Way of Haki (5e Subclass)

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Way Of Haki[edit]

(This Subclass is for any class)

Haki DC

Armament Haki DC 8 + Dexterity + Proficiency Bonus Observation Haki DC 8 + Wisdom + Proficiency Bonus Conquerors Haki DC 8 + Constitution + Proficiency Bonus

Armament Haki Awakening

At 3rd Level you are finally beginning to tap into the power of Haki. When you activate the power of Armament haki you must succeed a Dexterity saving throw, if successful for one minute your Unarmed Strikes may deal an additional 1d4 of damage and you gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls,and your ac increases by your Proficiency bonus for the duration of this ability. If you failed you don't activate the power and enemies are given advantage on attack rolls against you for one turn

Observation Haki Awakening

At 6th Level you advance through the next stage of Haki, Observation. When you activate your Observation Haki, you must make a Wisdom saving throw, if successful for one minute you have advantage on attack rolls and you add your Proficiency on top of your current passive perception and perception skill. If you fail you are blinded for 1 round. Your Unarmed Strike Additional 1d4 increases to 1d6 and your +1 to damage and attack rolls increase to +2.

Conquerors Haki Awakening

At 8th Level you finally unlock the last known Haki type, Conquerors. When you activate your conquerors haki, you must make a Constitution saving throw, it successful for one minute hostile creatures that enter a range of 30ft of you must make a Wisdom or are frightened and if the creatures CR is lower than your level they'll instantly fail. If you fail you are stunned for 1 round. Your Unarmed Strike Damage increases to 1d8 and your +2 to damage and attack rolls increase to +3, for observation your Proficiency is tripled in passive perception and the perception skill.

Advanced Awakening

At 15th Level you gain a new level above that of normal haki, Advanced.

Advanced Armament: When you now active the power of Haki, you must make a Dexterity saving throw, if successful your time is increased from one minute to 20 minutes, your Dexterity, Strength, Constitution are all increased by +2 overcoming their Maximums, your 1d8 is now increased to 1d10 and your +3 to attack and damage rolls increase to +5

Advanced Observation: When you now active the power of Haki, you must make a Wisdom saving throw, if successful your time is increased from one minute to 15 minutes, your Wisdom is increased by +2 overcoming their maximum, your Proficiency in passive perception and the perception skill are quadrupled, and now you may see into the future, whenever an enemy makes an attack towards you or an ally you are now granted an opportunity attack, furthermore Opportunity attacks don't waste your first reaction Reaction, and lastly all attacks towards you are made with disadvantage and you have a +5 to initiative rolls.

Advanced Conquerors

At 18th Level you have finally achieved the strongest and purest form of haki, advanced conquerors. When you now activate the power of haki, you must make a Constitution saving throw, if successful your time is increased from one minute to 10 minutes, your Constitution is increased by +2 overcoming their maximum, you are now immune to the Frightened, charmed effects, your body is surrounded by a thick aura that grants you AC and bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to your Constitution and all of your attacks now deal force or magical damage and you have immunity to non-magical attacks.

Your Unarmed Strike 1d10 is increased to 1d12 and the +5 to attack and damage rolls increase to +6

Your initiative bonus is increased from +5 to +10

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