Druidic Archer (5e Subclass)

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Druidic Archer[edit]

Ranger Subclass

Druidic Archers are archers that practice druidic rites and use nature's powers to grant them the ability to shape pieces of their body parts into a type of animal, far weaker to an actual druid even though they draw the power of nature within their bodies but their voices do not reach but parts of their selves to fully transform into a beast. Most rangers of this subclass tend to have the same basic ideals as a druid because of the same way they do things.

Nature's Beckon[edit]

At 3rd level, as an action, you may assume one out of four forms listed below, If transformed, you can untransform as an action. You have two charges and each form lasts for one minute. You regain one charge on a short rest and all on a long rest. You gain another charge at levels 7th, 11th, and 15th.

Bear Claws You manifest your hands into long-clawed, brown thick fur that stretches across your arms. When making unarmed attacks, you deal 1d6 slashing damage on successful damage rolls and your claws are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity. Your claws are also considered to have the light weapon property.

Cheatta's Legs You manifest your feet into a black polka dotted pattern that is shown across your legs.

Eagle Eyes

Dragon's Tail

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