The Pantheon (Variant) (5e Subclass)

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The Pantheon (Variant)[edit]

Warlock Subclass Skirting the line between a warlock and cleric, you’ve managed to get yourself empowered by not a single god, but multiple deities or their servants. While each might contribute only a small fraction of the divine power you would receive for actual devotion, the myriad of abilities does allow you some greater moral and tactical flexibility.

Divine Wisdom

Starting at 3rd level, you mind is filled with the deep understanding of religious sages past. You gain proficiency with a skill and tool and learn to read, write, and understand a language based on the cleric domains you chose for Pantheon of Power feature. See the Divine Pacts table for details. If you are already proficient in a skill or tool, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it. You can use your Charisma modifier for any ability checks you make with the skills or tool proficiencies gained from this feature instead of their normal ability scores.

You also learn the thaumaturgy cantrip. It counts as a warlock cantrip for you and you can cast it as an action or bonus action.

Expanded Spells List

Starting at 3rd level, your patheon lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The Pantheon Expanded Spells table shows the divine spells that are added to the warlock spell list for you, along with the spells associated in the table with your patrons’ domains. You can only select spells from the Pantheon spells or domains you choose for the Pantheon of Power feature.

Pantheon Expanded Spells
Warlock Level Pantheon Spells Arcana Spells Death Spells Forge Spells Grave Spells Knowledge Spells Life Spells Light Spells Nature Spells Order Spells Peace Spells Tempest Spells Trickery Spells Twilight Spells War Spells
3rd bless chromatic orb inflict wounds tenser's floating disk false life identify cure wounds guiding bolt animal friendship command sanctuary thunderwave silent image sleep compelled duel
3rd aid augury wither and bloom heat metal gentle repose zone of truth healing spirit moonbeam summon beast arcane lock calm emotions gust of wind nathair's mischief prayer of healing melf's acid arrow
5th spirit guardians glyph of warding revivify elemental weapon feign death speak with dead mass healing word daylight plant growth galder's tower motivational speech call lightning nondetection catnap crusader's mantle
7th divination leomund's secret chest phantasmal killer summon construct death ward locate creature aura of life fount of moonlight grasping vine mordenkainen's faithful hound stoneskin ice storm greater invisibility mordenkainen's private sanctum fire shield
9th summon celestial bigby's hand antilife shell creation reincarnate legend lore mass cure wounds dawn commune with nature geas hallow maelstrom seeming dream destructive wave
17th mass heal
Pantheon of Power

Starting at 3rd level, you are empowered by the many, but not the all. You can select a number of cleric domains equal your proficiency bonus. You can’t select the same domain twice. You can use one of the Channel Divinity options from each domain. See the Divine Pacts table for details. Once you use each Channel Divinity, you can’t use that Channel Divinity again until you complete a long rest. The Channel Divinities use your spell save DC for any saving throws, any mention of a cleric level becomes your warlock level, you can use your Charisma modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier, and you can use an arcane focus instead of a holy symbol.

Magic of Many Sources

Starting at 6th level, your growing mastery of over many forms of magic increases the variety of minor miracles you might perform. You learn a cantrip and a 1st-level or higher spell of your choice from a class or school of magic spell list based on the domains you chose for Pantheon of Power feature. See the Divine Pact table for details. The spell chosen must be one you can cast with your warlock spell slots and you always have it prepared. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these cantrips and spells. When you complete a long rest, you can replace a cantrip or spell learned from this feature with a different cantrip or spell from the same spell list.

Multiphasic Armor

Starting at 10th level, you are clad in invisible armor against many elements. You have resistance to a damage type and advantage on saving throws to avoid or end a condition based on the cleric domains you chose for Pantheon of Power feature. See the Divine Pacts table for details. If you chose the Life Domain, you gain no resistance or advantage, but your maximum hit points are increased by your warlock level and you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier whenever you complete a short or long rest (minimum 1).

Many Blessings of Perseverance

Starting at 14th level, your many diverse strands of divinity weave together into a stabler tapestry. You can use a magic action to expend a warlock spell slot and regain the use of all your expended Channel Divinities. When you use this feature, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier.

Many Blessings of Power

Starting at 14th level, your many diverse strands of divinity weave together into a stronger tapestry .You can cast any cantrip you know as a bonus action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier and regain all uses when you finish a long rest (minimum 1).

Many Blessings of Protection

Starting at 14th level, your many diverse strands of divinity weave together into a sturdier tapestry. When you would take damage from a damage type you have resistance to, you can use your reaction to gain immunity to that damage type until the start of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier and regain all uses when you finish a long rest (minimum 1).

Divine Pact
Domain Channel Divinity Language Skill Tool Set Spell List Resistance Condition
Arcana Arcane Abjuration Elvish Arcana Calligrapher’s Supplies Sorcerer Force charmed
Death Touch of Death Goblin Intimidation Potter’s Tools Necromancy Necrotic paralyzed
Forge Artisan’s Blessing Dwarven Athletics Smith’s Tools Artificer Fire knock back
Grave Path to the Grave Undercommon Stealth Mason’s Tools Abjuration Nonmagical Slashing deafened
Knowledge Knowledge of the Ages Gnomish Investigation Tinker’s Tools Divination Lightning stunned
Life Preserve Life Celestial Medicine Alchemist’s Supplies Cleric None None
Light Radiance of the Dawn Draconic Insight Glassblower’s Tools Evocation Radiant blinded
Nature Charm Animals and Plants Primordial Nature Herbalism Kit Druid Poison poisoned
Order Order’s Demand Infernal Religion Cartographer’s Tools Wizard Nonmagical Bludgeoning unconscious
Peace Balm of Peace Halfling Persuasion Painter’s Supplies Bard Acid frightened
Tempest Destructive Wrath Giant Acrobatics Navigator's Tools Conjuration Thunder prone
Trickery Invoke Duplicity Sylvan Deception Forgery Kit Illusion Psychic restrained
Twilight Twilight Sanctuary Deep Speech Perception Cook's Utensils Transmutation Cold petrified
War Guided Strike Orc History Poisoner’s Kit Enchantment Nonmagical Piercing exhaustion

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