The Devil's Vessel (5e Subclass)
The Devil's Vessel[edit]
Warlock Subclass
Your pact with an otherworldly patron has bound you to a powerful, ancient entity – a devilish being that hungers for control. In exchange for power, it seeks to dominate your mind and body, using you as a vessel to enact its will on the Material Plane. While the devil's influence is potent, it has come at a cost: the warlock’s soul is slowly being consumed, as the devil ultimately seeks to possess the body permanently, in the end.
Expanded Spell List The Possessor offers a range of spells that enhance your connection to your diabolic patron. You gain access to the following expanded spells.
Spell Level | Spells |
1st | chromatic orb (fire or necrotic), armor of othrys |
2nd | flame blade, flaming sphere |
3rd | pit of flame, lingering flame |
4th | blight, fire shield |
5th | flame strike, nightmare |
- Possession’s Mark
When you choose this subclass at 1st level, the devilish patron marks you with a sigil of possession that grants you unnatural strength. You gain the following benefits:
- You have proficiency on Intimidation.
- You are immune to the charmed condition.
- Your patron can sometimes whisper directly into your mind, granting you insight. Once per short rest, you can add your Charisma modifier to any attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you make.
However, the mark of possession is a double-edged sword. As the devil becomes more powerful, it will begin to slowly take control of your body. At the start of each long rest, roll a d20. If you roll a number below your Warlock level, the devil briefly takes control of your body for 1 minute, using your actions to serve its own purposes. The DM decides the actions of the devil based on its whims.
- Relinquish Control
At 6th level, you gain the ability to temporarily let the devil possess you in exchange for power. As a bonus action, you can allow the devil to fully control your body for 1 minute, during which the following effects occur:
- You gain a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls with melee attacks equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum +1).
- You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened, or stunned.
- You are granted the ability to cast invisibility on yourself (no spell slots required) once during this minute.
Whenever your devil possess you through your Possession Mark, you are affected by Relinquish Control (doesn't consume uses).
After the possession ends, you must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or roll on the Short Term Madness table. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you complete a long rest.
- Pact of Flesh
At 10th level, the devil bestows upon you a twisted enhancement that allows your body to better serve its desires.
- Devilish Strength: You gain resistance to necrotic and poison damage.
- Possession Empowerment: When you deal damage with a spell, you can choose to lose a number of hit points equal to your warlock level to deal additional necrotic damage equal to that amount. You can do this a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) per long rest.
Devil's Wrath[edit]
At 14th level, the devil's influence over your body becomes overwhelming. Your patron’s power manifests as a physical transformation, marking the culmination of your pact.
- Infernal Form: As a bonus action, you can transform into a partially possessed form for 1 minute, once per long rest. While in this form, you gain the following benefits:
- You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your warlock level.
- Your Strength and Dexterity become equal to your Charisma score.
- When you hit with a melee attack, the target takes extra necrotic damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
- You gain advantage on all Constitution saving throws.
- Diabolic Voice: As a reaction to being hit by an attack, you can let out a terrifying, diabolic roar. All creatures within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus) or become frightened of you for 1 minute. After succeeding this save, a creature is immune to the effect for 24 hours.
Optional Features[edit]
- Corrupted Boon (Replaces Pact Boon)
Your boon is tainted by your possess devil, manifesting in the following ways:
- Diabolic Claw (Pact of the Blade). You can only manifest your Pact Weapon as a diabolic claw. The claw is a simple melee weapon, causes 1d6 slashing damage on a hit and has the light and finesse properties. You can manifest on one or both hands. You can use your hands freely while the claw is manifested.
- When you attempt to grapple or shove a creature while the claws are summoned, you use your spell save DC for the contested check. You can replace an attack from Thirsting Blade with a shove or grapple attempt.
- Marked Flesh (Pact of the Tome). Your own body is your tome, as markings made on your skin represent the spells written in your book of shadows. Hence, your tome can never be loss.
- Diabolic Servant (Pact of the Chain). Works normally, but you can only summon an Imp. While the summoned Imp shares the same space as your character, it can't be targeted by attack or affected by Area of Effect features and spells.
- Final Possession (Replaces Eldritch Master)
At 20th level, the demon makes its final claim on your soul. The ultimate cost of the pact is revealed: your soul is forfeit. However, you are granted unparalleled power in return.
- You gain the Shapechanger subtype, allowing you to transform into any humanoid creature you have seen before, for up to 1 hour. This form is illusionary, but the transformation is so complete that it fools all but the most observant observers.
- While you are in your demon’s form, you can use your action to deal massive necrotic damage to any creature of your choice within 30 feet of you. All creatures must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus) or take necrotic damage equal 20d6, or half as much on a success. You can use this feature once per long rest.
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