Way of Wild Soul (5e Subclass)
Way of the Wild Soul[edit]
Monk Subclass
Those who follow the Way of the Wild Soul are akin to beasts in many ways. They mold their techniques after them. This lends them many unique fighting styles, known as "stances". In these stances, powered by ki, they are capable of great feats even most other monks cannot attempt.
- Wild Stance
Upon following this monastic tradition at 3rd level, you gain the ability to enter a Beast Stance when you spend your bonus action and 1 ki points. The Beast Stance lasts for 1 minute, until you enter another Beast Stance by spending your bonus action and 1 ki point, or until you become incapacitated. You can enter one stance at a time but can enter an additional stance at 11th level. The possible Beast Stances are as follows. if you spend a whole minute in a beast stance you can spend your bonus to reset the timer for another minute.
- Tortoise. You shape your ki into a shell to protect you from harm. you gain physical damage reduction equal to your wisdom modifier.
- Crane. You channel the grace of a swan. gain advantage on acrobatics, and attacks have disadvantage against you.
- Mantis. You adopt the lethality of a mantis. Your unarmed strikes gain the Reach property.
- Wolf. You embrace the cunning of a Wolf. you gain advantage on attack rolls against creatures as long as there is an ally in melee with it.
- Owl. You are granted the wisdom and senses of the owl, the nocturnal predator. You gain night vision at a range of 60 feet, and have advantage on perception checks.
- Tiger. You hunt your prey and manifest the strength of the tiger. When you hit a creature on your with an unarmed strike or monk weapon and have advantage on the attack, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the damage.
- Wild Phantom
At 6th level, your body's ki becomes attuned to the wildness of beast, you develop some animalistic behaviors and physicals traits. When you enter a stance you may further push your mimicry of the animal by spending 1 ki points to shaping your ki to look like the animal's stance your in, gaining your monk level in temp hp from each of them. If a phantom is a dinosaur you gain twice your monk level in temp hp at the start of your turn
In addition, you can add your Wisdom modifier to any Charisma checks made.
- Prehistoric Stance
At 11th level, when you enter a beast stance, you may spend 1 addition ki point to enter 2 Beast Stances simultaneously or you may spend 2 Ki points to enter a Prehistoric Stance
- T-Rex. "Bite". As an action make an unarmed attack with both hands at a target within range, on a hit deal an additional roll of your martial arts dice. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled (contented grapple). Until this grapple ends.
- Triceratops. "Charger" When you dash and you move at least 10 feet in a straight line the next unharmed attack you land on your turn deals an extra martial arts dice. If the attack hits the target must make a strength save (ki save dc) or fall prone.
- Pteranodon. "Dive" you gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed and if you dive down 20 feet your first attack deals an extra dice of damage.
- Wild Fury
At 17th level, you may spend 9 ki points and bonus action to enter three stances simultaneously for 1 minute. After this ends, must do a dc 15 con save or gain 3 levels of exhaustion
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