Way of Martial Hyper Learning (5e Subclass)

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Way of Martial Hyper Learning[edit]

Monk Subclass

Patience is a great option to be a monk, but this is not the choice you have made. The monks can teach you to meditate, but it's up to you and your mind to open new horizons. This route is for self-taught only, you will be master and teacher. Master your mind and body. A strong soul resides in a strong body and a strong mind.


The mind is an unlimited source of creativity and ingenuity if you have the right channels to guide it, with meditation you can grasp the nuances of everyday life and make them become a weapon, even emotions and war tactics can become martial techniques.

At 3rd level, you can select up to 2 martial fighting styles.

Combo Star: Every 2 successful hits you can add 1 additional damage to your physical damage, this bonus does not add to spells and does not count spells in combos.
The combo resets if you are hit by a crit, by an amount of damage equal to half your original hit points, if you are paralyzed, or at 0 hit points.
(You can achieve a maximum of additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus + Wisdom)

Defiant Attitude: Always manages to enter fighting stance, gain +2 on attack roll when you have melee weapons you are proficient in or when unarmed.
You gain the ability to use your reaction to give your opponent a -2 to close range attack rolls against you.

Definitive analysis: You can use a full action on your turn to scan the enemy for his next move, this will allow you to gain advantage against saving throws and impose a swat on the enemy if he wants to hit you.
While using this technique, you gain until the end of the next turn AC a bonus equal to your proficiency and a bonus on Wisdom and Dexterity saving throws equal to your proficiency.

Fighting Instinct: It is impossible for you to be taken aback, your senses are always alert.
Gain proficiency in Perception.
Gain +2 to passive perception.
Gain Blindsight 10 feet.

Higher Ki: Your Ki grows exponentially, now you have the ability to throw Ki orbs at your opponents.
Use the martial card for the damage your Ki balls can do.
Each orb costs 1 Ki point and your wisdom is added to the damage, each orb does force damage.
In addition, you gain a bonus in Ki equal to the amount of your proficiency bonus.
Each ball of Ki can be thrown up to 30 feet away from you, and dexterity is used to throw it.
Additionally, flurry of blows can be used with Ki orbs.
If you want, you can add points equal to Ki proficiency to add an additional martial die damage from the monk table.

Wind Walker Style: Ki flows throughout your body, now you understand a technique that allows you to shape your strikes without blunt, slashing or piercing weapons.
But, it only applies to strikes that require the use of Ki.
In addition, you gain the ability to use your reaction on your turn to attempt to strike an enemy within 5 feet of you with a powerful blow.
You also learn the use of a new technique, the sonic blows, the latter use the strength of the legs to unleash deadly blows, this technique can be used by spending an action, a bonus action or a reaction during your turn and can also be :used with flurry of blows.
But, each hit gains -1 to hit and +1 to damage and uses the monk's martial table.

Expansion of Limits: As a bonus action, you can enter the first phase of this power, but at a cost of 3 ki points.
You are clothed in an aura of Ki that allows you to reduce the following damage by 1 martial die + wisdom: bludgeoning, slashing, piercing, fire, cold, and force.
Not even magical damage can overcome this reduction.
The effect of "Expansion of Limits" lasts only for an amount of turns, equal to half your compency + half your monk level (minimum 1 turn and maximum 10 turns).
At level 5 you can instead spend 5 Ki Points to enter the second phase and halve the following damage: bludgeoning, slashing, piercing, fire, cold and force.
The latter's effect lasts for 1 minute, but, at the end of the minute, you gain 1 level of fatigue, and it cannot be used simultaneously with the first stage of this power.
At level 11 the first phase of the power gains a second die of damage reduction.

Ki Projection: When you activate this power as a bonus action, you pay 1 ki point at the start of each turn and when the power is activated.
Each turn you keep this power active, you gain +1 to attack rolls, +1 to melee damage, and +1 to AC, and each turn increases each by +1(but the AC can only increase up to a +5). But, starting on the second turn of its activation, you take 1d4 force damage at the end of each of :your turns, and each turn after the second you increase the damage you take from this power by 1d4. This ability can only be used times equal to half your proficiency. To end the power's effect, you must spend your bonus action.

