Wyrmling Rider (5e Subclass)
Wyrmling Rider[edit]
Ranger Subclass
In the heart of the ancient forests, beneath the sprawling canopy of towering trees, there lies a hidden enclave where the might of nature intertwines with the majesty of Wyrmling. Here, the Wyrmling Riders emerge—warriors bound not just by skill and strength but by a sacred bond with the draconic spirits of old. These rangers are not mere hunters of the wild; they are champions of the realm, wielding the power of their Wyrmling companions to safeguard the land from encroaching darkness.
Each Wyrmling Rider is united with a dragon wyrmling, a mystical creature of elemental fury, whose fierce loyalty transcends the physical realm. As the ranger and their drake soar through the sky, the bond between them grows stronger, empowering them with extraordinary abilities. With the roar of their Wyrmling breath echoing through the valleys and the flicker of magic igniting the air, these formidable guardians of the wild harness the primal energies of nature and the legacy of dragons to protect their homeland.
Through trials and tribulations, each Dragon Rider becomes a living legend, a beacon of hope whose strength resonates across the ages. United by their love for the wild and their fierce draconic allies, they stand ready to face any challenge, embodying the spirit of the ancient protectors of the realm. Together, they are a force of nature, an unstoppable tide against which the shadows dare not rise.
Wyrmling Features[edit]
Starting at 3rd Level
You gain a Draconic Wyrmling Companion, a medium-sized dragon wyrmling. You can summon any type of wyrmling from the dragon types (like Gem, Metallic, red, etc.) whenever you summon it.
Dragon Characteristics:
AC: 14 + your proficiency bonus
HP: 5 + 5 × your ranger level. You do not add the old HP with the new. Level 1 would be 5 + 5 x 1 + Con mod = 5 + 5 + (minimum 1) = 11. Then level 2 would be 16.
Action: Your dragon shares your initiative and acts immediately after your turn, using its reaction and movement as it wishes. It can only take the Dodge action unless you use a bonus action to command it to take another action, which can include its bite attack (not its breath weapon).
Size: It is medium at level 3 and at level 11 it is large.
Summon: You can summon your Wyrmling for free with no action however you would need to buy a gem worth 50 gold if your dragon dies and needs to be revived. 25 gold worth of gem to change the dragon type such as metallic, gem, etc, and its colour.
Dragon's Call: At every level after gaining your draconic companion, as long as you are on the same plane, you can sense your dragon's location.
Additionally, you can now speak, write, and understand Draconic.
Proficiency: You gain proficient to any 1 Tool.
Draconic Bond[edit]
Starting at 7th Level
Your bond with the dragon deepens, granting you:
Charismatic Connection: You have advantage on Charisma checks made with dragons and proficiency in the Animal Handling skill when interacting with dragon-type creatures.
Magic Attacks: Your dragon's attacks count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities.
Flight: Your dragon can now fly when unencumbered.
Empathic Bond[edit]
Starting at 11th Level
You and your dragon form an unbreakable bond, allowing you to:
Draconic Senses: Use a bonus action to make a perception check with advantage related to sight.
Shared Resistance: When either you or the dragon takes damage while within 30 feet of each other, you can use your reaction to grant resistance to that instance of damage for either yourself or your dragon for 1 minute no concentration. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining expended uses after a long rest.
Drake Breath: As an action, you or your dragon can unleash a breath weapon in a 30-foot cone. Choose a damage type (acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison). Creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC, taking 8d6 damage on a failed save, or half on a success. This damage increases to 10d6 at 15th level.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest unless you expend a spell slot of 3rd level or higher.
Perfect Bond[edit]
Starting at 15th Level
Your bond reaches its pinnacle:
Whimsical State: While riding your dragon, both of your ACs increase by 2. You share a combined health pool while mounted, and effects and hit points are divided equally if separated.
Empowered Heart: The dragon’s bite attack now deals an extra 1d6 damage of the type associated with its Draconic Essence.
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