Druidic Archer (5e Subclass)

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Druidic Archer[edit]

Ranger Subclass

Druidic Archers are archers that practice druidic rites and use nature's powers to grant them the ability to shape pieces of their body parts into a type of animal, far weaker to an actual druid because they do not fully commit to the "druid" aspect. Most rangers of this subclass tend to have the same basic ideals as a druid because of the same way they practice their ideals.

Nature's Beckon[edit]

At 3rd level, You study the nature of a druid and how they manifest into such beings but with a twist, you have binded your ranger's power with the study of druids in a unique way. as an action, you may assume one out of four forms listed below, If transformed, you can untransform as an action. You have two charges and each form lasts for one minute. You regain one charge on a short rest and all on a long rest. You gain another charge at levels 7th, 11th, and 15th.

Bear Claws You manifest your hands into long-clawed, brown thick fur that stretches across your arms. When making unarmed attacks, you deal 1d6 slashing damage on successful damage rolls and your claws are also considered to have the light weapon property.

Cheatta's Legs You manifest your feet into a black polka dotted pattern that is shown across your legs. You gain an additional 15 ft of movement speed while transformed. Twice per transformation of this animal, you can use a reaction to grant disadvantage on attack rolls made against you and advantage on Dexterity saving throws for two turns. This effect ends early if your transformation ends early.

Eagle Eyes You manifest your eyes into eagle eyes. Additionally, your eyes become more sunken in. You gain expertise in investigation or perception while in your form. Also, once per transformation of this animal, you can use a reaction to gain advantage on Wisdom saving throw for 3 turns. This effect ends early if your transformation ends early.

Dragon's Tail You manifest your tail bone into a dragon's tail. When making unarmed attacks, you deal 1d8 slashing damage on successful damage rolls and your tail is also considered to have the reach weapon property. As an action, you target one creature within a 5ft radius, the targeted creature must beat you spell save or become restrained for one minute. While restrained the creature can reroll the save at the end of each of its turn.

Manifest Transformation[edit]

At 7th level, You have learned to hone your transformation and made it more powerful. while transformed into your bear claws,you now deal 1d8 slashing damage, you gain an additional 30 ft of movement speed while in cheetah legs form, you gain expertise in both investigation and perception while in eagle form, and your dragon tail now deals 2d8 slashing damage. Additionally, your claws and tail can attack twice and are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity.

Nature's Beckon: Expanded[edit]

At 11th level, Enhancing your study of druids, both your power of a ranger and knowledge of druids have started to intertwine in an oddly fascinating way, tightening your grip on the grasp of nature. This subclass feature adds onto the transformations and corresponds with the given transformation via the first word in the name (Ex: Bear claws combine with Roar of the Bear Because the first word had bear in both titles) and gives you the same abilities you have with the select transformation as well as the new ones stated below.

Roar of the Bear You manifest your voice into that of a ferrous bear. As an action, you can roar loudly, each creature In a 30 t radius must make a Wisdom saving throw or the target is frightened by you for one minute. A creature can reroll the save at the end of each of its turns. Additionally, you gain 30 temporary hit points upon transformation and these hit points disappear when no more can be kept or your transformation time is up. You can roar twice per transformation.

Cheetah's Claws You manifest your hands into long-clawed hands that are sharp. While transformed, you have a climb speed of 30 ft and are immune to falling damage. Additionally, you can use this as unarmed strikes, if you do so, your claws deal 4d4 slashing damage.

Eagle Wings You manifest wings of that of an eagle. While transformed, you have a flying speed of 30 ft and if you have not moved within your turn, you can spend a bonus action to gain the effects of dash and disadvantage on ranged attacks rolls made against you for 5 turns. Additionally, the amount you move while dashing is the amount of temporary hit points you will get and each 5 ft is 1 temporary hit point. The temporary hit points can stack but only by dashing. (Ex: An elf dashes for 40 ft he gains 8 temporary hit points.)

Dragon's Breath You manifest your mouth into that of a dragon and in a color of a dragon corresponding with the chosen damage. As an action, you let out any damage of your choice besides psychic damage in a 40 ft line and is also 5 ft wide. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save, each creature in the range takes 5d8 chosen damage, or on a successful save, each creature in the range takes half as much damage. You can use this once per transformation.

Ultimate Transformation[edit]

At 15th level, You have grasped the true nature of druidism and have honed it to make you more powerful. Once per day, you can transform into all the transformation types for one minute. To do this, you must expend three transformation charges.

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