The Phantom Knight (5e Subclass)

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The Phantom Knight[edit]

Fighter sub class

In the pouring rain, a special being walks down the street. No one looks at him, no one knows who he is. However, a small group of thugs blocks his path. Unfortunately, this being is special. Suddenly, his weapons and armor appear as if they had only been invisible all this time. The thugs attacked the wrong people.

Phantom Knights blend in very easily with the crowd. They do not appear to carry weapons or armor, but this is only to deceive their targets. When ready to fight, they cast a spell that summons their weapon of choice and causes them to don their armor. Phantom Knights began as bounty hunters. The first Phantom Knights were primarily Fighters and Assassins, but as they gained popularity, they formed their own guilds and were given proper training and techniques derived from Battlemasters and Assassins. Over time, rangers and spellcasters began to become Phantom Knights. This created the two latest variants of Phantom Knights. Eventually, the Phantom Knight's reputation caught the attention of Kings and Queens and they soon became more than just foot soldiers, but commanders and generals for entire kingdoms. They now have a guild in every major city and smaller safe houses in towns and villages. Many commoners encounter these knights all the time but never know it due to their ability to hide their weapons and armor when not in combat. Many Ghost Knights still accept bounties, but only to deal with their boredom. They care little for money and are usually in it for the challenge.

Phantom Armaments

Starting at 3rd level, you can create items that draw on the essence of the Ethereal Plane. You can create up to two items as a bonus action. The items that can be summoned are:

Phantom Armor. You can summon a suit of phantom armor. Summoning a suit of phantom armor grants you an AC of 13 + your Constitution modifier. While the armor is summoned, you can use a reaction to also summon a shield, which has the same properties as a normal shield. You can't summon a suit of phantom armor while wearing armor. However, you can use your reaction to summon an additional ghost shield while you are wearing the armor. It has the normal properties of a shield. However, it adds the given AC to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws related to magic.
Phantom Weapon. You can summon a phantom weapon. The phantom weapon deals 1d10 damage when wielded with one hand and 1d12 when wielded with two hands. The damage is necrotic, regardless of the weapon's chosen form. It has finesse and throw (30/60), and when thrown, it returns to your hand after the attack hits or misses.
Against ethereal or incorporeal creatures, this weapon deals force damage, rather than necrotic damage. You don't need any action to make one of the summoned items disappear.
Icy touch

At 3rd level, when you deal damage with your weapon and the target is not an undead or construct, it must succeed on a DC10 + Constitution mod + proficiency bonus constitution saving throw or become unhealable until the saving throw succeeds.

Ghostly Power

At 7th level, your phantom armor, phantom shield, and phantom weapon become +1 items. It increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 15th level.

Ghostly Thief

At 10th level, when you hit a target unable to heal with your ghost weapon, you regain the damage inflicted in HP.

ghostly retaliation

At 15th level, when you are hit and wearing your ghost armor or ghost shield, you can cast the spell infernal retaliation. However, the damage is necrotic. The spell has a level equal to your proficiency bonus -1. You can cast this effect a number of times equal to your Constitution mod per short and long rest.

Your spell DCs are equal to 10 + proficiency bonus + Constitution mod

Ghostly Apotheosis

At 18th level, you can use a bonus action to summon a ghost. There is 1 hour x Constitution mod remaining. You can summon as many ghosts at a time as your Constitution mod. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. Additionally, ghosts add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, DCs, and saving throws. Finally, ghosts add your proficiency bonus + Constitution to their HP. Summoned ghosts obey you, and you can control them telepathically with a bonus action.

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