Eşkiya (5e Subclass)

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A Eşkiya is by definition, a rougish criminal. They go by many different names, such as brigand, thief, bandwagon, and ever the more, growing into a master of persuasion and deception after long times of experience. Rogues that undergo the stretenous training of this archetype may not be true neutral, as a multitude of perspectives is needed to learn the ways of this archetype. Eşkiya, at their pinnacle of their abilities, intertwine their skills and knowledge to a maximum, doing things so extraordinary that they could rival spellcasting.
One Of Many Names
At 3rd level, you gain a multitude of different personalities you can wear, as a charlatan would. You gain benefits based off your level and emotion, being able to swap every long rest. On 9th level, you may swap every time you camp. On 17th level, you may swap every short rest.
  • One of Finesse: Gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand, and expertise at 13th level. May take the Dodge action as a bonus action at 9th level, and instead automatically doubles speed on your turn at 17th level.
  • One of Folks: Gain proficiency in Persuasion, and expertise at 9th level. At 13th level, you may roll a Persuasion throw to charm and pacify any creature, regardless of intellect, the DC equal the target's Intelligence saving throw. At 17th level, you have advantage on the Persuasion check, and the target has disadvantage on the Wisdom saving throw.
  • One of Ferocity: Gain proficiency in Athletics, and expertise at 13th level. Gets a climb speed equal to your base speed at 9th level, and gets a burrow speed equal to half your base speed at 17th level.
  • One of Factuality: Gain proficiency in Investigation, and expertise at 13th level. May obtain truesight with range equal to your passive perception times 5, rounded down, once a day. At 17th level, you may use this skill three times a day, gaining tremorsense, darkvision, or blindsense with range equal to your passive perception times 5 as a bonus.
Known Renown
At 9th level, you achieve some sort of worldwide reputation. Pick up to two "roleplay-based" background traits. People treat you as if you had said trait(s), alongside any sort of other traits you may have, and you may disable these traits at will. You may also buy and sell things at two-thirds of the price, whether this be by persuasion or intimidnation.
Acceptance of Right
At 13th level, you realize how the rest of your life will go. This can go one of two ways, depending on your alignment. If you are neutral good, treat yourself as lawful, and if you are neutral evil, treat yourself as chaotic.
  • If chaotic, you get a 5ft speed in all movements, with the exception of burrow. You become proficient with martial ranged weapons and two artisan's kits of your choice, and may apply your proficiency bonus when attacking lawful creatures, if you don't have proficiency already.
  • If lawful, you get a 10ft sense in all senses, with the exception of tremorsense and truesight. You become proficient with martial melee weapons and two languages of your choice, and may apply your proficiency bonus to damage rolls.
Boundaries Broken
At 17th level, you achieve a moment's notice into the truth of the realms, enlightening you. When using your One of Many Names ability, once per month, you may use all four options simultaneously, alongside some bonuses.
  • When you achieve a critical hit, you may stun the target, and frighten all enemies in a 30ft radius around the target.
  • You have advantage on death saves, and may fail 4 times instead. You are healed to a quarter of your health after getting back up.
  • Your Reliable Talent feature instead treats a roll of 14 or lower as a 15.
  • Uncanny Dodge negates three-fourths damage, rounded up.
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