Aetherheart (5e Subclass)
Artificer Subclass
Artificers who harness the power of an Aetherheart have unlocked the secret of self-sustaining magical energy. Through the meticulous embedding of an intricate core of arcane sigils, bound elementals, and raw magical force within their bodies, these artificers transform into living conduits of power. Capable of absorbing, storing, and unleashing vast reserves of energy, they shape it into protective barriers, devastating blasts, and solid constructs of pure force.
The Aetherheart within this subclass represents a central, mystical core embedded deep within the artificer's body. This core functions as both a magical conduit and an arcane battery, absorbing energy from various sources and storing it for future use. It serves two main purposes: first, it fuels the artificer's abilities, allowing them to channel energy for offensive and defensive effects; and second, it symbolizes the artificer's profound connection to the raw arcane forces, making them not just a wielder of magic, but a living, breathing vessel of raw power.
The Aetherheart can serve as the artificer's Arcane Focus, amplifying their connection to magic and streamlining their spellcasting abilities.
DM Guidelines[edit]
Aetherheart Destruction/Damage/Loss: If the Aetherheart is compromised, the artificer loses access to subclass abilities, until it is repaired or replaced. Restoring the Aetherheart could involve forging a new core or seeking rare components or magical assistance.
Energy Conduit[edit]
At 3rd level, your Aetherheart begins absorbing and storing magical energy from various sources.
Elemental Absorption: When you take fire, lightning, radiant, or force damage, you can use your reaction to absorb part of that energy. You reduce the damage taken by 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier and store the absorbed energy as arcane charge dice (d6s). You can store a maximum number of dice equal to 10 + your Intelligence modifier.
Arcane Charge Usage:You can spend 1 arcane charge die to gain a +1 bonus to an attack roll, damage roll, saving throw, or ability check. The maximum number of dice you can spend on a single roll equals your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Reactor Recharge: Your Aetherheart passively recharges in magical environments. After 10 minutes of exposure to an intense magical source (such as a leyline, a permanent enchantment, or an active spell effect), you regain 1d6 arcane charge dice.
Aetheric Constructs[edit]
At 5th level, you gain the ability to materialize hardened magical energy, shaping it into weapons, armor, and other objects.
Aetheric Shaping: As a bonus action, you can create weapons, shields, or simple objects from your stored arcane charge. These constructs last 1 minute or until dismissed. Each object costs 1d6 arcane charge dice to create. Weapons made this way count as magical for overcoming resistances. Shields grant a +2 bonus to AC.
Protective Field: When hit by an attack, you can expend 1d6 arcane charge dice as a reaction to create a protective barrier, reducing the damage by the amount rolled.
Aetherheart Mastery[edit]
At 9th level, your Aetherheart reaches a new level of efficiency, allowing you to store and release energy more effectively.
Enhanced Storage: Your maximum arcane charge dice increases to 20 + your Intelligence modifier.
Greater Absorption: When you absorb energy, you now reduce the damage taken by 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier, instead of 1d6.
Reinforced Constructs: Aetheric Constructs gain resistance to all damage except force and radiant damage.
Arcane Overload[edit]
At 15th level, your Aetherheart reaches critical mass, allowing you to unleash devastating power.
Overcharge Pulse: As an action, you can spend 5d6 arcane charge dice to emit a wave of raw magical force. Each creature in a 30-foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + proficiency + Intelligence mod). On a failure, they take 6d6 force or radiant damage (your choice) and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half damage.
Aetheric Disintegration: As an action, you can spend 10d6 arcane charge dice to fire a concentrated beam of energy at a target within 60 feet. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 12d6 force damage and be partially disintegrated, losing non-magical armor and equipment (GM’s discretion applies). The ability has a 1-hour cooldown after use.
Eternal Aetherheart[edit]
At 18th level, your Aetherheart sustains itself indefinitely, fueling your abilities without end.
Self-Sustaining Core: At the end of each of your turns, you automatically regain 2d6 arcane charge dice.
Aetheric Infusion: For 1 minute, you can spend 2d6 arcane charge dice per roll to double any attack roll, damage roll, saving throw, or ability check.
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