Dusk Thief (5e Subclass)

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Dusk Thief[edit]

Rogue Subclass

Dusk thieves are rogues that thrive in the shadows, blending stealth and powerful twilight magic to confuse enemies and strike with unparalleled precision. Harnessing the magic of twilight and moving with the fluidity of shadows, this Rogue excels at navigating through dim and dark environments, disrupting foes with fear and evasion. With the ability to teleport, shift through shadows, and even phase through obstacles, the Dusk Thief is a master of the unseen, using both cunning and arcane power to outmaneuver any adversary.

Twilight Magic

Also at 3rd level, you can draw from the shadows of twilight magic powers. You gain a number of dusk points equal to twice your proficiency bonus, that when spend, are only recovered after a long rest.

While in dim light or darkness, you can spend these points to reproduce the effects of spells; You must choose a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) to prepare whenever you finish a long rest.

Dusk Jaunt

Starting at 3rd level, while in an area covered in dim light or darkness, you can use a Bonus Action to teleport to a place you can see that is also covered in dim light or darkness within 30 feet.

After teleporting in this fashion, you can't use your Cunning Action feature until the end of your next turn, and your movement on this turn is reduced by half distance teleported. If this would reduce your movement to a number below 0, this feature fails. Alternatively, you can spend 1 dusk point to use Dark Jaunt without any of the drawbacks.

Dusk Walker

At 9th level, you can move through shadows as if merged with them. As an Action while in an area of dim light, you assume a spectral shadow form. While in this form, you have a flying speed equal to your movement speed, and you can squeeze through spaces as small as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Entering an area of bright light will automatically end this form. If you are in a space not wide enough to fit you, you take 1d10 force damage, and is spelled towards the nearest empty space.

While in this form, you can't take Actions, Bonus Actions or Reactions. Reverting to your normal form requires 1 minute, and during that minute you are considered stunned.

You can remain on this form for 10 minutes. Reverting to your normal form in this manner or due to entering an area of bright light will cause you to be stunned for 1 minute.


At 13th level, you can become a living shadow. As a Bonus Action when in an area of dim light or darkness, you assume an ethereal form. During this time, you can move through the spaces of other creatures and through objects unhindered. Ending your turn inside an object will cause you to be forcefully expelled towards the nearest unoccupied space and take 1d10 force damage.

When in an area of dim light while in this form, you gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed and can also use a Bonus Action to become invisible until you make an attack, cast a spell or leave the area of dim light.

This feature ends after 1 minute, but you can end it earlier with a bonus action, or if you are knocked unconscious. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Grand Twilight Conjuration

At 17th level, your twilight magical reaches its peak. You can cast one of the following spells once, being unable to do so again until you finish a short or a long rest: dawn, dream or far step.

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