Order of the Maleficar (5e Subclass)

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Order of the Maleficar[edit]

Blood Hunter Subclass

"Perhaps there’s some truth to the idea that the real danger of blood magic isn’t that it draws its power from sacrifice, or that it tempts the greedy and ambitious into using the suffering of others to fuel their spells. Perhaps the danger is simply that we do not understand it, and that lack of understanding invites disaster even when our intentions are pure."

- Grand Archivist Calien

In truth, there is no better quote to describe the Order of the Maleficar: a faction formed with the best intentions in mind, but ultimately fell victim to the nature of blood magic. The order's first members originally belonged to the Order of the Ghostslayer, leaving the order as they disagreed with its general ideals. The first Maleficar believed that the Ghostslayers wasted the true potential of blood magic and that devoting all time and effort to the hunting of undead allowed many other monstrous beings to grow out of control and threaten the common folk. This order studied and advanced blood magic in its purest state for use in slaying all monsters and protecting the common folk from creatures of darkness. Unfortunately, the original members of the order lost themselves in the first part of their original goals. Hurting and using others to fuel spells became second nature for members of the order and the oldest members were rumored to have even resorted to Vampirism in pursuit of greater understanding of blood magic and power. The people they sought to protect quickly became victims, and the actions of this order stained the reputation of all blood hunters. This order was hunted to extinction by both the Order of the Ghostslayer and Stalwart knights, yet despite their best efforts, the teachings of this order live on in many modern texts about blood magic, and their discoveries can be found in the repertoire of many evil mages and practitioner's of forbidden magics.

Blood Sommelier[edit]

Through your study and understanding of the basics of blood magic, your senses have become more attuned to blood. Beginning at 3rd level, you have Advantage on Intelligence (investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) rolls used to examine and discover traces of blood. Additionally, if you spend 1 minute inspecting a sample of blood no older than 24 hours, you can determine the creature's type and what caused it to lose blood (Did it cough up the blood? Is it from a wound? If so did it hit any specific organs?).

Crimson Aura[edit]

Beginning at 3rd level, your control over blood magic allows you to pull blood to you and cause it to orbit your body in crimson strands. Whenever a creature with blood takes damage within 10 feet of you, you can use a reaction to cause your Crimson Aura to pull that blood, granting you 1 blood point. You can use this reaction a number of times equal to twice your proficiency bonus + your Hemocraft ability modifier. You regain uses of this reaction after finishing a Long Rest.

You can use the crimson aura to produce magical effects of blood magic. You have access to the following effects:

Hemorragie. When a creature within the Crimson Aura takes damage, you can use the Crimson Aura Reaction to cause that creature to take additional Necrotic Damage equal to your hemocraft die + your hemocraft ability modifier. When you do so, you don't gain the blood point that reaction would otherwise grant you.
Transfusion. You can spend 1 blood point as a Bonus Action to cause a willing or unconscious creature within the Crimson Aura area to regain hit points equal to your hemocraft die. If you are under the effect of any condition, the condition is transferred towards the creature that received the blood.
Puppetry. As an Action, you can take control over a creature's movement. You force a creature you can see within the Crimson Aura to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, you can force that creature to move, using its reaction, up to a distance equal to its movement speed. After using this feature, you can't do it again until you finish a short or long rest, unless you spend a blood point to do so again.

Blood Magic Savant[edit]

Beginning at 7th level, you have learned to make the most out of a smaller amount of blood as well as ignore some of the negative effects that come with blood transfusion.

Cleanse. You no longer impart harmful conditions when using your Transfusion. In addition, whenever you use transfusion, you can remove a disease or poison currently affecting it.
Blood Surge. As a bonus action, you gain the benefits of haste, until the end of your turn. You suffer the negative effects of ending haste when your turn ends. Once you use this feature, you can't do it again until you finish a short or long rest, unless you spend a blood point to do so again.

Brand of Vampirism[edit]

Starting at 11th level, your brand of castigation saps the blood and vitality from your target. Once per turn when you cause damage to a branded creature within your Crimson Aura radius, you regain 1 blood point.

Blood Curse of Boiling[edit]

At 15th level, your control over blood magic allows you limited control over blood that resides inside other creatures, allowing you to raise the temperature of their blood to boiling levels. You gain the Blood Curse of Boiling for your Blood Maledict feature. This doesn’t count against your number of blood curses known.

Blood Curse of Boiling

(Prerequisite: 15th level, Order of the Maleficar)

As a bonus action, a creature within 30 feet of you takes 2d6 fire and 2d6 necrotic damage. A creature affected by this curse has disadvantage on saves against your blood curses until the end of your next turn.

Amplify. The target of the curse must succeed on a constitution saving throw or be stunned until the curse ends or the target succeeds a constitution saving throw, and continues to take the damage again at the beginning of each of its turns. This curse lasts for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the cursed creature can make a Constitution saving throw. On a success, this curse ends.

Crimson Atmosphere[edit]

Starting at 18th level, you have mastered the ability to hold blood in an aura around yourself and have learned how to alter the shape of your Crimson Aura. The radius of your Crimson Aura is now 30 feet.

Additionally, you can change the shape of your aura into a Red Mist, rather than individual floating strands of blood. As an Action if you have at least 1 blood point, you create a sphere of blood red fog centered on yourself within range that follows you as you move. The Sphere spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured to everyone, but this area is considered lightly obscured to you. Additionally, creatures who end their turn inside the mist begin to suffocate except for you. After 10 minutes, or if you no longer have blood points, the Red Mist ends. You can't use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.

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