Spelltouched Origin (5e Subclass)

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Spelltouched Origin[edit]

Sorcerer Origin

Spelltouched sorcerers have gained their power from being touched by a specific type of spell. Either by surviving its effects, being under its influence or being enhanced by it, that spell merged with that creature and now can be harnessed and channeled through that caster's body. These sorcerers are often extremely specialized in a single spell, but they can make great use of it.

Origin Spell

Starting at 1st level, you can choose which spell have been merged with you. Choose any spell of 1st-level from the sorcerer's list, that doesn't have "self" as a range and that can be cast as an Action. That spell is a sorcerer spell for you, but doesn't count against your maximum number of spells known.

You have a number of Origin Points equal to half your Sorcerer's level (rounded up). You can spend any amount of those points to create a spell slot with a level equal to the number of Origin Points used. This special spell slot can only be used for your Origin Spell. You regain all Origin Points spent after finishing a long rest. At 3rd level, you can spend Sorcery Points to regain Origin Points equal to the number of Sorcery Points spent, at the start of your turn (no action required).

Spell Molding

At 6th level, you can shape and morph your Origin Spell. Whenever you add Metamagic to your Origin Spell, the spell points cost is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Unrivaled Power

At 14th level, you can unleash the real power of your Origin Spell, awakening its true potential. Choose one of the following options below:

Devastating Power. When you cast your origin spell, you can cause maximum damage with it, instead of rolling for damage. The first time you do so, you suffer no adverse effect. Each time you do so after the first, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion.
Arcane Shield. While the origin spell is active, its target have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
Magical Gliding. While concentrating on the spell, you have a flying speed equal to your movement speed and you can hover. You also have Advantage on concentration checks made with the origin spell.
Master of One

At 18th level, you become the true master of that spell, achieving complete control over it. You can cast your Origin spell as if using a 2nd-level slot, without spending spell slots.

If you want to cast either spell at a higher level, you must expend a spell slot as normal, or use your Origin Points. In addition, choose two metamagic options whenever you cast your Origin Spell at the same time.

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