Circle of the Hybrid (5e Subclass)

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Circle of the Hybrid[edit]

Druid Subclass

Druids of the circle of hybrid are known to follow a Darwin's philosophy of a adapt to serve these druid have been able to not only turn into creatures with eachothers traits and some even mixing with themselves.


At 2nd level when you take this circle you gain the ability to combine your wild shapes, becoming a Chimera. When you assume a Wild Shape, you can combine two animal forms you know. When combining animal forms, follow the rules below:

  • Your shape number of hit dice and AC is the highest between the combined forms.
  • The ability scores of the chimera is the highest between two forms. For example, if one form has 15 Strength and 13 Dexterity, and the other have 13 Strength and 15 Dexterity, the hybrid will have 15 Strength and Dexterity.
  • The chimera form has all the movement options, resistances, senses, immunities, conditions immunities, traits and skills from the both forms used to create it.
Natural language

Also at 2nd level, you can commune with wildlife. While in your Wild Shape, you can communicate with animals as if under the effect of Speak with Animals, without duration.

Hybrid Shape

At 6th level you can adopt characteristics of beasts while in your human form, becoming a hybrid between men and beast. As an Action, you can spend a use of Wild Shape and assume two characteristics of one animal form you know. The characteristics you can assume are the following: Movement, AC, Actions, Traits or Senses. You can assume a third characteristic at 10th and a fourth at 14th level.

Your form changes and adapts according to the trait chosen. For example, assuming the movement of a horse would turn you into a centaur-like hybrid, while hybriding the Action of a giant owl would give you beak and talons.

You can't use this feature while in a wild shape. Your hybrid shape lasts until you use it again, until you use Wild Shape or until you use your Chimera feature. Otherwise, ends only when you finish a Long Rest.

Monster Shifting

At level 10th, you can wildshape into monsters. You can assume the form of a Monstrosity with a CR that matches your possible animal forms CR.

Permanent Transformation

At 14th level, you can assume four traits of any form you know (that can be selected with Hybrid Shape feature), assuming those traits permanently. You can change the traits for those of a new creature whenever you gain a Druid level.

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