Enlightened mind: Using a reaction on your turn you can project yourself behind an enemy or alongside, he must be within 18 meters of you and within sight, in addition you must have a support base to be able to project yourself.
This reaction doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.
But, it costs 1 Ki point and can be used an amount of times equal to your proficiency.

Infernal Technique: At the cost of 1 Ki point you can make melee weapons flow a powerful and warm Ki that adds 1 martial die of fire damage + wisdom to your weapon.

Ki flow Technique: At the cost of a bonus action and all your Ki points you can imprint that Ki on your weapon, for each Ki point the weapon's damage increases by 1 martial + 1 strength die, which remains in it for one minute as long as that does not hit a target, once hit the effect of this technique ends. However, if the weapon with the Ki in it falls from your hands or breaks, the technique ends and you lose all the Ki points stored in it.

Aura of Pain: Using an action or bonus action you can activate at a cost of 2 Ki points, you gain an aura that inflicts 1 martial die of damage + wisdom on all those within 1.5 meters of you.
Whoever is in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw (the DC is calculated by adding, 8 + proficiency + wisdom), whoever succeeds halves the damage.
Every time you enter the Ki area you will suffer the saving throw and at the beginning of each turn the enemy will remain inside it.

Lotus Technique: In order to use this technique, you must use a slashing melee weapon.
At any moment you can use your reaction and 1 Ki point to target an enemy within 6 meters of you and impose a Dexterity saving throw (DC is calculated by adding, 8 + proficiency + wisdom, if it exceeds half) inflicting 1 damage die from :the monk table + strength or dexterity.
The weapon will not be thrown, but the enemy will take slashing damage.

Idyllic Paradise: By spending 2 Ki points you can go into meditation with your Action, until the end of the next turn you will not be able to use actions, bonus actions or reactions, saving throws involving strength, dexterity will :automatically be lost.
All damage received will be halved, healing on you will be doubled.
At the end of this phase, you gain advantage on attack rolls and saving throws on strength or dexterity and an extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier for the next 2 turns, but, if you received healing during meditation, you cannot :apply the damage extra.

Choosing between choices

Every person living and thinking, having experiences voluntarily or not acquires a path to pursue, this leads to changes.

At level 6, choose one of the following paths:

Sharp mind pungent blade: When the monk holds a weapon in which he has proficiency, he can make 1 Ki point flow inside it at the cost of his bonus action, with this the blade can be used by the monk to perform the flurry of blows and :also gets +1 to the damage and to hit.
This effect lasts 1d4 + wisdom turns and ends at the end of your combat turn.

Surrender to blind rage: May calm and mercy go to the trove, with your action you can abandon these concepts and let yourself be attacked by a murderous rage.
When you use this Technique which will end at the end of your next turn, you give up all of your Ki points (minimum 1) and take 1d4 force damage for each of them (for each Ki point spent you will remain 1 more turn in the "Blind Rage" :state).
This allows you to add 1d4 damage. In addition to your damage, every weapon you wield and every part of your body will imbue your Ki, making each blow force damage.
This technique when used cannot be stopped and also prevents you from using magic.
When the technique is active you are resistant to any kind of enchantment, fear, mind control or possession.
Bludgeoning, slashing, and force damage are reduced by 1d4.
When in this condition, you take disadvantage on Intelligence saving throws, but, instead, you take an additional 1d4 on Strength and Toughness saving throws.
Finally, you get a bonus on the attack roll equal to half of your proficiency.

