Preternaturalist (5e Subclass)

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Ranger Subclass

Generally speaking, psionic disciplines are broadly split between telepathy, the ability to understand and influence the inner worlds of thinking creatures, and telekinesis, the ability to exert mental energy from that inner world over the outer world. Many psychics will develop a mix of techniques from both sides of the skull, but few concentrate on the latter to the exclusion of the former as much as the rangers of the Preternaturalist Conclave. Shunning any fancy techniques developed through study and simulation, such rangers instead use their instinctual understanding of the world around them to psionically bend it to their will, mostly via enhancing their martial training with telekinetic reinforcement. While certainly not ones for the subtlety of the mind, there are few rangers you would rather have between you and an angry giant more than a Preternaturalist. At least as long as they are able to maintain their concentration.

Preternaturalist Magic

Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Preternaturalist Spells table. Each spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know.

Preternaturalist Spells
Ranger Level Spell
3rd shield
5th knock
9th pulse wave
13th stoneskin
17th telekinesis
Malicious Mark

Starting at 3rd level, you can use your telekinetic grip to hinder or harm your enemies. The first time you deal damage to a creature with hunter's mark each turn, you can apply one of the following effects to it:

  • A different creature within 5 feet of the marked creature that you can see takes force damage equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).
  • The creature can’t make opportunity attacks until the start of your next turn.
  • The creature can’t use the dash, disengage, or dodge actions during its next turn.
  • The creature has disadvantage on its next attack roll within 1 minute.
  • The creature is pushed up to 10 feet straight away from yourself if it is Large or smaller.
  • The creature’s movement speed is reduced by 10 feet until the end of its next turn.
  • The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be knocked prone.
  • You can expend a spell slot to roll additional hunter's mark damage dice equal to the spell slot’s level.
Will Over Wounds

Starting at 3rd level, your body has adapted to survive wielding your mental manifestations. You have resistance to force damage and gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt by your hunter's mark. You also have advantage on saving throws against being knocked back or prone.

Psi Survivor

Starting at 7th level, you can enhance or redirect blows, both those you deal and receive. The damage die of your hunter's mark increases in size to a d8. It further increases to a d10 at 11th level, a d12 at 15th level, and 2d8 at 20th level. Whenever you deal damage to a creature marked by your hunter's mark, you can change the damage type to force.

When you take damage from a creature marked by your hunter's mark, you can use you reaction to deal damage to the creature with your hunter's mark and reduce the damage you take by the same amount. You can also add your Wisdom modifier to your next concentration saving throw during this turn when you use this reaction (minimum 1).

Cerebellum Carapace

Starting at 11th level, your psionic shields become more robust and enduring. When you deal damage with hunter's mark, you can expend a use of Tireless to increase the amount of temporary hit points you gain by an additional hunter's mark damage die + your Wisdom modifier (no action required). You can also use Tireless as a bonus action.

After your temporary hit points are reduced to 0, reduce the next damage you take before the end of the turn by your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).

Extranatural Extremist

Starting at 15th level, you master the wild oscillations of your mental prowess. When you roll only 1(s) on your hunter's mark damage die, you gain an additional 3d12 temporary hit points. When you roll the maximum value on your hunter's mark damage die, it deals 1d12 + 1 additional damage. Each d12 becomes 2d8 at 20th level. Both of these effects can only occur once per round each.

When you roll a 1 on and miss with a weapon attack roll against a creature marked by your hunter's mark, the spell still deals damage as if your attack was successful. When you roll a 20 on a successful weapon attack roll against a creature marked by your hunter's mark, you can roll two damage die for the spell instead of one, or four instead of two at 20th level.

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