Greedy Bloodline (5e Subclass)

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Greedy Bloodline[edit]

Sorcerer Subclass

Your potent magic comes from pass ancestors or directly form Mammon, the King of Greed. Either through being given it through birth when your ancestors made a pact with mammon to gain such powers or through the seed of mammon himself. Maybe you made a pact with Mammon through intense wordship or acts to gain the king of greed's magic, but will you use it to strike greed into the hearts of many? Or use it to draw out the inner greed from a creature's soul and vanish it from their sinful heart?

Greedy Ways[edit]

At 1st level, you have learned one out of three ways to provoke greed within creature's souls. You gain proficiency in insight, deception, or persuasion.

Greedy Incitement[edit]

At 1st level, you can incite a creature to do as you please. You can expend 1 sorcery point and present at least 50 gp up to 250 gp towards one humanoid in a 30 ft range, that targeted creature must make a Wisdom saving throw beating your spell save DC or the creature becomes charmed by you for one minute, fixated on the gold coins. This charmed creature can reroll the save if the effect creature is damaged by any means. While the creature is charmed, the creature will approach you in the safest route it can take to reach the gold, if the duration is still active, you can give the gold to the incited creature, for the rest of the duration, the creature will now listen to any command you give based on the gold you give listed below and refuse the command if you do not reach its desired amount. If your command does not correspond with the listed commands below, you can discuss with your DM about the commands it is willing to take (This option is encouraged). The gold given to the targeted creature melts into a gold-like liquid when the duration ends.

Greedy Incitement table
Incitement Willingness
50-100 GP You can issue non-risky and basic commands like: Fetching an item, activating an item, or speaking to a creature. (Targeted creature will not attempt to make any rolls when talking to the creature it's speaking to.)
101-150 GP You can issue relatively safe and non-risky commands like: Attacking a creature below 20 % of their heath pool, walking out of a creature's attack range (must disengage), and speaking to a creature. (Targeted creature can attempt to make rolls when talking to the creature it's speaking to as long as the situation is non-hostile.)
151-200 GP You can issue moderately risky, relatively safe, and non-risky commands like: Attacking a creature below 50 % of their heath pool, will heal the user and the user's allies when told to if it has access to healing options and speaking to a creature. (Targeted creature can attempt to make rolls when talking to the creature it's speaking to even if it can turn hostile.)
201-250 GP You can issue risky, moderately risky, relatively safe, and non-risky commands like: Attacking a creature, will throw itself in the face of danger if commanded, and die for the caster but not via self-harm.

Greedy Storage[edit]

At 6th level, your bloodline has strengthened, allowing you to store coin in the astral sea for future use. You can create a pocket dimension in the astral sea that can store up to 500 coins regardless of the type of currency which you can pocket or grab as an action. Additionally, you can target any creature type when using Greedy Incitement.

The Cost of Coin[edit]

At 6th level, you show the price of greed to all. You can present a 5 platinum pieces or magical summon 5 platinum pieces by expending 4 sorcery points to one creature of your choice in a 45 ft range, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw beating your spell save DC or the creature becomes distracted by your coin. The creature has disadvantage on any checks, saving throws, and attack rolls it makes for one minute. The creature can reroll the save at the start of each of its turns. The coin presented to the creature dissipates when the duration ends.

Treasury Summon[edit]

At 14th level, you have learned to create a Xorn to follow your command. You can expend 5 sorcery points to summon a Xorn. The Xorn follows the familiar rules. Additionally, as a bonus action, you can throw 2d6 gold coins at the Xorn, the Xorn will consume these gold coins and regain the amount of gold coins throw or 1 platinum to regain 10 hit points.

Greedy Word[edit]

At 18th level, your word can feed greed itself. Once per day, if your Greedy Storage is fully maxed out with at least 300 of the coin being gold coin and 150 of the coin being platinum and 50 being silver pieces, you can expend all coin in the storage to instantly kill a creature with 100 hit points or fewer. When the creature is killed, you can expend 7 sorcery points to turn it into a Xorn, following the rules of a familiar. The creature cannot be killed this way if the creature has legendary actions or is of significant importance to the campaign.

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