Blood Monk (5e Subclass)
Blood Monk[edit]
Monk Subclass
Blood monks are warriors who learned how to draw chi from their own blood, and how to use this blood to manifest mystical powers. Their attacks cut through veins and produce hemorragies, while their own pain becomes fuel from where they draw more power.
Vicious Strikes[edit]
You've been trained to aim your strikes towards arteries and fragile blood vessels, delivering grave internal damage to your opponents. When you hit a creature that has blood, you cause additional 1d4 necrotic damage with your unarmed strikes. A creature can suffer this additional damage only once per turn.
Sanguine Armor[edit]
At 3rd level, if you are currently fulfilling the requirements for the Monk's Unarmored Defense, you can choose to use your Constitution modifier in place of the Wisdom modifier when determining your Armor Class.
Embrace The Pain:[edit]
Also at 3rd level, you've learned to channel pain into power. You regain 1 point of ki for every 10 points of damage you take.
In addition, when you are below your hit point maximum, As a bonus action for 1 ki point you can conjure two projectiles made of blood and make two ranged attacks against two distinct targets within 90 feet. Make a ranged weapon attack of each projectile. On a hit, you cause damage equal to your unarmed strike, and this damage can be bludgeoning or piercing depending on projectile choice (i.e Arrow, ball, spear) and count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Law of Attraction[edit]
- At 6th level you may spend 2 points of Ki to conjure blood tethers that pull a target up to 30 feet towards you as a bonus action. The target must make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw to resist this maneuver. On a successful save, the target does not move.
- You can also propel yourself up to 60 feet towards a creature or inanimate object by using this feature. The target can only make a Dexterity saving throw to resist this version of the feature. Attack actions made against the target during the same turn have advantage.
- Creatures are immune to this ability if they are in full cover or more than one size category larger.
Power Strike[edit]
At 11th level, you gain the ability to strike your opponents with force energy. Once per turn, when you hit a target with a melee attack, you can spend 2 ki points to deal half your monk level(rounded down) plus an extra 2d8 force damage to the target. You can spend additional ki points to increase the extra damage of the weapon attack. Each additional ki point you spend increases the extra force damage by 1d8. The maximum number of ki points (2 plus any additional points) that you can spend equals half of your monk level (rounded down).
Bloodied and Bruised[edit]
At 17th your mastery of blood shows it’s true colors. Only when you’re at half health or lower you can use your action to do one of the following 3:
- Blood Barrier: A defensive ability that can be used as a reaction. It’s primarily used to protect allies and give them time to recuperate. Dome of blood expands from you up to a 20ft radius pushing any creature of your choice to the exterior as it does so. This dome last for d6 turns, is immune to all damage and does not have a bottom. Creatures and objects within the dome when you cast this spell can move through it freely. All other creatures and objects are barred from passing through it. Spells and other magical effects can’t extend through the dome or be cast through it. If a creature does make it in through teleportation or burrowing make a strength saving throw with disadvantage on their first attempt as the blood reaches out and attempts to pull them out of the dome immediately.
- Iron Maiden: A prison of blood forms around your opponent under the effects of force cage. Once per activation you can cause the blood from the cage to stretch out and pierce the occupant forcing them to make constitution saving throw. On a failure the occupant takes 10d12s of piercing damage and half as much on a success.
- Blood Wyrm: A Purely offensive ability. You pool your blood together and bring to life young dragon made of blood. This dragon is resistant to non magical piercing, bludgeoning and slashing. Use the stat block for a young black dragon. The dragon goes after you in initiative and knows exactly what you want it to do. The dragon lasts for 1 minute or until killed. If you happen to go down in combat the dragon will continue to attack but can no longer discern allies from enemies other than you.
Once you’ve used one of these abilities you can’t do so again until a long rest.
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