Sword Specialist (5e Subclass)

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Sword Specialist[edit]

Fighter Archetype

Masters of unsheathing their swords and attacking in a lightning strike, Sword Specialist are quick and deadly forces of nature in combat. Able to navigate the battlefield with great ease, they swiftly lay low their enemies. They have trained for offense and defense, making them versatile and able to deal considerable amounts of damage in short bursts. Sword Specialists fill the role of both attacker and defender but lack any form of self-healing. They are best on the frontlines, wading into combat while supported by healers and spellcasters.

Favored Blade

At 3rd level, you have devoted yourself to the art of swordplay, and across countless battlefields and arenas they have come to cherish one blade above all others. Designating a weapon as a Favored Blade requires deep meditation, which can be accomplished after 8 hours as the Sword Specialist seeks to attune with the sword. You can have a single favored blade at any given time.

You can designate one of the following weapons as your favored blade: greatsword, longsword, scimitar, shortsword and rapier. If this sword were to break or be lost, you are not able to use any of these class features.

Sword Technique

Also at 3rd level, you can use sword powers, or "techniques". A Sword Specialist regains their techniques by polishing and honing their sword, most usually in the morning, readying his abilities. At the end of a long rest, you can prepare a number of abilities on that list equal to your proficiency bonus.

These techniques are only useable while wielding a weapon of the Sword Specialist's Favored Blade type.

You can use this feature twice, and regain your ability to do so after finishing a long rest. You gain one additional use of this feature at levels 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th levels.

Improved Favored Blade

At 7th level, your favored blade is considered a magical weapon for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities to non-magical damage.

In addition, you can draw or stow the favored blade without using an Action.

Sword Focus

Starting at 10th level, your focus with the favored blade is heightened. You gain a bonus of +2 on attack rolls using your designated favored blade.


Starting at 15th level, you have been trained to draw your weapon with such vigor that the resulting slash can often end battles before they begin. You have advantage on Initiative rolls.

In addition, if you make the first attack in a combat, the attack is a critical hit on a success. You must use a favored blade to gain this benefit.

Sword Powers[edit]

Wolf's Fang

As an action, your sword howls and lets out a blast of air with your swing that strike multiple opponents. All creatures in a 20-foot cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, or take 2d8 slashing damage for each attack you are able to make as part of the Attack action, or half as much on a success.

Sword Flurry

You can make several attacks in quick succession. You can take the Attack action using a bonus action.

Razor Slash

As an action, you attack a single creature you have a clear line of sight on. The creature must be within a distance equal to twice your movement speed. You move towards that creature in a straight line, without provoking opportunity attacks and make an attack, causing double damage on a hit. The damage is tripled at 5th level, quadrupled at 11th level and quintupled at 20th level.

Falcon's Claw

You drop down on your opponent. As an bonus action, you can fly up to 30 feet. If you make an attack right after landing on the ground, the attack has advantage, and the creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw on a hit, or is knocked prone.

Demon's Run

As a Bonus Action you make a shove attempt to push a creature while wielding your your sword. On a success, you can instantly make an attack against that target (no action required) and the target is pushed up to an additional 20 feet.

Mage Bane

You make an attack against an opponent within 5 feet. You deal normal damage if the attack hits and the target loses one spell slot of level equal to half your Fighter level or lower. If you use this ability and miss to hit or strike an opponent that is not a spellcaster, it still counts as one use of this ability.

Impaling Sword

You throw your sword as an attack, using your melee attack bonus and targeting a creature within 30 feet. On a hit, the attack is a critical. On a roll of 20, the damage is doubled.

Sword Rush

You can activate this ability as a full round action. Your speed increases by 10ft per Sword Specialist level, and you become hasted. This power lasts a number of rounds equal to twice your Sword Specialist level + your wisdom modifier. You cannot use others sword techniques while using this one, but you can end Sword Rush as a swift action.

Sword Quake

You smash the ground with your sword causing it to shake with kinetic energy you just released. This takes a full round action. Anyone within 40ft has to roll a Fort save (DC 10 + Your level + Your STR Mod) or fall prone, except you.

Sword Breaker

Your sword sharpens, and you ignore hardness of 5+ your level, or lower. This ability is used as a swift action, and can be used against an object or a sunder attempt.

Ultimate Slash

You make one attack as a full round action and incur an attack of opportunity. You deal normal damage with a doubled critical range and multiplier. Your sword is considered vorpal for this attack.

Greater Sunder

Requires: Great Sword Type. You make a sunder attempt as a full round action, you get an additional +4 to this attempt. With your Great Sword, you sunder the targets armor and shield, plus anything they're holding, plus any one additional object on the target. You only make one sunder attempt, which applies to all the objects listed.

Perfect Aim

Requires: Bastard Sword Type. You take greater aim at your target. You get a +4 to your attack roll, this stacks with your normal bonuses, and you can still make a called shot while using this power. Activating this technique takes a swift action.

Sword Scream

Requires: Two Weapon Fighting, and two weapons of your Favored Blade type. You clang your swords together, mimicking the "Greater Shout" spell.

Wounding Strike

Requires: Dagger Type. You make a full round attack with your dagger. During this attack your dagger is treated as having the "wounding" magical enhancement.

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