Way of Hozoin-Ryu (5e Subclass)
Way of the Qiangshi[edit]
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[Zhao Yun] by [1] |
The Way of the Qiangshi focuses on mastering the art of two handed spear combat. A monk of the Qiangshi recognizes their weapons humble origins - and it is the respect for how great in power it is, even when held by the frailest of common folk that defines the spear. It is with this respect, that they seek to express the absolute mastery that can be achieved within the Spear. A Monk of the Qiangshi wades through battlefields like a water-serpent. They crush bone and fell body, pierce shield and armor, and carve flesh from bone. Many would say that they are a Jack of All Trades - but they would be wrong. For the Spear, is the King of All Weapons.
- The Way of the Qiangshi
Upon following this monastic tradition at 3rd level, your skill with the spear has increased to the point that your weapon damage increases to 1d8 while wielding a spear. The damage increases to 1d10 at 7th level, to 1d12 at 11th level, and to 2d8 at 17th level. You only gain the benefits below while you are wielding a spear in both hands, and you aren't wearing armor or wielding a shield.
- Spear Versatility
At 3rd level, you may choose to deal slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage while wielding a spear.
- Spear Stances
At 3rd level, you can hold your spear in different ways, assuming specialized postures that flow into one another with devastating rhythm. When you start your turn, you can spend 1 Ki Point to enter a stance for one minute or until you are no longer in combat. Regardless of which stance you enter, the turn you enter a stance you gain temporary HP equal to a roll of your Martial Arts dice + Wisdom Modifier.
You cannot enter the same stance twice in a row. While you are in a spear stance, your Martial Arts bonus action attack or flurry of blows can be made with your spear instead.
- Sundering Stance. When you assume this stance, your attacks repeatedly strike at the weak points in enemy defenses, and you flow seamlessly from one strike to another. When you hit an enemy with an attack, you gain advantage on your next attack roll against that enemy. While in this stance, when you attack with advantage, you deal additional damage equal to one roll of your spear damage dice.
- Rainfall Stance. When you assume this stance, your attacks become like the innumerable fall of raindrops, for there is no means with which one can avoid the rain. While in this stance you have advantage on Acrobatics(Dexterity) checks, and when you use your bonus action to make a Martial Arts attack you can spend one ki point to instead rapidly attack with your spear in a 15 foot cone. Enemies of your choice within this cone must make a dexterity saving throw against your Ki Save DC, or take damage equal to a hit from your spear on a failure. On a success, they take no damage. If you replaced a Flurry of Blows, you can perform this attack a second time immediately afterwards. The size of the cone increases by 5 feet every time your Martial Arts Die increases.
- Bamboo Forest Stance. When you assume this stance, you sacrifice the bite of your spearpoint in favor of the formidability of its haft. While in this stance, you gain a a bonus to your AC equal to your proficiency bonus, as well as half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) added to your saving throws. And you can use Deflect Missiles against all melee and ranged attacks, including spell attacks. You can no longer use flurry of blows or your martial arts bonus action attack.
- Ascending Mastery
At 6th level, your improve upon your spearmanship while utilizing your three stances. While in a stance, your attacks with a spear count as magical for the purposes of overcoming non-magical bludgeoning, piercing or slashing resistance. And the very nature of your spear feels as though it changes while in its stance. You recognize the humble origins of your martial art, and the fact that a spear is most dangerous when wielded by a group - giving you an air of understanding and camaraderie with those around you. When you make an Insight check or Persuasion check, you can spend a Ki point to add a roll of your Martial Arts dice to the roll if you fail, potentially turning it into a success. Additionally you can add your Wisdom modifier to either of these ability checks.
- Sundering Stance. - Your spears edge feels as though it was the head of an axe whilst you sunder your foes. Increase the damage dice of your spear by one step while in this stance.
- Rainfall Stance. - As one looks up into the raining sky, none can really say how far away the rain is. Your reach with a spear increases to 10 feet and your speed increases by 10 feet, as you learn to deftly wield it even by its farthest tip, and maneuver the battlefield like rain itself.
- Bamboo Forest Stance. - Having foregone the desire to kill, your spear feels weightless within your hands. Its sole purpose to protect your life. You gain an additional reaction within this stance that can only be used for Deflect Missiles. Additionally, if both of your attacks hit the same target, they must make a Strength saving throw against your Ki Save DC. On a failure, you can shove them up to 15 feet away and knock them prone. On a success, you can only shove them or knock them prone, not both.
- Dragondance
The greatest of the Qiangshi have found that in that moment of flow from one stance to another, there lied a powerful moment of clarity, begging to be grasped.
At 11th level, If you choose to enter a stance while already in another stance - you may perform a special maneuver referred to as a Dragon-Dance, performing a specialized action before leaving your current stance and transitioning into another stance.
- Sundering Stance. Dragondance: "Whirlwind of the Opened Way" - you can spend 1 Ki Points to Sunder an opponents defenses. Immediately make a weapon attack against a target within 10 feet of you. If it hits, all creatures have advantage against that target until the end of your next turn. You can spend up to 3 additional Ki Points to target a number of other creatures equal to the additional Ki Spent.
- Rainfall Stance. - Dragondance "From Gentle Rain - To Maelstrom" - You can spend 1 Ki Points to immediately move up to your speed without provoking opportunity attacks, and make an attack against a creature you move past within your spears reach. You can make an additional attack against other creatures equal to each additional Ki-Point you spend, up to a maximum of 3. However, each additional attack is made with disadvantage, but adds half the spear damage dice on hit or miss.
- Bamboo Forest Stance. Dragondance "A Rest, Within Bamboo's Shade" - You can spend 1 Ki Points to enter a state of solemn protection until the start of your next turn. If an enemy attempts hits your ally within range of your movement, you may use your reaction to move towards that enemy until it is within reach of your spear and reduce the damage of the attack they made by an amount equal to your deflect missiles. If this reduces the damage to 0, you can make a spear attack against the attacking creature. You can spend additional Ki Points at the start of a turn to gain an additional reaction during this state.
- The King of All Weapons.
At 17th level, you recognize the truth of what it means to master the spear. It is no matter of flourish or extravagance. Of special posture and technique. The greatest strength of the spear, lies in how natural it is, to merely thrust it through your enemies heart. You can spend 6 Ki-Points to use an action to use all of your mastery and strength gained, to perform the greatest of all impalement. You thrust your spear forward, and the sheer force pierces space itself. In a 200 foot, 10 foot wide line, all enemy creatures must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Ki-Save DC. On a failure, they take 10d10 Magical Piercing damage, halved on a success. This damage increases by 1d10 for each additional Ki-Point you spend, up to a maximum of 10. All non magical objects of your choice within this line are immediately destroyed, and this attack ignores cover.
Additionally, you may add your Wisdom modifier to the damage rolls of attacks made with your spear.
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