
- Tarot Mage
- Tarrasquian Bloodline
- Team Leader
- Tech Domain
- Technocleric
- Technomancy
- Telekinetic Warrior
- Tempest
- Tempest Domain
- Tempest Domain, Variant
- Tempest Sorcerer
- Templar Knight
- Templar Marksmen
- Temporal Arcanist
- Tenken
- Tenseigan's Path
- Tenth Hour - Gehenna
- Tethered Warlock
- Thalassic Bloodline
- Thaumaturge
- The 71ª Star of Nebula
- The Aberration
- The Acidious One
- The Aetheric Patron
- The Alchemist
- The Alien God
- The All-Seer
- The Ancient Dragon
- The Ancient Ones
- The Arcane Nexus
- The Arcane Vessel
- The Archangel
- The Archangel, Variant
- The Archfey
- The Archfey, Variant
- The Archfiend
- The Archivists
- The Archmage
- The Asklepian
- The Beast
- The Beast King
- The Beat
- The Beholden
- The Beholden, Variant
- The Black Flame
- The Blood Lord
- The Blood Sponsor
- The Bloody Hunt
- The Blue Dragon
- The Bound God
- The Box
- The Burning One
- The Burst
- The C'tan
- The Carar Host
- The Cave Being
- The Ceaseless Watcher
- The Celestial
- The Chained God
- The Chosen One
- The Christmas Spirit Pact
- OGC:The Chronomental
- The Cookie Universe
- The Corrupted
- The Cosmic Patron
- The Covenantblade
- The Crawling Rot
- The Crazy of Zaun
- The Creator
- The Creature of the Depth
- The Crimson Lord
- The Dark Seldarine
- The Dead King
- The Dealmaker
- The Deep Curse
- The Deep Patron
- The Devil's Vessel
- The Dictator
- The Dragon
- The Dragon Patron, Variant
- The Dragon's Scale
- The Dream Dweller
- The Dream Dweller, Variant
- The Dreaming
- The Dreamwalker
- The Dreamweaver Patron
- The Dungeon Master
- The Earth Mother
- The Earthen King
- The Earthmother
- The Eater
- The Eidolon
- The Elder Dragon of Crystal
- The Elder Dragon of Death
- The Elder Dragon of Fire
- The Elder Dragon of Ice
- The Elder Dragon of Light
- The Elder Dragon of Plants
- The Elder Dragon of Water
- The Elder Sovereign
- The Elder Spirit
- The Eldritch Alchemist
- The Elemental
- The Falling Titan
- The Famished
- The Fathomless
- The Feastbearer
- The Feral Sovereign
- The Fiend-Blade
- The Fire Fiend
- The First Circle: Fiend Hunters
- The First Dragon
- The Flesh
- The Floridian
- The Force Patron
- The Forest Incarnate
- The Forever Blind
- The Forgotten One
- The Formless One
- The Four Horsemen
- The Furies
- The Game King
- The Gearmind
- The Genie
- The Genie, 2nd Variant
- The Genie, Variant
- The Glutton
- The Gluttonous One
- The God of Halloween
- The Godslayer
- The Great Old One
- The Great Storm
- The Great White Wyrm
- The Greatwyrm
- The Grey Errant
- The Hag
- The Haunting
- OGC:The Heart-Eater
- The Hero
- The Hero of the Gods Cleric
- The Hexadin
- The Hexblade
- The Hexgun
- The Hijacked Magick
- The Hive Queen
- The Hivemind
- The Hollow
- The Hollow, Variant
- The Holy Gun
- The Horned Man
- The Horrible Goose
- The Host
- The House
- The Hunt Lord
- The Imaginary Friend
- The Imagined One
- The Inescapable Void
- The Infestation
- The Keeper
- The Kingdom Hearts
- The Kingpin
- The Lady of Pain
- The Lamb
- The Latex Quartet
- The Law
- The Leper
- The Lie
- The Light Lord
- The Lightless Flame
- The Line
- The Link Of Pain
- The Lucky Lady
- The Machine Herald
- The Mad Cow
- The Mad God Maraaq’
- The Madgod Patron
- The Magic of Friendship
- The Magical Girl
- The Magical Girl Pact, Variant
- The Mana
