The Elder Dragon of Water (5e Subclass)

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The Elder Dragon of Water Patron[edit]

Soo-Won, Saviour of Cantha

Warlock Subclass

Of all the Elder Dragons, none are known so little about than Soo-Won, the Elder Dragon of Water and Creation. Having awoken in the deepest parts of the ocean and only emerged above its surface once since, most don't even know that she exists. Only in Cantha is she particularly well-known, where she emerged to save the continent from the tidal wave caused by the Rising of Orr, and then she promptly vanished back beneath the waves and has not been witnessed publicly since. Her motives and location are mysterious. She seems to have neither servants nor enemies, but the undersea peoples that have since been forced closer to the shores of the world speak of horrors in the deeps slaughtering them in droves. Whether these are servants of Soo-Won or her enemies are unknown.

Expanded Spell List[edit]

Soo-Won grants you the ability to add the following spells to the Warlock spell list, and you may choose them when selecting spells.

Spell Level Spells
1st create or destroy water, fog cloud
2nd blur, calm emotions
3rd tidal wave, water breathing
4th control water, watery sphere
5th creation, maelstrom

Sovereign of the Seas[edit]

At 1st level, you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and may breathe as normal underwater. You additionally gain advantage on athletics checks related to swimming. If you spend 10 minutes of uninterrupted concentration, you may immediately determine the distance to the nearest body of water within a mile of yourself, as well as the quickest (though not necessarily safest) path to reach it.

Tyrant of the Tides[edit]

Starting at 6th level, you can manipulate water even within another’s body. You may target one creature with water in their bodies (most living creatures) you can see within 60ft. of you and force them to make a constitution saving throw against Xd12 piercing damage where X equals your proficiency bonus as you try to force their water out of their body. On a successful save they take half damage. You may use this ability once, recharging on a short or long rest. Additionally you gain resistance to acid damage.

Sentinel of the Shores[edit]

At 10th level, you may choose to create conditions of inclement weather at your will. If you spend 10 minutes of uninterrupted meditation, you may change the weather in your region from sunny to overcast, or from overcast to rainy. These weather conditions, once created, are part of the natural cycle and will persist as willed by the DM. You may do this only once, recharging on a long rest. Additionally, if the region you are in is going to be hit by dangerous weather, such as intense thunderstorms, hurricanes, or tsunami, you become aware one day in advance.

Final transformation[edit]

At 14th level, though outwardly you appear unchanged, you have become more like water than whatever you may have been before. As an action you may collapse into water, along with everything you’re wearing and carrying. While in this form your walking speed is reduced to 10ft. but your swimming speed will be unchanged. You can enter and occupy the space of another creature. You have resistance to all nonmagical damage (except for cold). You can pass through small holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks. While in liquid water you are considered invisible. While in this form you can’t talk or manipulate objects, and any objects it was carrying or holding can’t be dropped, used, or otherwise interacted with. You can’t attack or cast spells. You may recongeal as an action. In addition you gain permanent immunity to acid damage, resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage, and vulnerability to cold damage.

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