Pure Instinct: Instinct is something much overlooked by many people, but the path of meditation to be overwhelmed by instinct is certainly one of the most difficult ways to reach, but not impossible.
You gain half your proficiency (to excess) in addition to your AC. On a reaction, you can spend 2 ki points and gain advantage on a toughness, Dexterity, or Strength saving throw.
By expending 1 Ki point and reaction, when you are about to be hit you can attempt to execute a quick strike at the enemy, if it is within range of your blows.
(This technique can also be used from a distance if you want to combine it with something similar to "Higher Ki")

Feel like a Legend: Use all your willpower to stay focused, otherwise everyone will feel your power.
Spend 5 Ki Points with your bonus action and enter the "Out of Control" state.
At the beginning of each of your turns you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + proficiency + wisdom + 2) if you pass you will be able to maintain semblance of lucidity, if you fail you will have to roll a dice for each enemy and ally :on the battlefield to decide who among them will suffer your wrath.
This state temporarily doubles your hit points and gives your damage a bonus equal to your proficiency.
The "out of control" state will remain for 1d6 + turns proficiency and can only end when they end or if you fall unconscious or are charmed, controlled, or possessed.
Gain resistance to bludgeoning damage.
By spending 1 reaction and Ki point on your turn, you can lower your critical roll from 20 to 19, this effect lasts until the end of your turn.
When you perform a flurry of blows, you get an extra hit.
At the end of this state, gain 1 exhaustion.

Old Steps: You don't necessarily have to look for a new way forward, sometimes it's enough to dwell on the roads of the past that we have decided not to choose.
Choose at level 6 one of the previous fighting styles offered at level 3 of this subclass, which you obviously didn't choose, you cannot select the same fighting style.
Upon reaching level 11 you can choose another fighting style previously offered by this subclass at level 3.

Golden Mantle: As a bonus action, you can spend one of your Ki points to wrap yourself in a cloak made of Ki. This cloak gives you +3 to AC and you gain 1 extra reaction, until the end of your next turn.
When you activate this ability, all magical damage is halved.

Intensive Accumulator: By spending 5 Ki points you can prepare your body to receive any type of impact and you also prepare it to accumulate kinetic energy from the blows suffered, you gain for 1d6 + half of your competence :turns(ends at the start of your next turn) resistance to slashing, bludgeoning, piercing and strength (this resistance cannot be overcome by magical hits), in addition all damage of this kind is stored in the monk's body (he can store :damage equal to his current hit points + Wisdom + proficiency + 5).
All that damage can then be released via one of the following options:
●Spend your action to place your hands on the ground and unleash a telluric shock that releases the Ki and the accumulated energy, with the Ki you will create sharp rocks that could also hit targets flying less than 3 meters in height.
You release this power in a 30-foot cone, each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + wisdom + proficiency) those who pass can halve the damage, while those who fail will gain all the damage they had previously
accumulated the monk.
●You can spend your reaction to try to punch an opponent within your range, if you manage to hit him the enemy will have to make a saving throw on Constitutions (DC 8 + wisdom + proficiency, if he succeeds he will halve the damage), at
the damage of that punch adds all the damage you had accumulated (crit does not affect the accumulated damage).
As long as you don't hit the enemy or the effect ends, you keep the stack.
●With your bonus action and 1 Ki point, you can decide to end the accumulation, concentrating all that kinetic energy to create a sort of skin shield that offers you temporary hit points equal to half the accumulated energy for one :minute.
(Intensive Accumulator can be used a number of times equal to half of your proficiency, if you exceed the use you get 1 exhaustion.
A long rest is needed to recharge uses.)

Higher Discipline

Every form of path serves the purpose, but, what is your purpose?

At level 11 you will have to choose which of the following disciplines you want to make your own.

The Path of Paradox: This technique is based on the paradox effect, i.e. something senseless, but sensible at the same time.
With 1 action and at the cost of 10 Ki Points you create a perfect copy of yourself next to you in the moment, with the only difference being that you share hit points.
The copy does not have the same items as you and will think it is the real one of the two, it will last for 1 minute.
If the battle ends before the time runs out, the copy will try to kill you without hesitation, the copy cannot use this technique.
The copy cannot speak, write, or have fluid thinking abilities, so it is weak to possessions and being charmed, if you are immune to these characteristics for any reason, the copy will have this weakness anyway.

