Heist Artificer (5e Subclass)
Heist artificer[edit]
Artificer Subclass
You are known as someone who can get things done, if what needs to be done is a heist. Your artifice is oriented toward stealth and thievery. You have what it takes to get in and out of nearly anywhere, no harm, no foul.
- Heist Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Alchemist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
3rd level (1st level spells) – Alarm, Sleep
5th level (2nd level spells) – Knock, Pass Without Trace
9th level (3rd level spells) – Dispel Magic, Nondetection
13th level (4th level spells) – Charm Monster, Polymorph
17th level (5th level spells) – Passwall, Transmute Rock To Mud
- Heist Form
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to take the form of a beast with a CR 1 or less, including those forms that can burrow or fly or climb or swim, or which is of a different size than you. This allows to you to get into places you would not normally be able to go. (inspired by Wild Shape) You can do this only once per long rest for a total of one hour.
- Heist Proficiencies
At 3rd level, you are now proficient in two choices from among Disguise Kits, Mason's Tools, Smith's Tools, and Woodcarver's Tools. If you are already proficient in all of these tools, you do not gain proficiency with other tools.
- Empty Infusions
At 5th level, your infusions can be altered on a moment's notice. As a reaction, you can change one infusion to another you already know, although the item infused does not change and the new infusion must be one that is applicable to that item. You can use this feature only once per long rest.
( useful infusions to infuse from for this, at least to a Heist artificer in the primary function of this subclass, when combat arises: Armor of Magical Strength Armor of Tools Many-Handed Pouch Replicate Magic Item )
- Enhanced Ritual Spells
When you cast a ritual spell at 5th level Heist artificer or higher, you can forgo using it as a ritual even if it is not on your spell list or if you just do not have it memorized. If you do, you cannot have it available as a ritual spell until you complete a long rest. For example, if you use the Ritual Caster feat (as cleric) to gain access to the spell Silence, you can use it in a tight spot to get across a location made difficult to cross silently because of glass or pebbles underfoot. You are then unable to cast it as a ritual until you complete a long rest.
- Enhanced Nonmagical Tool Use
At 9th level as a Heist artificer, your tool use as part of Heist activities, meaning when you have not cast any spells at all for at least one hour, gains a +10 bonus on tool use ability checks. This means you can dig, for example, much faster than otherwise when using Mason's Tools.
- Fast Ritual
At level 9 as a Heist artificer, you gain a more thorough understanding of ritual spells. You can now cast them in a tenth of the time it would otherwise take, providing you cast it as a ritual spell.
- Fabrication Tools
When you reach 15th level as a Heist artificer, you can use any tools with maximum speed as if using Fabricate. Meaning, you gain a +10 bonus on all tool use checks, in addition to other factors such as Enhanced Non Magical Tool Use.
- Extra Heist Infusion
At 15th level, you can now use one additional Heist artificer infusion from among those on this page, and you gain one additional infusion per day.
- Arendor's Suit
(requires attunement)
Prerequisites: artificer 15, availability of a suit of clothing
This suit of clothing is highly suitable for stealth. It is a mechanical equivalent of Shiftweave Clothing but only in the sense that it can change color to suit the wearer's choice of background to blend into. It adapts it's coloring to that of the background in various directions. If there are multiple colors within a particular location, such as leaves on the ground at the border of a forest and green grass on the other side, it can show a blend of colors. It must be worn over all other clothing and armor for it's benefits to apply.
While wearing this suit and attuned to it, the wearer can apply a +10 modifier to Stealth checks. The wearer must be alert and conscious and must move at only half speed or less for this bonus to apply, as long as he is moving at all. If he remains completely still, such as if he is unconscious or asleep, the suit remains at the same settings even if the background changes as he must be conscious to change the settings.
- Armor of Enhanced Tools
(requires attunement)
Prerequisites: artificer 15, availability of a suit of armor or of a durable item larger than the tool sets and/or kits integrated
This replaces Armor of Tools if you select it. The wearer gains proficiency, expertise, and advantage with two tools and/or kits which the creature incorporates into it as an action. The wearer can remove or reintegrate either set of tools as an action but cannot change which tools are used. The wearer can add its Intelligence modifier to any ability checks it makes with the integrated tool. The wearer must have a hand free to use the tool. The wearer can use the tool while it is integrated into the armor if your DM allows, such as if the tool in question does not need to be used more than a few feet away from you. Your DM might allow you use your integrated weaver's tools but may require that your mining tools be removed as the surface being mined is physically at least a few feet in front of you. It makes no difference for the purpose of the infusion, but things like Disguise Kits are best left integrated normally, as that requires the use of items on the wearer's person.
- Ghost Form Armor
(requires attunement) Prerequisites: artificer 15, availability of a suit of armor You, and only you, can become incorporeal for 1 minute once per long rest. You cannot replace this infusion until you take a long rest. You do not lose your armor or other equipment except that it is also incorporeal. When this infusion ends, the armor becomes nonmagical and returns to it's normal state. If you are inside solid matter at this time, you are forced out to the nearest physical space that is not solid and take 1d10 force damage per 10 feet moved. Note that, for example, if you move your full movement speed for 1 minute, you could be forced back to your starting location. If your move speed is 30 feet and you move for 10 rounds at that speed, you are forced backward 300 feet and take 30d10 force damage, possibly killing you. This effect cannot make you invisible or otherwise stealthy by itself but you can do so by other means.
