School of the Primal Horrors (5e Subclass)

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School of the Primal Horrors[edit]

Wizard Subclass

The School of the Primal Horrors are masters of the dark arts, specializing in spells that strike terror and malevolence into the hearts of those who cross their path. Their magic draws on the deepest shadows and their practices are as grotesque as they are mysterious. These sorcerers not only cast spells, but weave the essence of terror itself into each spell, seeking to plunge their enemies into an abyss of despair.

wizards of the Primal Horrors can cast spells that warp reality, generating terrifying illusions that torment the minds of their opponents. They also master necrotic magics, capable of draining the vitality of their enemies and spreading desolation. Their connection to forces beyond human understanding makes them feared and outcast, even among other practitioners of dark magic

Special Requisites: you need to have the evil alignment

Nightmare Magic

Beginning when you select this school at level 2, the gold and time you must spend to copy an enchantment or illusion spell into your spellbook is halved.

Primal Fear

all your magical studies are based on the arts of terror, how to inflict it on other beings and also how fearsome they are. At 2nd level, whenever a creature fails a saving throws against one of your spells that target Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma and doesn't cause damage, you can force that creature to make a Wisdom save against your Spell save DC. On a a failure, the creature is frightened until the end of your next turn.

If the spell target multiple creatures, you must choose one to be affected by your Primal Fear. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).

In addition, when you use this feature with a spell that already imposes the frightened condition, you can cause your target to be Horrified. When the target is horrified, its saving throws, attack rolls, damage rolls, and ability checks have a penalty equal to your spellcasting modifier, disadvantage on saving throws and ability checks. In addition, the creature must roll 1d6 and suffer one of the effects below:

1. Suicidal Horror: The horrified creature's mind is filled with suicidal thoughts. Attacks against this creature have Advantage. In addition, a creature that start its turn horrified must use its action to attempt to kill itself with any weapon it is wielding. The creature makes an attack roll against itself at Advantage, and if it hits its attack is a critical hit. If the creature has a weapon on its person but isn't wielding a weapon, it draws its weapon then attempts to commit suicide. If the creature has no available weapon, it will resort to an improvised weapon.

2. Cowardice: The creature's mind is overwhelmed by its most basic survival instinct, causing it to desperately flee from you. As a reaction when the horrified creature can see you, it will move up to its movement speed. In addition, the creature will use all its actions to get away from you as quickly as it can.

3. Paralyzing Terror: The creature is completely paralyzed by the intense terror you impose on it. The creature is paralyzed for as long as the horrified state lasts.

4. Freneticism: The target's senses respond to your horror with violence, attacking everything in sight. The target has to use all of its resources trying to kill any nearby creature. The horrified creature will chose its target at random.

5. Madness: The target's mind is broken by the horrors you made him contemplate. The target is afflicted by madness, and must roll on the Long-Term Madness table.

6. Bravery: The creature's mind remains resolute despite the terror. The creature does not suffer any additional effects.

Mind Beyond Redemption

Your mind has become a bastion against the same horrors that you display, already making your path towards the abyss a point of no return. At 6th level, you become immune to the frightened condition and to short and long term madness.

In addition, roll on the indefinite madness table. You gain one permanent affliction from that table.

Eldritch Horrors

At 10th, the horrors you conjure transcend magic, targeting a creature's very soul. Your spells that cause the frightened condition are not affected by effects that disrupt or protect against magic (such as dispel magic or counterspell.

In addition, whenever a creature is horrified by your Primal Fear feature, the Horrified state lasts for the duration of the spell.

Lord of Nightmares

At 14th level, your control over the spread of horrors reaches its peak. You gain the following benefits:

  • You roll 2d6s to determine the Horrified state applied, choosing the result of whichever die. Also, whenever you roll a 6, you can reroll the die.
  • Your Frightened condition ignores advantage on saves and cannot be affected by Legendary Resistances.
  • Whenever you cause damage to a creature that is horrified or frightened, you can convert the damage type into psychic damage.
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