Incursionist (5e Subclass)
Fighter Subclass
The ability to drop combatants into the middle of a fray can sway the results of a battle. Fighters that specialize at diving into conflict can be invaluable to an army. When those same fighters can hold back the press of a horde, they become invaluable to anyone. Thus is the value of the Incursionist Fighter.
Incursionists – sometimes called “Hoppers” or “Poppers” – pair their martial training with a very specific magic: teleportation. They use this power to dive into the thick of battle or to pull an overrun ally out of it. Once in, they can shoulder the burden of battle long enough for a regroup or retreat.
- Incursive Step
At 3rd level, your supernaturally aggressive demeaner enables you to suddenly appear beside an opponent. As a bonus action, you can teleport yourself and your belongings 30 feet to a space within 5 feet of an enemy, but only if you use the same turn's action to attack that enemy; you will be in the middle of that attack when you appear. At 11th level the range of this feature is doubled.
You have a number of teleports equal to your proficiency bonus (this feature combined with Extraction Step below). Teleports used for Incursive Steps are regained at the end of a short or long rest.
- Lonesome Phalanx
At 7th level, you learn to harden yourself against an onslaught of multiple foes for a brief stand. When you end your turn with more than one hostile creature within five feet of you, you can use your reaction to add +1 to your AC for each enemy within 5 feet of you (maximum +6). You also gain temporary hit points equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) for each adjacent enemy (up to 6 enemies). You retain these bonuses until the end of your next turn. You can use a bonus action to refresh these bonuses for a number of turns equal to your Constitution modifier (min 0). Once you allow this feature to lapse, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
- Extraction Step
At 10th level, your propensity for getting into the thick of battle matures into a penchant for getting others out of danger. As an action, you can cast the Thunderstep spell, but bringing another willing creature with you is a requirement rather than an option.
You have a number of teleports equal to your proficiency bonus (this feature combined with Incursive Step above). Teleports used for Extraction Steps are regained at the end of a long rest.
- Sudden Juggernaut
At 15th level, you are bolstered to make the most of your sudden assaults. When you use Incursive Step, the following happen:
- You have resistance to all damage until the beginning of your next turn.
- Add 30 feet to your movement.
- Your hit point maximum and current hit points increase by your fighter level. This increase lasts until the end of your next turn or until you teleport again.
- You gain one additional attack as part of your current attack action.
- Reinforcement Drop
At 18th level, your ability to forge headlong into battle refuses to be exhausted. When you roll initiative, if you have fewer than 2 teleports remaining, you have 2.
You can also bring up to 2 willing creatures with you when you use Incursive Step. These creatures must be within 5 feet of you when you use the ability and reappear within 5 feet of you at your destination. If there are no acceptable landing spots, they are left behind. Teleported allies can use their reaction to make a single melee weapon attack against an adjacent creature before the end of your turn.
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