- The Metaforce
- The Midas Patron
- The Moebius
- The Monster Under The Bed
- The Moon
- The Morphin Grid
- The Mother of Puppets
- The Naga
- The Never-Ending Dance
- The Night Mistress
- The Nightmare
- The Nightmare, Variant
- The Old Gods
- The One Alone
- The One Thief
- The Orb Bearer
- The Ouroboros
- The Outsider
- The Outsider, Variant
- The Pantheon
- The Pantheon (Variant)
- The Parasite
- The Parasitic Host
- The Path of Despair
- The Piper's Soul
- The Platinum Dragon
- The Predator
- The Pretender
- The Primal Lord
- The Prismatic Infusion
- The Puppeteer
- The Purgatorial Infusion
- The Queen of Spiders
- The Rat King
- The Raven Queen
- The Reaper
- The Ring Lord
- The Risen War
- The Rot
- The Sea of Stars
- The Sealed One
- The Second Circle: Undead Destroyers
- The Seeker
- The Sentient Compendium
- The Seraphim
- The Shadow Dragon
- The Shadow Weave
- The Shadowmaster
- The Shaman
- The Shaper
- The Skull of Orcus
- The Sky Wrath Infusion
- The Slime
- The Song
- The Soul of the World
- The Souleater
- The Soulstealer
- The Spirit Sharer
- The Star
- The Starry Night
- The Storm Lord
- The Sunken Sky
- The Sylvan Hermitree
- The Symbiote
- The System
- The Taliesin Jaffe
- The Tattoo Artist
- The Terminus Which Waits For All
- The Thief
- The Third Circle: Eldritch Slayers
- The Thousand-Lives
- The Throne of Heroes
- The Throne of Souls
- The Titan
- The Transistor
- The Traveler
- The Twisting Deceit
- The Typhoon
- The Uncanny Stranger
- The Undying
- The Unwilling Master
- The Vampire
- The Vessel of Souls
- The Vigilante
- The Viral One
- The Visceral Flesh
- The Void
- The Void, 2nd Variant
- The Void, Variant
- The Voidhand
- The Wabash Cannonball
- The Warlord
- The Warlord, Original Variant
- The Warlord, Variant
- The Weaver
- The Wheel
- The Windcrasher
- The Windcrasher, Variant
- The Yellow Nightmare
- Theologian
- Theurgy
- Thieves' Cant Master
- Third Hour - Arborea
- Thirteenth Hour - Mechanus
- Thought Mage
- Thought Mage, Variant
- Thousand Son
- Thrower Master
- Thug
- Thunder Cleave
- Thunder Conclave
- Thunder Monger Artificer
- Thunder Strider
- Thunderborn
- Thunderer
- Tide Shifter
- Tide Turner
- Tidecaller
- Time
- Time Anomaly
- Time Bender
- Time Domain
- Time Domain, Variant
- Time Sorcery
- Time Traveler
- Time Twister
- Time Walker
- Time Wizard
- Tiny Beast Master
- Titan Domain
- Titan Mauler
- Titan Soul
- Totem of the Sloth
- Tourist
- Toxic Trickster
- Toxicologist
- Traceur
- Transformative Magic
- Trapmaster
- Trapper
- Trapper, Variant
- Travel Domain
- Travel Domain (Variant)
- Trickery Domain
- Trickster
- Trickster Soul
- Trion Warrior
- Troll Paragon
- True Archer
- True Blood of the Dragon
- True Hero's Soul
- True King
- True Mage
- True Mystic Theurge
- True Striker
- True Thinker
- Trueblade
- Trust Fund Baby
- Tsundere
- Twelfth Hour - Archeron
- Twilight Domain
- Twilight Hunter
- Twilight Sentinel
- Twirling Blade
- Twizard
- Two Weapon Specialist
- Umbral Domain
- Umbrella Savant
- Undead Domain
- Undead Soul
- Undeath
- Undeath Domain
- Undeath Domain, 2nd Variant
- Undeath Domain, 3rd Variant
- Undeath Domain, Variant
- Undeath Knight
- Underdark Rogue
- Underworld Domain
- Undying Frenzy
- Undying Knight
- Undying Rogue
- Unstable Soul
- Ushtabi Guardian
- Valinor Guard
- Valkyrie
- Valkyrie Patron
- Valor Domain
