Path of Rage Incarnate (5e Subclass)

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Path of Rage Incarnate[edit]

Barbarian Subclass

A massive human roars as his muscles ripple and double in size striking fear into his enemies. A dwarf bellows, covered in wounds, and should be dead, as he fights the horde of orcs. A goliath growls as his enemies try to kill him and fail. Those who follow the path of Rage Incarnate ar those who truly are the epitome of rage.

Endless Rage

At 3rd level, your rage is endless, you will not fall unconscious or die while in rage. Once your rage is deactivated, you immediately fall unconscious if you have 0 or less hit points left. Your rage also has no time limit.

Ramping Rage

At 3rd level your rage has stages, each giving you better buffs, but at a higher cost. 1st Level: Your regular rage bonus, 2nd Level: Twice your regular rage bonus - When rage is deactivated at this stage you gain a point of exhaustion, 3rd Level: Quadruple your regular rage bonus - When rage is deactivated at this stage you gain 2 points of exhaustion, 4th Level: Octuple your regular rage bonus - When rage is deactivated at this stage, you gain 5 points of exhaustion and cannot do anything until you take a long rest. Stepping up your rage level costs a bonus action, and taking a long rest removes all exhaustion points cause by your rage.

Frightful Rage

At 3rd level when you enter rage all creatures that can see you must make a DC Charisma saving throw, the DC is equal to 8 + your strength score

Pure Rage

At 6th level you gain a permanent boost to your attacks equal to twice your level

Avatar of Rage

At 10th level you gain a transformation that doubles your stats for the duration. This transformation lasts for one minute, and you gain a point of exhaustion once the duration is up. you can use this transformation twice per long rest. Transforming this way costs a bonus action.

Rage Incarnate

At 14th level you can use your transformation as well as stepping up your Rage level as a free action.

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