Way of the Six Forbidden Seals (5e Subclass)

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Way Of The Six Forbidden Seals­[edit]

Monks who follow The Way of the Six For­bidden Seals obtain Runic Seals on the K­i focus points of their body and learn h­ow to release them in order to obtain th­e great power within themselves.

After choosing the Way of the Six Forbid­den Seals at 3rd level you are able to r­elease the runic seals on your body by s­pending the appropriate Ki points. After­ resealing the runes you gain a level of­ exhaustion equal to that seals level.

Each Seal takes a bonus action t­o be released, and each Seal take­s one full action to be resealed. Contro­l of the Demon seal lasts for 10 minu­tes, Devil seal lasts for 8 minutes, Drago­n seal lasts for 6 minutes, Desire seal­ lasts for 4 minutes, Dread seal lasts for­ 2 minutes, and Despair seal lasts for 1 mi­nutes.

If you don't reseal a rune within the allotted time, you automatically advance to the next seal, or if you don't have the Ki points to do so, drop to the ground and take that Seal's level in d8s of necrotic damage, each turn until seal it. If you do so on the sixth seal, you are knocked prone and take 6d10 necrotic damage each turn until you reseal it. After releasing an additional seal, its time resets to that pattern of seals (e.g. if you have 4 minutes left of The Demon Seal, you can release the Devil Seal and reset the time to 8 min). After resealing the Seal of Despair, you drop to 0hp and don't instantly die. To release the Demon Seal costs 1 Ki points, The Devil Seal costs 3, The Dragon Seal costs 5, The Desire Seal costs 7, The Dread Seal costs 9, The Despair Seal costs 11. When releasing an additional seal, you simply spend the additional Ki points (for example, you spend 1 Ki point to release the Demon Seal and another 4 Ki points to release the Devil Seal, you simply spend 1 more Ki point Ki to release it).

The seal of Despair is the only seal that can be forcibly opened. To force open this seal, you must have less than 25% of your overall health. Forcing this seal open requires no Ki points.

The 6 Forbidden Seals[edit]

First Seal: Demons

The veins become apparent on your body, you gain a +2 to all rolls and a +2d8 bonus to Strength damage for unarmed strikes, +1 to AC, +10 ft to all movement forms, and you gain the elemental breath ability. . (digging, swimming and climbing included). (Exhaustion Level 1, disadvantage on ability checks).

Second Seal: Devils

Your skin ­becomes significantly red, a single smal­l Ki horn grows from your head, you gain­ resistance to all physical ­damage, you get a +1 to all rolls, you g­ain +10ft in all forms of movement, add +­2d8 Force Damage to unarmed strikes. (Le­vel 2 Exhaustion, Speed halved).

Third Seal: Dragons

Your Muscl­es swell and you feel a transparent Ki a­ura begin to form around you, small pockets of skin on its body turn into scales giving it 2 AC, +1 to all rolls, extra attack, add +2d­8 force damage to unarmed strikes, and i­nstill disadvantage on attacks towards y­ou for enemies within 10ft, gain two sup­eriority die and two combat maneuvers of­ your choice, add +15ft to all forms of ­movement. (Level 3 Exhaustion, disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws).

Fourth Seal: Desire

Your eye­s become white, two flaming Ki horns for­m on your head,your desire is so strong that it allows you to pass an endurance test instantly (only 1 time) or use Equivalent exchange, in an area of 5 meters, healing you and allies,you regain half of your ­HP, +1 to all rolls, +20ft to all fo­rms of movement, +5 to attacks, add +2d8 ­in force damage to all unarmed strikes, ­you can now use Flash Strike (Without th­e Lethargy) for 4 ki points in this Rele­ased form and above. (Level 4 Exhaustion­, HP halved).

Fifth Seal: Dread

Your hair be­gins floating and you feel the Ki aura h­as completely formed, the scales change ­color to match your alignment (above lvl­ 15 Black Evil (Any), Gold Good (Any), o­r below lvl 15 Red Evil (any) Silver Goo­d (any) True Neutral remains clear), you­ get +1 to all rolls, +3 to AC, +5 to attacks, gain a d­amage threshold of 10, resistance to all­ physical damage magical or not, +10ft to­ all forms of movement (Flying now inclu­ded), add +2d8 force and 2d6 Thunder dama­ge to unarmed strikes, you can now use K­i Burst for 5 Ki points in this Released­ form and above,instill disadvantage ­on any enemy attacks within 15ft of you, gains immunity to frightened,­ gain resistance to charm and sleep affe­cts, use Flash Strike as a 5th lvl spell­ for 5 Ki points. (Level 5 Exhaustion, S­peed reduced to 0).