- Vampire Assassin
- Vampire Bloodblade
- Vanguard
- Vanguard Conclave
- Vanguard, 2nd Variant
- Vanguard, 3rd Variant
- Vanguard, Variant
- Vassal of Tiamat
- Vehicleist
- Veilseer
- Vengeance Domain
- Venomeer
- Verdant Bloodline
- Verdant Vanguard
- Vergeweaver
- Vessel of the Elements
- Veteran
- Vicious Hunter
- Vicious Warrior
- Vigilante
- Virtue Domain
- Vitality Domain
- Void Blade
- Void Bringer
- Void Clasher
- Void Domain
- Void Knight
- Void Knight, Variant
- Void Soul
- Void Walker
- Vow to the Word
- War Domain
- War Domain, 2nd Variant
- War Domain, 3rd Variant
- War Domain, 4th Variant
- War Domain, Variant
- War Magic
- War Magic, Variant
- War Master
- War Medic
- Warbreaker
- Ward of Amaras
- Warden
- Warden of Hearts
- Warden of the Wild
- Warden, 2nd Variant
- Warden, Variant
- Warforger
- Warhound Domain
- Warlock Otherworldly Patron: Juiblex
- Warlord
- Warlord, Variant
- Warpriest
- Warpsmith
- Warrior
- Warrior Bloodline
- Warrior, Variant
- Wastelander
- Watcher
- Watchers Conclave
- Watchmaker
- Water Planetouched Warrior
- Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist
- Waterborne
- Way Beyond Mortal Limits
- Way of Arcane Chaos
- Way of Avoidance
- Way of Celerity
- Way of Chan Kong-Sang
- Way of Chaotic Fists
- Way of Combustion Bending
- Way of Corporal Knowledge
- Way of Dakhor
- Way of Destruction
- Way of Destructive Death
- Way of Devotion
- Way of Dueling
- Way of Elemental Chaos
- Way of Elemental Spin
- Way of Enlightenment
- Way of Erratic Destruction
- Way of Fire
- Way of Fishman Karate
- Way of Fitness
- Way of Flowing Water
- Way of Focus
- Way of Ghostly Blades
- Way of Grappling
- Way of Haki
- Way of History
- Way of Hozoin-Ryu
- Way of Icy Veins
- Way of Invulnerability
- Way of Iron
- Way of Lightning
- Way of Martial Hyper Learning
- Way of Mercy
- Way of Miko
- Way of Nentō-Kūsho
- Way of Nine Gates of Hell
- Way of One Strike
- Way of Reckless Fighting
- Way of Ripples
- Way of Root and Soil
- Way of Sendō
- Way of Shadow
- Way of Shizou
- Way of Stinging Breath
- Way of Superior Speed
- Way of Sword Sage
- Way of the 4 Elements, Variant
- Way of the 6 Hidden Ki Barriers
- Way of the Abandon Ache
- Way of the Absolver
- Way of the Abundant Step
- Way of the Adaptive Spirit
- Way of the Air Elementalist
- Way of the Aldur
- Way of the Almighty Body
- Way of the Ancestral Guidance
- Way of the Ancient Training
- Way of the Anti-Mage
- Way of the Antimage
- Way of the Arcane Fist
- Way of the Arcane Fist, Variant
- Way of the Arcane Hunter
- Way of the Argonaut
- Way of the Ascendant Dinosaur
- Way of the Ascendant Dragon
- Way of the Assassin
- Way of the Astral Hand
- Way of the Astral Self
- Way of the Asura
- Way of the Asura Path
- Way of the Austere
- Way of the Avenger
- Way of the Axe
- Way of the Azure Striker
- Way of the Battle Master
- Way of the Beast
- Way of the Beggar
- Way of the Belly Dancer
- Way of the Belmon *Jonathan*
- Way of the Belmont
- Way of the Black Leg
- Way of the Blade Dancer
- Way of the Blade Thrower
- Way of the Bladed Fist
- Way of the Bladeless Sword
- Way of the Blitz
- Way of the Blizzard
- Way of the Bloodied Hand
- Way of the Bloodied Hand, Variant
- Way of the Blur
- Way of the Bodily Technique
- Way of the Body
- Way of the Body Beyond the Body
- Way of the Boxer
