Psion Mind Defender (5e Subclass)

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Mind Defender[edit]

Mystic Subclass

Your trained mind has always been good at attacking but you always preferred defense, you figured out a way to use your mind to protect yourself and friends in battle and out in the world!

Observation: This class can be used as a Subclass for the Psion, 3rd Variant class.

Shield User

Starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency with shields.

In addition, you can forge a bond with a shield when you finish a long rest. The bound shield can be used a simple melee weapon that causes 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit by you.

Using a shield as a weapon doesn't prevent you from gaining its AC bonus, and you can use your Intelligence modifier for attacks and damage rolls with it.

Finally, you can add the bound shield bonus to your saving throws against effects that cause psychic damage.

Quick Prediction

At 3rd level, your mind can quickly run calculations, predicting the probable way your opponent will hit an attack. While not wearing armor, your AC equals your Discipline save DC.

In addition, you can use your quick predictions to shield your allies from harm. As a reaction when a creature you can see within 30 feet is hit by an attack, you can grant it a +2 to its AC, potentially turning that hit into a miss.

Shielded Mind

Starting at 6th level, you gain resistance to psychic damage. In addition, you have Advantage on saving throws against the frightened and charmed conditions.

Psionic Spells

Also at 6th level, you can cast Intellect Fortress and Wind Wall by spending 5 psionic points. You can spend more points to cast them at higher level: 6 (4th-level), 7 (5th-level).

When you cast Wind Wall, the wall is made of pure psionic energy, and the damage caused is force, rather than bludgeoning.

Mind Over Matter

At 14th level, your mind is completely inescrutable. Your mind can no longer be read nor your thoughts can be detected. Any attempt to read your mind or detect your thoughts forces the creature attempting it to make a Wisdom save against your Discipline save DC, or take psychic damage equal to your character level.

In addition, you can't be put to sleep against your will, and is immune to the charmed and frightened conditions.

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