The Link Of Pain (5e Subclass)
- Warlock Subclass
- The Link of Pain
Warlocks who choose the path of the **Link of Pain** specialize in invoking dark magic that not only deals damage but also increases the difficulty for their enemies to resist or escape harmful effects. This pact allows them to manipulate the minds and bodies of their victims, making every spell more difficult to counter.
- Level 1
- Curse of Agony
From the moment you choose this subclass, your power over curses and harmful effects is enhanced. You are able to increase the **DC** of your spells that impose harmful conditions or effects on your enemies.
DC Boost: - When you cast a spell that imposes a **negative condition** or **curse** (such as **curse**, **blindness**, **paralysis**, etc.), you can **increase the DC** of the spell by **+2** for 1 minute. This makes it more difficult for your enemies to resist the effect.
Shadow Dark: - Enemies who are under the effects of your control spells suffer **disadvantage on their saving throws** to resist your spells from this subclass for 1 additional turn.
- Level 6
- Infusion of Pain
Your connection to dark magic allows you to amplify the penalties you inflict on enemies, making every spell even harder to resist.
Pain Infusion: - When you cast a spell that imposes a **condition** or **negative effect** (such as **poison**, **curse**, or **disease**), you can **spend 1 spell slot of 2nd level or higher** to **increase the DC of the spell by +2** for the turn the spell is cast. - Additionally, when the target fails a saving throw against one of your spells, they suffer **1d6 psychic damage** due to the mental suffering caused by the increased difficulty.
Storm of Shadow: - When an enemy fails a saving throw to resist one of your harmful effects, **the duration of the condition** is **increased by 1 additional turn**.
- Level 10
- Eyes of Suffering
As you deepen your connection with dark entities, you can channel their power to **increase the difficulty** of resisting any spell that causes suffering, pain, or despair.
Penetrating Gaze: - While concentrating on a spell that imposes a harmful effect or curse, you can spend 1 spell slot of 3rd level or higher to **increase the DC of the spell by +3** for 1 minute.
Mental Imposition: - Enemies under the effects of your spell suffer **disadvantage on saving throws** to resist spells or abilities that impose conditions or cause harmful effects while they are affected by your spell.
- Shared Wisdom:**
- You can add your **Wisdom modifier** + to your **Intelligence modifier** to calculate the **DC** of your conditions
- Level 14
- Spells of Extreme Agony
Your mastery over the magic of pain and despair reaches its peak. Now, your spells are not only harder to resist but also have the ability to prolong and worsen the effects of your curses.
Prolonged Agony: - When an enemy fails a saving throw against one of your spells, you can **spend 2 spell slots** to **increase the duration of the condition imposed** by **2 additional turns**.
Total Despair: - If an enemy fails a saving throw to resist one of your conditions, you can **double the DC bonus** applied with your **Curse of Agony** or **Pain Infusion**.
- Wisdom Modifier in Intelligence:**
- From this level onward, you can add your **Wisdom modifier** directly to your **Intelligence stat** for all related effects, further increasing the **DC** of your that impose curses or negative effects.
- Level 18
- Final Shadow
You have reached the peak of dark power, manipulating reality itself with the pain of your enemies. Your spells are now nearly impossible to resist.
Unstoppable Darkness: - When you cast a spell that imposes conditions, you can **increase the DC** of the spell by **+5**. This ability can be used once per long rest.
Shattered Resistance: - Enemies under the effects of your control spells have **disadvantage on all saving throws** against your spells, and if they fail the saving throw, they cannot **roll again** to try to resist the condition for 1 minute.
- Subclass Summary
The **Link of Pain** allows warlocks to master the dark arts of manipulation and prolongation of harmful effects. With the ability to increase the DC of their spells and make it more difficult for enemies to resist them, this path makes your spells nearly unavoidable. By integrating your wisdom into your spells, the difficulty of resisting your effects reaches new heights, making you a truly terrifying force on the battlefield.
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