Way of the The World's Strongest Creature (5e Subclass)

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Way of the Strongest Creature[edit]

Monk Subclass

At one point in every man's life, he wishes to be the strongest in the world. Eventually, most men give up on this dream, but not you. You have discovered a dark power that resides deep within your very being. Most are completely unaware of its existence, due to the want and love for extreme violence being the catalyst that draws it out. This power would be considered by many to be evil, but should your warrior spirit and sheer force of will be strong enough, you can harness this power for however you see fit.

Strongest Creature

At 3rd level, an ancient and dark power awakens within you in times of stress. When you drop below 75% of your maximum hit points, you enter a state of unmatched power. While in this altered form, the muscles in your back shape into the form of a smiling demon and you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your strength modifier on activation.
  • After the first instance of taking a type of damage (including the triggering damage), you gain resistance to that damage type.
  • Your strikes deal extra force damage equal to a roll of your martial arts die. Additionally, increase your ki amount by 2.
  • Regenerate half of level + con mod each round at the start of your turn. If full gain temp but at half effectiveness. This effect can stack equal to proficiency bonus.
  • During this state, your ac is equal to Dex or strength + Wis or con + 14.
  • Gain +1 to hit and damage.

Your Demon Back and all its benefits will dissipate after 1 minute. It can also end early if you are knocked unconscious. You can also end it on your turn as a bonus action.

Once your Demon Back awakens, you must finish a short or long rest before it will show itself again naturally. However, you can use a bonus action and spend 1 ki point to reawaken it forcefully, if you are under 75% of your maximum hit points. The First time you attempt this per rest it takes no ki.


You can switch the unarmored defense bonuses at your will as this is an optional feature, meaning your ac would be 12 + dex/str, or wis/con. Additionally, you can use flurry of blows and use your weapon towards it and gain the ability to hold heavy weapons in one hand and treat them as as light, simple, monk weapons.

A walking demon

Starting at 3rd level, after activating your demon back you gain an extra attack for 1d3+1 rounds in combat. You heal for half the damage dealt of this one attack. If at full gain temp hp.

Deadliest Creature

Starting at 4th level, you become an even deadlier weapon. When you roll a natural 18 or 19 on an attack roll with an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 ki point to make it a critical hit.

This extends to natural 18 or 19 at level 17.

Ultimate Beast

At 6th level, your knowledge of biology allows you to obliterate your opponent's body with your bare hands. When you score a critical hit with your Strikes, you can spend 1 ki points to inflict one of the following effects on the target until the end of your next turn:

  • Break the Leg. Gain an additional damage dice. The target is knocked prone and their speed is reduced to 0.
  • Concuss. Gain an additional damage dice. The target is blinded and deafened.
  • Shatter the Hand. Gain an additional damage dice. The target has disadvantage on attack rolls and cannot perform the somatic components of spells.

The 8 precepts

Starting at 11th level, you master the destructive power of martial arts and become a true demon, an ogre. You can now awaken your demon back at any time as a bonus action. The first time you do so is free but still costs 1 ki point for subsequent awakenings. Additionally, while your demon back is awoken, you can add both your Strength and Dexterity modifiers to the hit and damage rolls of your strikes. Each attack you land successfully heals 4 hp, and grants temp hp equal to that.

The Pinnacle of life

Starting at 17th level, you master the art of mimicry and can use your body as anything crafted for combat. As an action, you can choose a single creature within 50 feet of you and enter a special stance that mimics their very being. While in this stance, your strikes assume the damage dice of one of their melee attacks. When you do this, and you ignore any resistances your target has against additional elemental damage or effects the attack would do. If you wish to copy a different melee attack, you must use another action and spend 1 ki point to change stances.

The stance only lasts for 1 minute.

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