Arcanist: Scholar (5e Subclass)

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Arcanist: Scholar[edit]

Sorcerer Subclass

Scholars are powerful innervators when it comes to sustaining or supporting themselves and those around them, using the deployment of companion Faeries to take to battle as a proactive scholastic artform more than a grim expression of sheer force or brutality.


Summon Faerie[edit]

Starting at 1st level, you have the ability to call upon an Faerie to assist you. As a 10 minute ritual, which you can complete as part or a short or long rest, you conjure a magical creature within reach that takes the form of a Pixie, but does not use any of its stats, traits or abilities, with a walking and flying speed of 30 feet.

Your Faerie is magical in nature and acts as its own spellcasting focus where applicable. It cannot be made the target of spells, attacks or effects, except those to dispell your faerie, such as by Dispel Magic, as the only method of destroying it, besides leaving a 100 foot range from you. Upon being destroyed, your faerie must be resummoned as an action.

Your faerie does not have hit points or an AC as it cannot be made the target of attacks, and shares your initiative. During your turn, the faerie can target one creature within 100 feet of it and heal the target for 1d4 hit points. This amount increases to 2d4 at 11th Sorcerer level.


Starting at 1st level, you get access to a secondary magic resource called Aetherflow to be used for specific feature spells gained as part of this archetype. You can have a maximum of three Aetherflow at any time, and automatically replenish any missing Aetherflow whenever you finish a long rest. Once between short or long rests, you can also use your action to regain all missing Aetherflow, to a maximum of three.


Starting at 1st level, you can use your action to expend a spell slot to restore a number of d6 hit points to a target creature within 60 feet of you equal to the spell slot level used.


Starting at 1st level, you can use your bonus action to expend one Aetherflow to make a ranged magic attack against a creature within 60 feet of you. On a hit, you deal 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier necrotic damage. This die value increases to 1d6 at 6th level, 1d8 at 14th level and 1d10 at 18th Sorcerer level.


At 6th level, you gain the ability to shield your allies with a field of protective magic whenever you heal them. Creatures you heal with Adloquium or Succor gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the amount healed for 1 minute.


Starting at 6th level, you can use your action to expend a spell slot to restore hit points to up to 6 creatures within 30 feet of you, for a number d4 equal to the spell slot level used.


As a bonus action, you can expend one Aetherflow to heal a target creature within 60 feet of you for a number of hit points equal to 3 x your Sorcerer level (minimum of 1).

Battlefield Theory[edit]

Emergency Tactics[edit]

At 14th level, you can use your bonus action to well with rejuvinating energy until the end of your next turn. While under this effect, the next time Galvanize would grant a creature temporary hit points, they instead heal for additional hit points equal to that amount.

Deployment Tactics[edit]

At 14th level, you can use your bonus action to bolster a target with catalytic energy. Targetting a creature within 30 feet of you that has temporary hit points granted by your Galvanize, you cause their defences to burst outwards, granting all creatures within 15 feet of your target the same number of temporary hit points for the remaining duration.


As an action, you dismiss your Faerie for 1 minute. At this time, the number of dice used to determine the amount of healing or temporary hit point in spells you cast is increased by half your proficiency bonus (rounding down).

Fae Pact[edit]

Fae Union[edit]

At 18th level, you can command your Faerie to create an ethereal link to another creature within 60 feet of it. While linked, your Faerie's heal increases to 4d4 hit points, but it can only heal the tethered target.

Fae Union ends if you end it with a bonus action, command your Faerie to move, the tethered creature moves more than 60 feet away from your Faerie, or the effect is Dispelled, such as by Dispel Magic.


As a bonus action, you can expend one Aetherflow to grant yourself Solace until the end of your turn, or until you cast Adloquium or Succor. While under the effect of Solace, the number of dice used to determine hit points restored for Adloquium or Succor is doubled. Additionally, you can choose to expend three Aetherflow, rather than one. In doing so, your next cast of Adloquium or Succor also heals for the maximum possible value for the spell cast. For instance, instead of restoring 2d6 hit points to a creature, you restore 12.

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