Order of the Sword Scourge (5e Subclass)
Order of the Sword Scourge[edit]
Blood Hunter Subclass
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Artist: Trassnick Source |
Amongst the warriors and hunters of the Blood Hunters, the Order of the Sword Scourge is often the most ostracized; a profanity even to the profane. This is for the more savage maladies members of the Order partake in, through use of cursed artifacts, advanced maledictions, forbidden magic and even dabbling in curses of other orders. They willingly suffer the ill effects of the curses for the sake of strength, as well as keeping the horrors of unknown and accursed artifacts safe, sealed and out of the hands of those who would fall into their trap.
Downtrodden Warriors, Forgotten Hunters and Persecuted Races fighting as lone warriors form the core of the Order of the Sword Scourge: An order in name alone. As such a warrior, you have taken the Oath of the Sword Scourge, an Oath of self destruction bundled with a glorified curse that you can spread to your enemies like a malevolent plague. Though some see this oath as a death sentence (Whether they feel they deserve it or not), some revel in the curses their arms and Oath bring upon themselves and others, and can put any horror, heathen or hero to the sword.
- Hemocraft Curse
At 3rd level thanks to the Oath of the Sword Scourge, your ability to curse is twice as potent as an average Blood Hunter's. You learn one extra Blood Curse of your choice from any order (provided you meet the level requirements), and damage from activating your hemocraft die is reduced by your proficiency bonus (minimum 1 point of damage).
However, your Blood Curses are always amplified. This means you always take damage from activating them.
- Scourge's Hex
At 3rd level, your transient curse has begun to appear in more effective ways. You learn the hex spell, and can cast it by taking necrotic damage equal to one roll of your Hemocraft die. When cast in this way, it is cast at 1st level, and you ignore the Material components of the spell, and the target takes extra necrotic damage equal to two rolls of your Hemocraft Die in place of 1d6.
However, this hex also affects you. When a target is hexed, you have disadvantage on the same ability check the target does.
If a hexed target dies, you regain hit points equal to one roll of your Hemocraft die and may shift the hex to another target within range. The hit points can heal permanent necrotic damage taken from Hemocraft dice.
At 11th level, you may cast it at 3rd level. At 15th level, you may cast it at 5th level.
- Accursed Resistance
Also at 3rd level, you have advantage on saving throws against curses through the power of your Oath. For example, the bestow curse spell, as well as those against cursed items such as Imrae or the Berserker Axe.
- Conjoined With Calamity
At 5th level, your connection to your curse has expanded your understanding of hexes and malevolent magics. You can identify cursed items as long as you know they are magical.
In addition, When using a cursed item, you gain proficiency in that item type if you do not already have it. For example, gaining armor such as Demon Armor would give you proficiency in plate armor. Class and racial restrictions can be waved with the DM's permission.
In the case of a spellcasting focus, such as Imrae, you would gain the ability to cast one spell and two cantrips of any spell list of your choice. The focus also grants you two spell slots and a maximum spell level (Depending on the focus' rarity) equal to 9 - the bonus to saving throws as seen below. You use your Hemocraft modifier to calculate spell attacks and save DCs, and you may change your chosen spells every long rest.
- Uphold the Oath
At 7th level, your Order has tasked you with the retrieval of a cursed artifact. Work with your DM to decide what it is, where it is, what it does, and how you plan to get it. This can be a pre-existing cursed item, or an item of your and the DM's creation. Upon its acquisition, that item becomes your signature, and you may even start becoming known for this item.
You may also seal cursed items to be usable only by you, saving others from its wrath. Sentient cursed items must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Hemocraft Save DC to avoid being sealed, while non-sentient cursed item must be sealed with a Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw from you (The DC equals 20 - the save bonus based on its rarity as seen on the table below). On a failed check from you or a successful save from the cursed item, you take necrotic damage equal to 10 - the item's bonus to saving throws (as seen below) rolls of your Hemocraft die and cannot attempt to seal the item again for 24 hours.
When a cursed object is sealed, you can summon the object to your hand (if it is small enough) using an action. If it is too large to hold, it appears on the ground in a space 5 feet away from you. When using a sealed cursed item, you may use your Hemocraft modifier (Intelligence or Wisdom) in place of regular modifiers. For example, armor with a Dexterity bonus, weapons with a Strength bonus or spellcasting focuses that allow spellcasting through Conjoined With Calamity would all allow you to use your Hemocraft modifier instead of the regular modifiers. Any creature other than you that attempts to pick up or use the item must make a Intelligence save or take two of your Hemocraft die in psychic damage. Regardless of a pass or a fail, the creature drops the item.
You also gain a bonus to saving throws against cursed items. This bonus is dependent on rarity as seen below: you gain a bonus to saving throws against its cursed effects depending on its rarity:
Rarity | Save Bonus |
Common | +7 |
Uncommon | +6 |
Rare | +5 |
Very Rare | +4 |
Legendary | +3 |
Artifact | +2 |
Unique | +1 |
??? | +0 |
- Malevolent Malediction
Also at 7th level, your brand of castigation can be bolstered through the power of your curse. As a bonus action after affecting a target with your Brand of Castigation, you may take one of your Hemocraft Die in necrotic damage to deepen the curse. When bolstered, the Brand physically sinks into the target's flesh, causing immense pain. While cursed in this way, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws and concentration checks, and takes one roll of your hemocraft die in psychic damage at the start of its turn.
