Saivas (5e Subclass)
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Shiva, The Destoyer |
Fighter Subclass
The Saivas are specially trained warriors who travel the world, spreading the glory of Shiva. The Saivas show that at some point, everything must come to an end, so that they may be remade better. Though they focus on destruction, the Saivas are not malicious or overly violent. They destroy what must be destroyed and nothing more. Through the cycle of Samsara, Saivas patiently await the day when Lord Shiva will perform his final Tandava.
- Dancing Destroyer
At 3rd level, you carefully practice to mimic the movements of Shiva. You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics and Performance skills. If you are already proficient in these skills you gain expertise.
- Destroyer's Trident
You have trained so that your proficiency with tridents is more like the grace and mastery of Shiva. At 3rd level, you gain the following benefits while wielding a trident:
- The base weapon damage dice go up by one category. 1d8 while using one hand, and 1d10 while using two hands.
- The weapon has the finesse and reach properties.
- Cycle of Samsara
At 3rd level, you can begin the Cycle of Samsara in a localized area. As a bonus action, you call forth an aura of Samsara that lasts for 1 minute, unless you end it early as a bonus action or if you fall unconscious or die. The aura has a 10ft radius, is centered on you, and moves with you. When you summon the aura, choose either a state of Bliss or Destruction for the aura to start in. Apply the appropriate effects to creatures of your choice when you summon the aura and whenever a creature starts their turn in the aura or enters it for the first time on a turn:
- Affected creatures regain a number of Hit Points equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Affected creatures gain resistance to one damage type of your choice until the start of their next turn.
- Affected creatures take fire damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
- The next attack roll against an affected creature has advantage.
The aura swaps from one to the other at the end of your turn.
You can begin the cycle a number of times equal to your proficiency per long rest.
- Damaru's Beat
Starting at 7th level, you can evoke the thunderous beat of the Damaru. You learn the Mold Earth cantrip and can cast Erupting Earth a number of times a day equal to your Charisma modifier. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier. In addition, the following effects are added to Erupting Earth depending on which stage of Samsara your aura is in:
Bliss. Creatures of your choice ignore the difficult terrain left behind by the spell.
Destruction. When a creature fails its Dexterity saving throw they are knocked prone.
- Flames of Destruction
Starting at 10th level, the flames of destruction empower you. While your aura of Samara is active, your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d8 fire damage. This increases to 1d10 at 18th level.
In addition, you can use your action to release an emblazoned sweep. When you do so, you can make a single melee weapon attack against each creature of your choice that is in your aura of Samsara. Each creature hit is pulled 10ft closer to you. You can make this special attack a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Pillar of Dawn
Starting at 15th level, your aura of Samsara becomes empowered by the raw might of Shiva, granting the following new benefits to your aura:
- Affected creatures regain additional Hit Points equal to your Charisma modifier.
- Affected creatures gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the start of their next turn in addition to one type of your choice.
- Affected creatures take additional fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
- Affected creatures cannot regain Hit Points until the start of their next turn.
- Tandava
Starting at 18th level, you bend Samsara to your will and perform the ultimate dance of destruction. Your aura of Samsara extends to 30ft.
As an action, you can perform a weakened version of Shiva's Tandava while your aura of Samsara is active. When you do so, allies regain 50 Hit Points, and hostile creatures take 50 fire damage. The fire damage ignores resistances and treats immunity as resistance.
After you perform your Tandava, your aura drops.
You can only use this ability once per long rest.
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