- Way of the Brawler
- Way of the Brawler, Variant
- Way of the Broken Thief
- Way of the Brush
- Way of the Brute
- Way of the Burning Soul
- Way of the Chainweaver
- Way of the Chakra Sage
- Way of the Channeler
- Way of the Cheesy Soul
- Way of the Chi You
- Way of the Clenched Fist
- Way of the Clone
- Way of the Close Quarters
- Way of the Clouds
- Way of the Cobra Kai
- Way of the Copy Master
- Way of the Corrupter
- Way of the Crash
- Way of the Crescent Moon
- Way of the Crimson Fist
- Way of the Crimson Lotus
- Way of the Crow Brawler
- Way of the Daoist
- Way of the Dark One
- Way of the Dazai
- Way of the Deadly Venoms
- Way of the Demon Slayer
- Way of the Demon's Fury
- Way of the Demonic Arts
- Way of the Destroyers Dance
- Way of the Disdainful Stroke
- Way of the Dissipating Palm
- Way of the Dog
- Way of the Doom Fist
- Way of the Doppelgänger
- Way of the Draconic Art
- Way of the Draconic Form
- Way of the Draconic Hands
- Way of the Dragon
- Way of the Dragon Blade
- Way of the Dragon Slayer
- Way of the Dragon's Breath
- Way of the Dragoon
- Way of the Dreadful Fist
- Way of the Drunken Butterfly
- Way of the Drunken Fist
- Way of the Drunken Immortal
- Way of the Drunken Master
- Way of the Drunken Master, Variant
- Way of the Drunken Reveler
- Way of the Earth
- Way of the Earth Elementalist
- Way of the Electro-Combatant
- Way of the Elemental Bender
- Way of the Elemental Fist
- Way of the Elemental Pugilist
- Way of the Elemental Soul
- Way of the Elements
- Way of the Elixir
- Way of the Emperor
- Way of the Empty World
- Way of the Enduring
- Way of the Enlightened Mind
- Way of the Everburning Heart
- Way of the Expanse
- Way of the Extended Arm
- Way of the Eyes of the Lord
- Way of the Falcon
- Way of the Fearless Dancer
- Way of the Feline
- Way of the Fire Elementalist
- Way of the Fist
- Way of the Fist of Corruption
- Way of the Five Animals
- Way of the Five Elements
- Way of the Five Gates
- Way of the Fleet Foot
- Way of the Flowing River
- Way of the Flowing Waters
- Way of the Focused Fist
- Way of the Focused Ki
- Way of the Force
- Way of the Forge
- Way of the Forgiven
- Way of the Four Elements
- Way of the Four Elements, 2nd Variant
- Way of the Four Elements, 3rd Variant
- Way of the Four Elements, Variant
- Way of the Fox Spirit
- Way of the Fractured Revelation
- Way of the Frenzy
- Way of the Frost Soul
- Way of the Frozen Fang
- Way of the Fusion
- Way of the Gaoh
- Way of the Gates
- Way of the Gentle Arts
- Way of the Giant's Flame
- Way of the Glowing Rose
- Way of the God Hand
- Way of the Godlike Strike
- Way of the Godspeed
- Way of the Gomu Gomu No Mi
- Way of the Gravitomancer
- Way of the Grease Monkey Fist
- Way of the Guardian
- Way of the Guardian, Variant
- Way of the Gun Kata
- Way of the Hair
- Way of the Harbinger
- Way of the Harbinger, Variant
- Way of the Healer
- Way of the Healing Mist
- Way of the Healing Ones
- Way of the Heavenly Lores
- Way of the Hedgehog
- Way of the Hourglass
- Way of The Hyena
- Way of the Iaiken
- Way of the Icejade
- Way of the Improv
- Way of the Improviser
- Way of the Incarnation of Space
- Way of the Incineroar
- Way of the Infinite Steps
- Way of the Inner Flame
- Way of the Inner Light
- Way of the Innumerable Stars
- Way of the Intercepting Fist
- Way of the Iris
- Way of the Iron Fist