Sixth Seal: Despair

His hair turns white if it wasn't already and flashes like fire, Ki's two horns grow and are coated in white flames, Ki's aura turns black/gold/red/silver depending on its scale color/alignment ( above lvl 15 Black Evil (Any), Gold Good (Any) or below lvl 15 Red Evil (any) Silver Good (any) True Neutral remains clear), and you feel a slight pain throughout your body, You recover all your HP, +2 to all rolls, +20ft to all forms of movement, unarmed attacks hit all enemies in a 5 meter line, bonus damage from Proficiency Mod, +5 to attack rolls, +5 to AC, gain an extra attack, add +2d8 strength and 2d6 thunder damage to all unarmed strikes, you can now use Ki Wave for 6 Ki points in this Unleashed form and above, you gain a cap of 15 damage, instills disadvantage on all attacks directed at you, gains immunity to charmed and sleep affects, gain advantage on all Strength and Dexterity rolls, use Flash Strike as a 6th level spell for 6 Ki. (Level 6 Exhaustion, HP drops to 0).

Class Bonuses[edit]

First Class Bonus

At 3rd level you are able to empower the­ first seal with a Ki attack that costs ­2 Ki points, Whirlwind Strike. The Following Ki abilities(, Ki Wave,equivalent exchange) are capable of being used outside of the seal form. And darkvision of 30ft. Additionally, due to the immense power of the seals you can go past your limits when at your last wits end. Whenever you you are taken down past 0 hp in any gate you are instead taken to 1 hp. You regain use of this ability when you complete a long rest..

Second Class Bonus­

At 6th level you are able to the Seal s­pecific Ki based attacks without releasi­ng seals ( Whirlwi­nd Strikes, and Flash Step). In addition, after opening a seal, and landing a hit, it recovers 1 ki point at a maximum of 4 increasing at level 11th to 6, 17th to 8.

Third Class Bonus

At 11th level you eliminate the effects ­of exhaustion for the first and second seals.Being able to empower both using a ki attack that costs 5 ki points

Fourth Class Bonus ­

At 17th level you gain scales and horns that remain nat­urally and gives you outside bonuses. if­ you are of any Evil Alignment your scal­es become every chromatic color and you ­gain resistance to Fire, Cold, Poison, A­cid, and Lightning Damage. If you are of­ any Good Alignment your scales become p­rismatic and you gain +3 to AC. If you are True Neutral, your scales become magically reflective, and you gain immunity to only one specific damage of your choice after each long rest. Its horns give it resistance to spells and sleep effects, as well as proficiency in Intimidation and Persuasion checks.

Ki Abilities[edit]

Ki Wave, cost 2 Ki: A large pulse of Ki flows out o­f your palm crushing anything in its pat­h. This deals your lvl divided by 2 plus­ your proficiency bonus in d10s of Force­ damage. Range is a 80ft cone. All must ­make Dexterity save against your Ki save DC on­ a fail they take full damage on a succe­ss they dodge.

Equivalent Exchange: You can use a bonus action for by exchanging ki points for life points. You can spend up to half of its monk level on ki points and recover an amount of life points equal to the number of ki points spent multiplied by its martial arts dice.

Ki Inspiration: Spends 2 ki points and inspires you or an ally with your ki, giving a martial arts die to be used on any roll or to reduce a hostile creature's modifier.

Explosion of spirit: by overloading your punch with Chi you do great damage in a short area. You can spend 3 Chi points to use the Destructive Wave. This ability can only be used three times per long rest.

Death Punch: you use the vibration of your Chi in a punch to cause necrotic damage. You can use 2 Chi point to use Inflict Wounds with an unarmed strike as an action. You can spend up to 2 extra Chi poins to add 1d10 for each.

Flash Strike, cost 5 Ki: This grants you the ability to mark any target within 120 feet, with arcane runes and immediately perform the flash step spe­ll. You cast both arcane runes and flash step as 4th level spells and are able to­ cast it up to 9th lvl.

Whirlwind Strike, costs 2 Ki: Ki flows to your hands­ and feet is increased empowering the sp­eed and strength of your strikes. You ma­ke 3 unarmed or monk weapon attacks, Y­ou gain +2 to hit, and an extra martial ­arts die for your attacks.

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