Path of the Protector (5e Subclass)

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Path of the Protector[edit]

Every barbarian tribe needs a Protector, and you have trained much for this role.

While you still are adept in the same things a normal barbarian is adept in, instead of only focusing on combat, you decide to shield your fellow companions so they do not need to worry about their safety.

Great shield[edit]

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to craft and wield a great shield. A great shield gives you a +4 to your armor class instead of the regular shields +2 but it requires 2 hands to wield. You can however still preform an improvised weapon attack with your shield.

Additionally you can choose to plant your shield on the ground allowing you to use the grapple action however you cannot move while with the grappled creature while wielding a great shield.


The Protector of the tribe tries to keep all of their allies safe. At 3rd level, when you position yourself either in between and enemy and an ally or when you are standing within 5 feet of an ally you can try to intercept all attacks that are targeted towards these allies until the end of your next turn.

When protecting an ally you attempt to intercept the enemy,s attacks, if this attack requires an attack roll you you take the hit with a -5 to your AC. If this attack requires a saving throw. your ally rolls with advantage and you roll with disadvantage.

This feature has no effect on effects that require a wisdom, intelligence or charisma saving throw.

If you attempt to protect an ally using this feature you extend your rage as if you made an attack roll against an enemy.

Heroic Precense[edit]

Starting at 6th level, you can use your action to let out a battle cry of hope. You and all your allies within hearing distance wil gain advantage on saving throws against being frightened for 1 minute, and gain temporary hitpoints eaqual to your barbarian lvl + your constitution modifier when this ability is first used.

If you or any allies are already frightened when you use this ability then this ability ends the frightened condition.

You can use this feature once per Rage.

Unwavering Resolve[edit]

When you get knocked down your wil to protect your friends keeps you from staying down Beginning at 10th level, once you drop to 0 hit points you instead drop to 1 hit point and you gain 10 temporary hit points.

You can use this feature once per long rest.

Protector from Death[edit]

At 14th level, you have mastered the way of protection when an ally within your 40 feet of you would take fatal dmg you can drop your great shield and rush to their aid preventing them from taking any dmg instead you take double the damage they would have taken.

This ability can be used as a reaction outside of your turn.

This ability can only be used once per long rest.

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