Hoardekeeper (5e Subclass)

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Patron: Great Wyrm

Joining a pact of the dragon's ledger, Warlocks who strike bargains with ancient wyrms do not serve out of reverence — they serve out of debt. The greatest dragons of the multiverse hoard not only gold, but secrets, magic, blood and power itself — and they always seek agents to expand their dominion. In exchange for draconic might, a Hoardkeeper becomes both broker and debtor, bound to the endless expansion of their patron's wealth.

Nature of the Pact[edit]

The Hoardkeeper’s pact with the Great Wyrm is not one of servitude but of mutual benefit. In exchange for power and knowledge, the Warlock is bound to gather treasures—both material and intellectual—and repay their patron's debt. Unlike other Warlocks whose bonds with their patrons are founded on favors, the Hoardkeeper's relationship is one of transactions: treasure, knowledge, and sometimes flesh are the price for the favor of the Wyrm. The Hoardkeeper must constantly work to repay their debt or risk losing favor and power.

Expanded Spell List
Level Spells
1st Detect Magic, Command
3rd Suggestion, Arcane Lock
5th Glyph of Warding, Tongues
7th Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum, Locate Creature
9th Legend Lore, Geas

Hoardkeeper's Debt[edit]

Starting at 1st level, your patron tracks what you owe — and the only payment they accept is treasure, knowledge, or flesh.

You have a Debt Score equal to your Warlock level + your Charisma modifier. This represents your standing with your patron. When your Debt Score reaches 0 or lower, your powers weaken.

Debt Score
Debt Score Effect
11+ Your patron grants you minor boons for good standing. Once per long rest, you can reroll one ability check made to appraise or uncover treasure or secrets. You must use the second roll.
6-10 You gain a small boon: You can cast *identify* once per long rest without expending a spell slot.
1-5 No effect
0 You lose one Warlock spell slot until your Debt is repaid.
-1 to -4 You lose one Pact Boon feature (player's choice) and one spell slot.
-5 or lower Your patron sends an agent to collect the balance — a familiar, draconic spirit, or another Hoardkeeper. You lose all subclass features until your Debt is positive again.

Debt Reduction:[edit]

Your Debt Score increases by:

  • Offering 50 gp × your Warlock level of treasure to your patron during a long rest.
  • Defeating creatures with a combined CR equal to your Warlock level each day, if the creatures are slain in service of your patron’s will (+1 Debt Score per day).
  • Discovering and delivering hidden secrets (at DM's discretion).
  • Offering the corpse or remains of slain creatures during a long rest, increasing your Debt Score by 1 per CR of the creature, if the body is intact and offered as tribute.

Debt Increase:[edit]

Your Debt Score decreases by:

  • Refusing a direct request from your patron.
  • Hoarding treasure without offering tribute (every 7 days you carry unoffered treasure worth more than 100 gp × your level, your Debt Score decreases by 1).
  • Betraying a deal made in your patron’s name.

Tribute Offering[edit]

You are bound to a great wyrm that demands offerings in exchange for power. At 1st level, you can use a bonus action to offer treasure, secrets, or flesh to your patron. You must be touching the item, document, or creature remains to offer it.

  • Treasure or Remains: The item or remains vanish into your patron's extradimensional hoard. Your Debt Score increases by an amount equal to 1 Debt Score per 100 gp of treasure or 1 Debt Score per CR of a corpse (if intact).
  • Knowledge Offering: Once per long rest, you can offer written knowledge, memories, or spells worth up to your Charisma modifier without needing a physical object. At 10th level, this increases to twice your Charisma modifier.

Greedy Vault[edit]

At 6th level, your patron grants you access to their hoard.

  • Extradimensional Vault: You can conjure a vault to store treasure, documents, or small objects. The vault can hold up to 10 pounds + (5 × your Charisma modifier + Debt Score) of items. You can summon or dismiss the vault as a bonus action, and only you can access its contents.
  • Temporary Loan: Once per long rest, you can withdraw treasure equal to half your current Debt Score (minimum 1 gp) as a temporary loan from your patron. If you repay the loan by the next long rest, your Debt Score increases by 1.

Whispers of the Hoard[edit]

At 10th level, your patron grants you the ability to sift through the secrets in their hoard. As a bonus action, you can consult the hoard to learn one of the following:

  • The location of the nearest hidden treasure within 1 mile.
  • A piece of secret knowledge tied to any creature or object you can see (DM's discretion).
  • The true name of any humanoid you've seen in the past 24 hours.
  • Surface thoughts of one creature you can see, as if casting Detect Thoughts (no concentration required).
  • The nature of any creature whose remains you've offered as tribute within the past 24 hours.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest.

Ledger of the Wyrm[edit]

You have become the trusted collector of your patron’s hoard, a valued agent whose duty is to ensure that nothing of value escapes its grasp. The Ledger of the Wyrm grants you the ability to mark your targets for collection, compelling them to hold on to their possessions at all costs.

Once per long rest, as an action, you can invoke the power of the Ledger. Choose one creature within 30 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw against your Warlock spell save DC or become Marked for Collection for 1 hour.

While Marked, the creature is compelled to keep its treasures and magical items. The following conditions apply:

  • Mark for Collection: Once per long rest, as an action, you can invoke the power of the Ledger. Choose one creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw against your Warlock spell save DC or become Marked for Collection for 1 hour.
  • While Marked, the creature is compelled to keep its treasures and magical items. They cannot willingly part with any treasure, magical item, or precious possession unless you allow it. This includes giving items away, selling them, or surrendering them.
  • Death and Collection: If the creature dies while Marked, its corpse and all of its items are immediately transported to your patron's hoard, and your Debt Score increases by an amount equal to half the creature's Challenge Rating (minimum 1).
  • Reclaiming Wealth: While Marked, you can use your reaction to immediately claim an item from the target’s person (such as a weapon, coin, or magical trinket) before it is transported to your patron’s hoard.
  • Additional Influence: While Marked, the creature suffers disadvantage on any ability check made to resist or avoid being robbed, manipulated, or swindled regarding its possessions.

The Wyrm’s Ledger does not just track physical treasures—it also measures the value of what your target holds dear. The creature's personal treasures (including magical items of value, knowledge, and secrets they possess) are subject to your patron’s interests and will be claimed as long as the creature is Marked.

Roleplaying Your Debt[edit]

A Hoardekeeper isn't just a servant — they're a reluctant accomplice to something ancient and greedy. The dragon's voice echoes in your mind, reminding you of every coin you've hidden... and every secret you've yet to deliver.

Is your pact a means of survival — or are you climbing the Wyrm's ledger in hopes of one day becoming its equal?

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