- Replicate Heist Items
Prerequisites: artificer 3, availability of nonmagical item to be infused
Heist Item Replicated prerequisite: artificer 3 You can replicate one of the following magic items. This infusion is otherwise as Replicate Magic Item. At each level up, you can change this infusion or the item manufactured as usual for this class.
prerequisite: artificer 3 Shiftweave Clothing Voting Kit Gloves of Thievery Pendant of Thieves' Sight any common item not otherwise included in your repertoire for Replicate Magic Item (none known to me)
prerequisite: artificer 6 Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location (requires attunement) Silent Tool Gloves (see below)
prerequisite: artificer 10 Dagger of Blindsight (requires attunement) Portable Hole Ring of Spell Storing (requires attunement) Ring of Psionic Storing (requires attunement)
prerequisite: artificer 14 Bracelet of Rock Magic (requires attunement) Ghost Step Tattoo (requires attunement) Obviator's Lenses Smoke Goggles (see below, requires attunement) Tremorsense Boots (see below, requires attunement)
- Wildform Suit
(requires attunement) Prerequisites: artificer 15, availability of a suit of clothing As an action, you can take the form of a beast as with Heist Form an unlimited times per day indefinitely. All armor and equipment is absorbed into this form and is nonfunctional. The clothing can be worn under other clothing or armor or both. You can change back to your natural form as an action. You cannot change form directly from one beast form to another. You cannot take the form of a swarm such as a swarm of beetles.
- Silent Tool Gloves
Uncommon Item, Minor Tier These gloves have 3 charges. When a charge is expended as an action and these gloves are worn while the wearer is using tools, each glove radiates magical silence up to 3 feet out from itself, to a minimum of 1 inch, for 1 hour with each use of a charge. This magical silence affects only sounds the tool itself makes including vibrations within the material you are working with. Thus, for example, if you are using Mason's Tools to dig a tunnel through stone, the sound of your tool use will not alert anyone nearby such as a guard on the other side of a wall in that time. You can hear normally and would still need to make Stealth checks. You can still speak or hear normally, can cast spells with verbal components, and must make stealth checks normally otherwise.
- Smoke Goggles
(requires attunement) Rare Item, Major Tier These goggles use a magical equivalent of thermal vision to allow the wearer to see normally through heavy obscurement such as smoke or fog or darkness. Magical darkness blocks the vision provided by these goggles even if the wearer can see through magical darkness. The wearer can see up to 60 feet with these goggles but vision in other ways is unaffected. They provide no ability to see magical auras or living beings or physical obstacles such as terrain or walls or floors.
- Tremorsense Boots
(requires attunement) Very Rare Item, Minor Tier While wearing this pair of boots, the wearer has tremorsense up to 15 feet. You can use more than one infusion slot when infusing boots in this way, if an infusion is used to make them. When you do, each additional infusion slot used adds 10 feet to the distance at which the wearer has tremorsense.
- Tunnel Cover
Tool used: Woodcarver's Tools, Alchemical Supplies Over the course of an hour, you can make a believable cover for the entrance of a tunnel or other stone oddity. You must have the materials on hand and must have space and freedom to work on this project. You make a wooden shape fit to the contours you want and cover it with stone dust you glue onto it. You then put it in place against the individual surface you want disguised. Someone who is able to see the cover can make a Perception check opposed by the DC set by your Woodcarver's Tools check at the time. Because it's structure is of wood and not stone, a searcher who investigates closely in a way that includes touching it, such as knocking, makes an Investigation check instead with advantage. You must have proficiency with both Woodcarver's Tools and Alchemical Supplies to make this item unless you are assisted by someone who has proficiency with the other one.
- Climbing Kit
Tool used: Smith's Tools, or Tinker's Tools if ad hoc As described in the PHB.
- Any One Tool
Tool used: Tinker's Tools, the tool being manufactured Over the course of a minute, you can make a set of any tool set or kit you are proficient in, providing you have one of itself to use as a comparison, plus Tinker's Tools. In some cases, the tool used must also include the tool being manufactured and/or Smith's Tools or another relevant tool such as Weaver's Tools for a Disguise Kit. Ask your DM for a ruling on this. You can make the tool over the course of a day using only Tinker's Tools providing you have the materials on hand.
- Parachute
Tool used: Weaver's tools, or none if ad hoc at disadvantage on the check You can make an ad hoc parachute using any cloth large enough to slow the bearer down during a fall. The cloth must be at least twice the width of the individual and at least the length of the individual's largest dimension otherwise, such as height for a humanoid or length for a quadruped. Check with your DM for acceptable dimensions. The material must have no holes large enough for air to escape through quickly and must be nonporous enough you could use it as sailcloth to some extent, such as when using a blanket as an ad hoc sail for a very small boat in order to propel it at perhaps one quarter speed. Sailcloth or something entirely nonporous (such as a Medium size coated sealskin raincoat for a gnome) would be almost ideal. You must also have the means to hold it in place above your head. Otherwise, make an Athletics check.
- ad hoc trap
Tool used: Tinker's Tools, a tool relevant to the material the trap is made from Over the course of a minute, you can rig a quick trap from materials on hand, with DM approval. Examples include snares, small explosives, dart traps, and the like. Attack rolls are at disadvantage. If you take an hour to set the trap, the disadvantage does not apply, or a day in some cases.
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