- Way of the Iron Lock
- Way of the Iron Mind
- Way of the Iron Mountain
- Way of the Iron Shirt
- Way of the Iron Storm
- Way of the Jedi/Sith
- Way of the Jeskai
- Way of the Kaiwan
- Way of the Kakusareta Shōheki
- Way of the Kalaripayattu
- Way of the Keijo
- Way of the Kensei
- Way of the Kensei, Variant
- Way of the Ki Blocker
- Way of the Ki Blocker, Variant
- Way of the Ki Body
- Way of the Ki Fist
- Way of the Ki Master
- Way of the Ki Thief
- Way of the King of Crimson
- Way of the Kiwami Heat
- Way of the Knight of Cydonia
- Way of the Koei
- Way of the Kure
- Way of the Leech
- Way of the Leg
- Way of the Legendary Warrior
- Way of the Leopard
- Way of the Lightfoot
- Way of the Lightning
- Way of the Lightning God
- Way of the Lightning Savant
- Way of the Lightning Slime
- Way of the Limitless
- Way of the Living Weapon
- Way of the Lone Star
- Way of the Long Blade
- Way of the Long Death
- Way of the Lynx
- Way of the Mage Slayer
- Way of the Mageseeker
- Way of the Magic Seals
- Way of the Many Faced God
- Way of the Martial Dance
- Way of the Martial Master
- Way of the Martyred Champion
- Way of the Masked Hero
- Way of The Master of Posture
- Way of the Mastered Hand
- Way of the Matrix
- Way of the Mechanised Fist
- Way of the Mentor
- Way of the Merciful Hand
- Way of the Mist Fan
- Way of the Miyagi Do Karate
- Way of the MMA
- Way of the Monkey King
- Way of the Monkey King, Variant
- Way of the Mord Sith
- Way of the Murim
- Way of the Mystic
- Way of the Mystic Sword
- Way of the Nanto Ho-Ohken
- Way of the Nightfury
- Way of the Nightwalker
- Way of the Ninja
- Way of the Ninjutsu
- Way of the Oasis
- Way of the Ogre
- Way of the One Punch
- Way of the Oozes
- Way of the Open Mind
- Way of the Overflowing Gourd
- Way of the Pain
- Way of the Pain Master
- Way of the Passive Hand
- Way of the Patient
- Way of the Patient Blade
- Way of the Perfect Blade
- Way of the Perfect Fist
- Way of the Pheonix
- Way of the Phoenix
- Way of the Pistol
- Way of the Platinum Star
- Way of the Pressure Points
- Way of the Priest
- Way of the Primal Mask
- Way of the Psion
- Way of the Pugilist
- Way of the Pugnacious Dancer
- Way of the Pyrokinetic
- Way of the Raging Demon
- Way of the Raging Demon, Variant
- Way of the Raging Light
- Way of the Raging River
- Way of the Raging Spirit
- Way of the Reaper
- Way of the Reaper's Hand
- Way of the Rhythm
- Way of the Ronin
- Way of the Rubber Pirate
- Way of the Sacred Form
- Way of The Saint Fist
- Way of the Sainted Fist
- Way of the Scholar Blade
- Way of the Scribe
- Way of the Scribe, Variant
- Way of the Serpent
- Way of the Serpent, Variant
- Way of the Serpentine
- Way of the Serpents
- Way of the Seven Chakras
- Way of the Shadow Claws
- Way of the Shadow Ninja
- Way of the Shadowhunter
- Way of the Shambali
- Way of the Shaofin
- Way of the Shaolin
- Way of the Shattered Sword
- Way of the Shield
- Way of the Shifting Flow
- Way of the Silent Death
- Way of the Silent Step
- Way of the Six Forbidden Seals
- Way of the Skyborne
- Way of the Soul Crusher
- Way of the Soul Knife, Variant
- Way of the Soul Master
- Way of the Spear
- Way of the Spear Master
- Way of the Spectral Blade
- Way of the Speedster
- Way of the Spell-Thief
- Way of the Spider
- Way of the Spirit Fighter
- Way of the Spirit Warrior
