Elemental Knight (5e Subclass)

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Elemental Knight[edit]

Fighter Subclass

These knights are commonly known to harness the power of one of the major elements. Some specialize in the cold, others in lighting, but most in fire. As you train in harnessing the power of the elements. Through this training, you will train in the element of your choice. Specializing in using that element to boost yourself and protect the lands.

Elemental Affinity[edit]

Starting at level 3, you can choose an element below to specialize in. These elements will give the edge you need in the fight.

  • Water: You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. Additionally, you gain resistance to cold damage.
  • Fire: You gain proficiency in Intimidation. If you are already proficient, double your proficiency bonus. Additionally, you gain resistance to fire damage.
  • Lighting: You have advantage on saving throws against becoming deafened. Additionally, you gain resistance to lightning damage.
  • Poison: You gain advantage on saving throws against the poisoned condition. Additionally, you gain resistance to poison damage.
  • Acid: You gain proficiency in survival. If you are already proficient, double your proficiency bonus. Additionally, you gain resistance to acid damage.
Element Crafting[edit]

At level 3, you start to train in using equipment to use in your travels based on your chosen element. You gain proficiency in Alchemist Tools or Poisoner's Kit (your choice).

Elemental Strikes[edit]

Starting at level 7, you gain the ability to boost your attacks based on the element chosen prior. Once per turn, you can boost an attack by 1d8 damage according to your element. This damage increases by 1d8 damage at levels 10 and 15.

Elemental Type Damage Type
Water Cold
Fire Fire
Lightning Lightning
Poison Poison
Acid Acid

You can use this trait a number of times equal to 1 plus your Constitution Modifier (Minimum of 1). You regain all expended uses after a short or long rest.

Elemental Armor[edit]

At level 10, you can summon a magical barrier of your element around you in order to protect you. As a bonus action you can summon your elemental armor for 1 minute and gain the following effects.

  • Whenever you are hit with a melee attack, the attacker takes damage equal to half your fighter level (rounded down) based on your damage type associated with your elemental strike.
  • You gain resistance to a damage type associated with the weakness of your chosen element (shown below).
  • Your gain temporary hit points equal to Fighter Level plus your Constitution Modifier.
Elemental Type Damage Type
Water Lightning
Fire Cold
Lightning Fire
Poison Acid
Acid Cold

You can use this ability once. You can regain the use of this ability after a long rest.

Elemental Smite[edit]

Starting at level 15, when you use your Elemental Strike ability, you can choose to smite your enemy too. When you do so, they must make a Constitution Saving throw. The Save DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength or Dexterity Modifier (your choice). Upon a failure, the creature takes an additional 3d6 damage based on your Elemental Strike damage. They also gain the condition associated with your elemental type, as shown below. Upon a success, the creature take half the damage and is not affected by the listed condition.

Elemental Type Damage Type
Water Restrained
Fire Prone
Lightning Blinded
Poison Poisoned
Acid Paralyzed

You can only use this ability once per turn. You also can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain any expended uses on a short or long rest.

Elemental Knighthood[edit]

At level 18, you gain immunity to the damage granted by your Elemental Affinity trait. Additionally, you can use your Elemental Strike on any of your attack rolls and gain an additional use of your Elemental Armor.

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