The Slime (5e Subclass)
The Slime[edit]
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Art of an Elder Oblex from page 219 of Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes |
Warlock Subclass
You have entered a pact with a powerful entity with dominion over oozes such as Juiblex, Ghaunadaur, or perhaps a powerful Oblex or ancient primordial ooze. This pact has left you touched with their power, granting you the abilities to alter your biology to be like that of an ooze.
Expanded Spell List[edit]
The Slime lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level | Spells |
1st | entangle, grease |
2nd | enlarge/reduce, web |
3rd | bestow curse, galder's tower |
4th | black tentacles, polymorph |
5th | contagion, geas |
At 1st level, when a creature dies while grappled or restrained by you, you can use your action to consume it as your flesh turns malleable and engulfs it, granting you temporary hit points equal to your warlock level. You can also consume a corpse in this way as an action.
Corrosive Metabolism[edit]
Once you reach 6th level, your blood becomes corrosive to others. You have resistance to acid damage. In addition, when a creature within 5 feet of you deals damage to you with a melee attack, your acidic blood sprays on them, dealing acid damage equal to half your warlock level (rounded down).
Slimy Freedom[edit]
Your patron has granted you a small measure of their strength, as you now move just like them. Starting at 10th level, you gain the following benefits.
- You can move through any space as small as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
- You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
Oozing Assimilation[edit]
Finally at 14th level your patron turns you into one of their hungering spawn, an extension of their mass. You gain the following benefits:
- You no longer age, and cannot die of old age
- As an action, you can freely change your size category between Small, Medium, or Large. Your worn and carried equipment doesn't change.
- You gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from nonmagical weapons.
Unique Eldritch Invocations[edit]
Arcane Osmosis (Prerequisite: The Slime Patron, 7th level)
Your patron grants you the ability to assimilate a magical item which requires attunement. You are able to attune to an additional magic item which merges with your body upon attunement, and can be returned when you end your attunement with this item.
Gelatinous Anatomy (Prerequisite: The Slime Patron, 7th level)
Your patron alters your anatomy to be like that of an ooze, able to regrow and mend itself, should you lose a limb you can grow a new one over a short or long rest by expending a hit die and eating twice the amount of mass lost. Alternatively if you have the severed limb you can simply attach it back by expending a hit die. Additionally you cannot be killed by decapitation, and remain alive if your head is severed, though you cannot use any of your senses except for touch.
Gooify (Prerequisite: The Slime Patron, 7th level)
You learn the spell polymorph and can cast it once without using a warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest. However the target can only be polymorphed into an Ooze.
Master of the Mire (Prerequisite: The Slime Patron, 14th level)
As an action, you can choose one Ooze that you can see within 60 feet of you. That creature must make a Charisma saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. If it succeeds, you can't use this feature on it again for the next 24 hours. If it fails, it becomes friendly to you and obeys your commands until you use this feature again.
Intelligent Ooze are harder to control in this way. If the target has an Intelligence of 8 or higher, it has advantage on the saving throw. If it fails the saving throw and has an Intelligence of 12 or higher, it can repeat the saving throw at the end of every hour until it succeeds and breaks free.
Mucous Minion (Prerequisite: The Slime Patron, 11th level)
As an action you can touch a corpse and expend a warlock spell slot to turn the corpse into an Ooze of the same size which obeys your commands. The Ooze must have a challenge rating equal to or lower than one quarter of your warlock level. The Ooze has a number of hit points equal to your warlock level, and if it dies it melts away. As an action on your turn you can mentally order any creature created using this feature and they will obey your instructions to the best of their abilities.
Rejuvenating Biology (Prerequisite: The Slime Patron, 11th level)
You gain immunity to acid damage. When you are hit with an attack that would normally deal acid damage, you can use your action on your turn to spend a hit die to regain health.
Revitalizing Ichor (Prerequisite: The Slime Patron)
Your patron allows you to use your slime to revitalize yourself or others. You learn two of the following spells which don't count towards the number of spells known: cure wounds, healing word, healing spirit, mass cure wounds, mass healing word, prayer of healing, raise dead, revivify. You must be able to cast spells of the level of the spells you choose and can change these spells for another on this list whenever you gain a warlock level. You lose these spells if you replace this invocation with another.
Sightless Senses (Prerequisite: The Slime Patron, 11th level)
Your patron grants you the ability to sense the world around you as one of them. As a bonus action you disable your normal sight and gain a blindsight of 60 feet.
Slime Blast (Prerequisite: The Slime Patron, eldritch blast cantrip)
When you cast eldritch blast you can change the damage type to acid, and when a target is hit by this, the blast turns into slime which covers them and the ground beneath them. The square the target is on becomes difficult terrain and anyone who starts their turn on or enters the slime takes 1d10 acid damage. The slime remains on the ground for 1 minute and will affect anyone else who walks across it.
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