- Way of the Spirits
- Way of the Star
- Way of the Steel Fist
- Way of the Storm
- Way of the Storm Soul
- Way of the Strangler King
- Way of the Strap
- Way of the Street Monk
- Way of the Sun Soul
- Way of the Sun Soul, Revised
- Way of the Sun Soul, Variant
- Way of the Sun Soul, Variant 2
- Way of the SuperHot
- Way of the Swamp Guardians
- Way of the Swashbuckler
- Way of the Sweet Science
- Way of the Sword
- Way of the Sword Master
- Way of the Sword Sage
- Way of the Symbol of Peace
- Way of the Tactician
- Way of the Tempest
- Way of the Temporal Anomaly
- Way of the Tengoku no ken
- Way of the The World's Strongest Creature
- Way of the Thousand Fists
- Way of the Thrashing Dragon
- Way of the Thread
- Way of the Tiger
- Way of the Tiger Vessel
- Way of the Time Master
- Way of the Time Slip
- Way of the Toxic Palm
- Way of the Tranquil Soul
- Way of the Transcendent Fist
- Way of the Transcendent Order
- Way of the Traveler
- Way of the Trembling World
- Way of the True Seeing
- Way of the Trueblade Myrmidon
- Way of the Turtle
- Way of the Ultimate Truth
- Way of the Unchained Fighter
- Way of the Unending Assault
- Way of the Vampire Slayer
- Way of the Vengeful Storm
- Way of the Vengful Fist
- Way of the Ventus
- Way of the Virulent Form
- Way of the Void
- Way of the Volcano
- Way of the Vulcan
- Way of the Walking Soul
- Way of the Wanderer
- Way of the Warrior
- Way of the Warrior Monk
- Way of the Watchful Gate
- Way of the Water Elementalist
- Way of the Weapon Master
- Way of the White Tiger
- Way of the White Wolf
- Way of the Wildfist
- Way of the Wind
- Way of the Wind Temples
- Way of the Windblade
- Way of the Winds
- Way of the Windwalker
- Way of the Wrestler
- Way of the Wu Jen
- Way of the Wuxia
- Way of the Yellow Rose
- Way of the Z Warrior
- Way of the Zealot
- Way of the Zen Archer
- Way of the Zodiac
- Way of Thunder and Lightning
- Way of Tranquility
- Way of Undeath
- Way of Unseen Hands
- Way of Ventus
- Way of Vhaeraun's Clergy
- Way of Void
- Way of Voltage
- Way of Wild Soul
- Way of Xianghua
- Way of Yin and Yang
- Wayfarer
- Wayward Arcanist
- Weapon Adept
- Weapon Master
- Weapon Master, Variant
- Weapon Shifter
- Weapon Soul
- Weapon Specialist
- Weapons Fanatic
- Weave Render
- Weaver
- Web Domain
- Whaler
- Wheel of Fortune Origin
- White Mage
- Widowmaker
- Widowmaker, Variant
- Wild Mage
- Wild Magic
- Wild Magic: Baldur's Gate 3 Edition
- Wild Soul Origin
- Wild Strider
- Wild Trickster
- Wild Wizard
- Wilder Magic Sorcerer
- Wildfire Warden
- Wildland Chef
- Wind Dancer
- Windblade
- Windblade, Variant
- Windwalker, Variant
- Windwhisper Templar
- Wine Domain
- Winter Guardian
- Winter Soul
- Winter Soul, Variant
- Winter Touched
- Witch
- Witchborn
- Witcher Conclave
- Wizard School of Anatomy, Variant
- Wolf Archer Conclave
- Wolf's Bane
- Wolfbrother Conclave
- Wordsmith
- Wrath Domain
- Wu Wei Master
- Wyrmbound
- Wyrmhand
- Xenomorph Paragon
- Yorgun Battlerager
- Yorkshire Conclave
- Zariel Domain
- 5e Races, Subraces and Racial Variants
- 5e Other
- 5e SRD
- 4e Creatures
- 4e Classes
- 4e Races and Race Variants
- 4e Other
- 3.5e Creatures
- 3.5e Races
- 3.5e Classes
- 3.5e Other
- 3.5e SRD
- Unearthed Arcana
- 3e SRD
- d20 Modern SRD
- d20 Modern Homebrew
- Pathfinder SRD
- Pathfinder Homebrew
- 2.5e Homebrew