Killer, Rogue Subclass (5e Subclass)
Rogue Archetype
Rogues of this archetype specialize in the art of death, perfecting the use of a single weapon to strike their target swiftly and lethally. Whether born from a brutal past, relentless desire to perfect their craft or just a particularly dark personality, Killers hone their skills with a chosen weapon, turning it into an extension of their own will.
- Favored Weapon
At 3rd level, choose a weapon you're proficient with. It is now your favored weapon. When wielding your favored weapon, you gain the following benefits:
- Weapon Expertise
- Your favored weapons damage die increases by a step (e.g. a daggers damage die becomes d6, a shortsword becomes a d8). Additionally, when your make a Sneak Attack with your favored weapon you deal an additional 1d6 damage.
- Focused Attacks
- You can use you bonus action to mark a target for 1 minute. Once marked, attacks with your favored weapon against this target are made with an advantage. Additionaly, your Sneak Attack against a marked target ignores the targets resistances against non-magical attacks. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and it regains its uses with a short or long rest.
- Intimidating presence
Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Charisma(Intimidation) checks (if you haven't already). You can now roll for Intimidation without speaking. Also, when you score a critical hit against a creature with your favored weapon, choose another creature in sight. This creature must make a Wisdom check with a DC of 8 + half your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier or become frightened by you for 1 minute. The creature can make the Wisdom check at the end of its every turn and loses the frightened condition on a successful roll.
- Killer's Instincts
Starting at 9th level, you have blindsight in a 60 ft radius against creatures that have half their maximum hit points or less. This feature also works on creatures you have marked, regardless of their current hit points, up to a radius of 1 mile.
- Unbreakable Will
At 13th level, you gain the following features:
- You gain an advantage on Wisdom checks against being frightened.
- When you get reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend any number of hit dice you have to regain hit points. When you use this feature, the creature that reduced you to 0 hit points becomes frightened by you for one minute. The creature can make the Wisdom check at the end of its every turn and loses the frightened condition on a successful roll. You can use this feature once per long rest.
- Cull the Unworthy
Starting at 17th level, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you gain a damage bonus to the next attack you make within 1 minute. This damage bonus equals 2d6 plus an additional 1d6 for each additional time you have used this feature in the last minute. You lose the damage bonus when you make an attack that fails to reduce a creature to 0 hit points. When you use this feature after losing the bonus, the damage bonus starts from 2d6 again. The maximum damage bonus you can gain with this feature is 10d6, by which point the bonus doesn't get any bigger, though you can still maintain it if you make an attack that reduces a creature to 0 hit points.
This subclass is made for PHB 2014 rules
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