Arcane Energy Engineer (5e Subclass)
Arcane Energy Engineer[edit]
Artificer Subclass This subclass allows Artificers to act as a versatile resource generator by harvesting mana. Its flexibility in converting mana into various points or effects makes it a unique choice, ideal for players who enjoy strategic and adaptive gameplay.
Arcane Energy Engineers have developed a revolutionary system to transform mana into versatile energy. Through advanced machinery and alchemy, they can extract, store, and reuse magical energy as a resource to fuel special abilities, enhance attributes, and even create additional magical effects.
- Arcane Energy Extractor
At 3rd level, when you choose this specialization, you develop a device known as the Arcane Extractor, a portable machine that absorbs magical essence from nearby creatures and stores it as condensed mana.
Arcane Extractor
- Mana Absorption: As an action, you can extract magical energy from a willing or incapacitated creature within 30 feet of you. This deals damage equal to 1d6 per Artificer level (maximum 10d6) and generates an amount of mana points equal to half the damage dealt. The damage cannot be reduced by resistances or immunities.
- Storage: You can store a maximum number of mana points equal to 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Mana Conversion: You can spend stored mana points to perform the following actions:
- Limited Use: You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per long rest.
- Versatile Catalyst
At 5th level, your machinery improves, enabling you to convert mana into a wide variety of resources and effects:
- You can now spend mana points to:
- Restore temporary hit points to yourself or an ally within 30 feet. Each mana point restores 5 temporary hit points.
- Increase your speed or an ally’s speed by 10 feet per turn for 1 minute (1 mana point per 10 feet).
- Add a d4 to an ally’s attack roll, saving throw, or ability check as a reaction (2 mana points per use).
- Pure Energy Reactor
At 9th level, you’ve developed an advanced alchemical reactor that amplifies your ability to generate and utilize mana:
- Enhanced Extractor: You can now extract arcane energy from unwilling creatures. Such creatures must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus) or take an additional 2d6 damage, generating 50% more mana points.
- Overcharge: You can exceed your mana storage limit by up to 10 additional points for 1 minute. If you don’t use the extra points by the end of the minute, you take 1d12 energy damage for each excess point.
- Energy Core
At 15th level, you’ve perfected an infinite energy source through your machinery. As a bonus action, you can activate your Energy Core for 1 minute. While active:
- You have no mana point storage limit.
- You can spend mana points to double your damage or healing rolls (3 mana points per doubled roll).
- Mana points can be used to reroll a failed saving throw or ability check (2 mana points per reroll).
The Energy Core can only be activated once per long rest.
- Master of Arcane Energy
At 20th level, you’ve achieved absolute mastery over mana and its conversion. You gain the following abilities:
- Universal Conversion: You can now use mana points to replace any type of resource:
- 1 mana point can become a Ki point, rage point, sorcery point, etc.
- 1 mana point can substitute for 10 feet of extra movement, a level 1 spell slot, or similar abilities.
- Automatic Regeneration: Whenever you deal damage with a spell or ability, you regain mana points equal to the spell level (minimum 1).
- Unlimited Mana: For 1 minute, you can ignore the mana cost of all your abilities. This feature can only be used once per long rest.
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