The Path to Purgatory: You have tried to be patient, but, every time mortals take you down the wrong path, you were for love, you were for peace, but, they took everything, now they will understand the meaning of losing.
With 1 action and paying half your original hit points and half your original Ki points, you will transform into a seemingly draconic being of crimson red color, gain full size large, gain resistance to magic, immunity to fire damage.
Your language becomes only dragonic and you are completely at the mercy of your wrath.
You also get the ability to use the adult red dragon's fire breath once per minute, but less powerful.
As you action you breathe fire into a 40-foot cone, each creature in that area must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw and take 10d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one .
At the start of each of your turns, you gain 1d6 hit points, and at the end of each of your turns, you take 1d4 psychic damage.
In this form you cannot handle weapons or have armor, your entire inventory is absorbed during transformation, any form of external healing such as potions or spells are nullified.
You take 1d6 force damage for each of your unarmed attacks.
This form lasts until the end of the battle and cannot be exited in any way except by reaching 0 hit points.
At the end of the battle you transform back into yourself, but you take 1 exhaustion and there is no avoiding it, if you use this ability again before a long rest, you will get 3 exhaustion instead of 1.

The Path of Peace: This path has always been full of thorns and will continue to be so, but, you are strong enough to take it upon yourself.
With your bonus action, select a number of consensual companions of equal competence within 18 meters of you, you will establish a bond that will cause you to take half of the damage they receive in their place, if you are immune to that :specific damage, the effect of binding will not activate.
When you use this power, you can use your bonus action and 2 Ki points to cast yourself the 1st-level spell Sanctuary.
While bonded, all magical healing is halved.
While using this power you gain the ability to use your reaction to turn your Ki into thorns that deal 1d6 + Wisdom piercing damage to all enemies within 1.5 meters of you, the thorns disappear at the start of your next shift.
Those in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw (the DC is calculated by adding 8 + proficiency + wisdom), those who succeed halve the damage.
With 1 bonus action and 1 ki point, you can extend the range of your bond by 30 feet for 1d4 turns.
At the end of the battle you gain 1 exhaustion.

The Path of Chaos: This Technique is also terrible for its user, every time you use 1 Ki point you will have to roll on the wild magic table.
However, you get the ability to use 3 Ki points and your reaction to change the focus of the wild magic table. (This technique activates wild magic again in any case.)

The Path of Order: This technique allows you to bring order within 6 meters of you, this means you are not targeted by wild magic and if they are in your area of ​​effect you cannot be exposed to the effects of negative auras such as :that of the Paladin of Conquest.
You can use your reaction and 5 Ki points to change the focus of a spell.

Mental Overheating

At level 17 you gain a particular ability, whenever you reach half your Ki points or go to 0, your body becomes charged with electricity and stays charged until touched. When you touch someone or someone touches you, they must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + Proficiency + Wis modifier), on a successful halve, 6d6 lightning damage. Your mind transcends different types of ultimate techniques, decide 1 ultimate technique among the listed ones.

Perfect Strike: your mastery of weapons grants you extraordinary accuracy. If you miss with an attack roll using a monk weapon on your turn, you can reroll it. You can use this feature only once on each of your turns.

Material and Energy: Gain the ability to create lethal vibrations in someone's body.
Your mind understands that matter is nothing but energy, this makes you understand that vibrations are the basis of creation.
When you strike a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 5 ki points to initiate these imperceptible vibrations, which last for 72 hours.
The vibrations are harmless unless you use your action to cause them to cease. To do so, you and the target must be within 18 x monk level, feet.
When you use this action, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it is reduced to 0 hit points. If it succeeds, it takes 10d10 force damage.
You can have only one creature under the effect of this feature at a time. You can choose to end the vibrations harmlessly without using an action.

Fatigue beyond the limits: You may choose another of the unselected techniques from lower levels of this subclass.
You gain the ability to spend 6 Ki Points and 1 bonus action to undo 1 level of exhaustion, you can use this technique up to 2 times per day.
You can also remove up to 1 exhaustion from your ally by touching them, but you will spend 12 Ki points.

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