However, this curse also brands you with a similar mark. While this bolstered curse is active, you have disadvantage on attack rolls against other creatures, and other creatures have advantage on attack rolls against you.
- Accursed Rite
At 11th level, you gain access to Crimson Rites known only to your order. You may replace one of your crimson or esoteric rite with one of the following rites:
- Rite of the Order. Your rite deals force damage.
- Rite of the Scourge. Your rite deals poison damage.
- Rite of the Accursed. Your rite deals acid damage.
In addition, when a target is damaged with one of your Crimson Rites, you gain hit points equal to the extra damage dealt. The hit points can heal permanent necrotic damage taken from Hemocraft dice.
- Scourge Curses
Also at 11th level, you gain access to Blood Curses unique to your order:
- Blood Curse of Reverse Malady. As an action after Hexing a target, you may cause them to gain hit points instead of losing them. The target regains hit points equal to one roll of your Hemocraft die + your Hemocraft modifier at the start of each of their turns as long as they are Hexed. They still have disadvantage on a saving throw of your choice. In addition, if the cursed target is reduced to 0 hit points, they are reduced to 1 instead, and the Hex ends.
- Blood Curse of Overwhelming Will. As a bonus action, you can exert your will over a cursed object. Make a Wisdom or Intelligence saving throw (The DC equals 20 - the save bonus based on its rarity as seen on the table above). On a success, you ignore the cursed item's cursed effects until the end of your next turn. If the target is sealed, you has advantage on your saving throw.
- Blood Curse of the Sword Scourge. Prerequisite: 18th level: The infamous Blood Curse this Order is known for. You target a number of weapons you can see equal to your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier. Those weapons are now Scourged for one minute. Creatures holding or who attempt to hold a Scourged weapon must make a Constitution saving throw or take a number of points of magical piercing damage equal to your hemocraft die + your proficiency bonus, as bloody thorns pierce their hand. On a successful save, they take half damage. They must then make a Wisdom saving throw or drop the weapon.
- Transient Curse
At 15th Level, your ability to spread your curse has bolstered to the point of near-mastery. You may cast bestow curse as a bonus action by taking necrotic damage equal to 3 rolls of your Hemocraft die. When cast in this way, you cast it without material or verbal components, and it is cast at 5th level.
However, much akin to your Hex, this power doesn’t come without cost. When cast in this way, you also must make the save. You do not have advantage on this save. On a fail, you suffer the affects of your curse. If your target succeeds and you fail, you may end this curse as a bonus action on your next turn.
You may also cast remove curse by expending one use of your Blood Maledict.
If a cursed target dies or a curse is lifted, you regain hit points equal to two rolls of you Hemocraft die. The hit points can heal permanent necrotic damage taken from Hemocraft dice.
At 18th level, you may cast it at 7th level. At 20th level, you may cast it at 9th level.
- Scourge Remedy
Also at 15th level, your curse has made it much harder for others to curse you. You are immune to curses, as well as spells and effects that lower your ability scores or change your form. This does not apply to Sealed items or your feature curses, however you are immune to effects that would change or alter your personality, form, memories or alignment. Instead, only minor changes occur (For example, items that influence wielder into evil would instead have mild compulsions towards malevolence, while full transformations such as Mask of Spiderkind would give you spider-like features instead of the full transformation). If your alignment or form is already changed, it can be returned to its original state with a Greater Restoration spell.
- Unleash the Curse
At 18th level, you have mastered your curse and are capable of turning it into a weapon of pure destruction. As an action, you may unleash a burst of cursed energy in a 60 ft. radius around you. All creatures in this radius (including you) must make a Intelligence saving throw against your Hemocraft save DC. Fey, Fiends and Undead have disadvantage on this save, while a Marked target fails automatically. On a fail, the target is Cursed and Hexed for 8 hours. Upon a success, they take one of your Hemocraft die in necrotic damage. You choose the effects of the Curse and the Hex for every target (Including you) as a group.
If a target dies while cursed, you gain hit points equal to three rolls of your Hemocraft die. The hit points can heal permanent necrotic damage taken from Hemocraft dice.
- Curse Eater
Also at 18th level, your curse has gained the ability to take on other curses. By undergoing a 1 hour ritual and taking a number of necrotic damage equal to your hemocraft die x 9 - the bonus to saves based on rarity as seen above (If it is a location or creature, you multiply your roll by the spell's level), you can lift the curse on any cursed item, creature or place. If the item is sealed, you take half damage and the ritual takes 30 minutes. Your DM can describe what effect this has on the item or place if it is sentient. If this damage would reduce you to 0 hit points, you fall unconscious and the item remains cursed.
After a curse is "eaten", you gain a bonus to your Hemocraft (And/or spell if you have a spellcasting focus attuned) save DC equal to 9 - the rarity bonus (If it is a creature or place, the bonus is the spell's level). This bonus lasts until a creature fails a saving throw against this DC. You cannot have more than one bonus at one time (If you gain a second bonus that is larger than the bonus you already have, you may replace the original bonus with the new one).
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