Way of the Pain (5e Subclass)
Way of the Pain[edit]
Monk Subclass
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When everything went downhill? when your happiness and joy were replaced by pain and misery? in this path that became the most rigorous and difficult one, you learned a very valuable lesson... pain will always accompany you, it will always be there, but that is not a bad thing because thanks to this, you turned your greatest weakness into your greatest strength, you used pain to give you strength, pain is something that everyone fears, no one in this world likes to suffer but you... you learned to embrace pain like no one else.
That gave you the knowledge to forge your path, the path of pain, one where pain will not be something you fear but, your greatest weapon, you will continue to move forward through all abversity, no matter how much it hurts... and anyone who crosses your path will know the true meaning of pain.
- The soul that lives in pain
At 3th level, You have chosen this path, one that you decided to take with pain, your soul and body are already quite familiar with this sensation physically, mentally and emotionally, so it doesn't take them long to recover from the onslaught. At this level, when you take a short rest, you gain the benefits of a long rest and you also gain resistance to psychic and blunt damage. at 5th level you gain resistance to piercing damage at 11th level you gain resistance to slashing damage. If you are vulnerable to some damage and they attack you with it, for each time you take that damage, you add +2 to the attack and damage rolls, in addition to gaining 2 extra ki points for it.
- Pain is the thing that tells you that you are still alive.
Feel the pain, think the pain, accept the pain, know the pain... know the enemy in front of you. At 3th level, when you deal damage to a creature you can heal the damage you dealt to that creature, if these points exceed your life they are put as temporary hit points that disappear after combat, You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier. Recover all uses on a short or long rest
- Pain is my fuel
At 6th level, Your whole being is shaken by every blow, every bit of that sensation, every time pain knocks on your door, it simply makes you go further and your soul just screams out in defiance. For every 10 or more damage you take and inflict you gain one ki point. At 9th level, you can still fight despite falling at death's gates, when you are reduced to 0 hit points you don't fall, but you still have to make the saving throw. Remember, pain is the only thing that lets you know that you are alive, live with that belief until you die, because the day you stop feeling it will be the day you won't get up anymore.
- Growing Pain
At level 6th, spending a point of ki you give a devastating punch that leaves the opponent weakened and inflicts internal damage. If successful, the victim makes a saving throw of Constitution and, if unsuccessful, the creature will take 1 exhaustion level and 1 unarmed die of necrotic damage for each action it takes for 1 minute. This can stack, increasing the damage roll by 1 and the exhaustion level by 1 for each failed save.
- Fist of Pain
At 6th level, each time you make a critical hit, you can spend a ki point to inflict more pain, causing severe fractures, choose one of the following effects:
- Break the Leg. The target is knocked prone and their speed is reduced to 0.
- Break the Arm. An arm of the opponent is broken rendering it useless, so that if he tries to use that arm he will suffer damage equal to your martial dice each time he uses that broken arm.
- Straight to the Skull. After a devastating blow to the head, the opponent is stunned and knocked down.
- True Pain
At level 11th, You have mastered the art of inflicting pain, every creature receiving your fists because you now aim straight for the soul, will know pain in a way they never thought possible, even those who cannot feel pain, those uneducated will feel for the first time what it is... pain. Now your damage is absolute, it cannot be reduced in any way, no one will be spared from the pain that will fall upon them, you also add an extra die to your unarmed strikes and add your proficiency modifier to your damage rolls.
- Immortal Pain
Pain is something that is always there, it is true that it goes away and disappears, but sooner or later it will always come back, this is something inevitable, this feeling is something that no one will ever get rid of and that means, nobody will not get rid of you. At level 11th When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend 1 ki point (no action required) to have 1 hit point instead.
- Feel my Pain
There are people who say "I understand your pain", but they simply think they understand it, so you will teach the true meaning of those words. At level 11th, you make a single open palm strike, each finger of your hand glowing with the power of your soul. You can spend a number of ki points up to your Wisdom Mod to add 1d10 to your strikes for every ki point you hit. spend, when making this hit the creature is subject to a Wisdom save against your DC, on a miss they receive the damage from the hit and form a connection with this creature, the damage you suffer will be reflected in it, suffering the same damage that you, on a successful save only take damage from the hit. In case it is a critical hit the creature automatically fails the save.
- Do you know what it is to suffer?
At level 17th, your painful path has taken you to horizons never seen before, your ability to inflict reached another level, spending 4 ki points, you force a creature to make a Wisdom saving throw, on a miss this creature becomes vulnerable to your damage until the fight is over, thus letting him know what pain really is.
- Pain is part of me
At level 17th, the blows that once hurt like hell are a caress for you, thanks to your great tolerance developed in this path, you gain resistance to all damage, in addition to that, by spending 5 ki points as a reaction, you can deflect the pain from your opponent's attacks, you can choose any creature you can see to have the damage dealt to them and not you.
When you use your ability "Feel my pain" the creature takes the full damage they inflicted on you, your resistance does not apply to the damage that is reflected on them, that's the difference between you and them, the pain is part of you.
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