Way of the Dark One (5e Subclass)

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Way of the Dark One[edit]

"Betrayal born from Peace, and Hatred born from Trust. The Dark Ones are the truth of the world." Monks of the Way of the Dark One harness their anger, hatred, and rage to fuel their strength.

Darkened Strikes

At the 3rd level, Your anger fuels your strikes with dark energy. Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you siphon its life force. Roll an additional 1d6 necrotic damage, and you regain hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt. If your hit points are already at their maximum, the excess damage grants you temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier + your monk level. These temporary hit points last until you finish a short or long rest.

Abysmal Hatred

At the 6th level, Your hit point maximum increases by 2. Every time you gain a level in the monk class, Your hit point maximum increases by 1.

Unyielding Rage

Your anger and hatred grant you resilience in combat. Starting at the 6th level, you can enter a state of unyielding rage as a bonus action. While raging, you gain the following benefits:

You have an advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Wisdom modifier. You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from both magical and non-magical sources. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Dreaded Assault

At the 11th level Your connection to the dark side intensifies, granting you incredible speed and a flurry of devastating attacks. Your base movement speed increases by 10 feet. Additionally, When you use flurry of blows, you can make an additional two strikes as part of that attack.

True Frenzy

At the 17th level, Your anger and hatred manifest in a devastating display of power. When you use your Flurry of Blows feature, your unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d10 necrotic damage. Additionally, whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, it must make a Constitution saving throw against your monk save DC or be stunned until the end of its next turn.

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