Order of the Endless Hunt (5e Subclass)

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Order of the Endless Hunt[edit]

Blood Hunter Subclass

The Order of the Endless Hunt, chosen by fate and driven by the need to end the nightmare, stands as a pivotal figure in the battle against a pervasive curse. Hunters are bound to an unending oath in blood, known as The Hunt, which once made, cannot be broken. Breaking this oath earns the ire of every sworn hunter and marks the transgressor as prey. This oath charges hunters to seek and destroy those who threaten civilisation, particularly those with insidious agendas or means of infiltration. Although hunters are well-suited to face any foe, they specialise against three: warped yet earthly beasts, monstrosities, and eldritch aberrations from beyond the stars. The Hunter's journey is marked by encounters with nightmarish creatures and otherworldly entities, pushing them to the limits of sanity and endurance. For hunters, The Hunt is an eternal responsibility, only released upon death; yet even in death, some hunters still serve. Initiation into the hunt is through a ritual known as The Transfusion, a closely guarded secret that enhances one's physiology through the power of blood magic. Armed with the secrets of eldritch knowledge and combat techniques refined through rigorous training, the Hunter becomes a relentless seeker of forbidden wisdom and a slayer of abominations, edging closer to breaking the cycle of the endless hunt while risking succumbing to the very horrors they strive to eradicate.

The Hunt Begins

The Transfusion is complete. You have embraced the way of the covenants and adopted the mantle of Hunter. Beginning at 3rd level you gain the following benefits:

If you have taken damage from a hostile creature since your last turn, your successful melee weapon attacks allow you to regain hit points equal to a roll of your hemocraft die. This feature has no effect against creatures incapable of bleeding.

Ranged weapons are treated as martial weapons if being dual-wielded but their ranges are decreased to (15/15).

Quicksilver Projectile

Also, at 3rd level, you gain the ability to fabricate a special type of ammunition, infused with your own blood, called Quicksilver Projectile. These projectiles ignore resistance and immunity to piercing damage, and on a hit, you force your target to make a Constitution saving throw against your hemocraft save DC. On a failed save, your target is stunned until the end of your next turn.

You can craft a number of projectiles equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain the ability to do so after finishing a short or a long rest. If you have no uses of this feature, you can roll your hemocraft die to create a blood projectile. The blood projectile has the same properties of the quicksilver projectile.

Gun Parry

Starting at 7th level, when you are targeted by a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can use a reaction to make an attack with a quicksilver projectile against the attacker. On a hit, that creature misses and is stunned for the remainder of the turn.

If you are wielding a melee weapon, you can instantly make a melee weapon attack against it, as part of the same reaction.

Brand of the Hunt

Starting at 11th level, when you brand a creature with your Brand of Castigation, any attack made against it that would heal you, also replenishes a quicksilver projectile. Additionally, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 against the marked creature.


Starting at 15th level, your awareness is finally opened to the truth. You can see the true form of any shapechanger or creature concealed by illusion or transmutation magic while the creature is within 30 feet of you and within line of sight.

In addition, you gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws and on any Wisdom checks you aren't already proficient, and you learn how to speak, read and write in deepspeech.

Blood Curse of the Visceral

At 18th level, you develop the ability to weaken the body of your prey, making it vulnerable to your attacks. You gain the Blood Curse of the Visceral for your Blood Maledict feature. This doesn’t count against your number of blood curses known:

As a bonus action, you cause a creature within 30 feet of you to become vulnerable to melee attacks made by you. The cursed creature can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the curse on itself on a success.

Amplify. Melee weapon attacks made by you against the creature cause additional 2d6 damage, from your weapon's type.
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