Smoky Soul (5e Subclass)
Smoky Soul[edit]
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Joker from Fire Force by eighttailsfox on deviantart |
Sorcerer Subclass Those that are touched by fire are not always of the hearth. Some of them are claimed by the smoke while others embrace it. Smoke Souls can create, shape, and manipulate smoke, in ways that give them an advantage in battle. Commonly an unwanted by-product of fires, smoke inhalation being the primary cause of death in victims of indoor fires making it quite deadly once a user gets a hold of you.
- Smoky Constitution
Starting when you choose this origin at 1st level, your natural affinity with smoke makes you resilient to the effects that would make it deadly. You are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
- Smoky Step
Starting at 1st level, you learn the cantrip Fire Bolt. It doesn’t count against the number of cantrips you know, and it is added to your class spell list if it isn’t there already. When you cast Fire Bolt, you may have the cantrip's damage be reduced to 0 and teleport to the target location.
- Smoke Stick
Beginning at 6th level, as a bonus action, you may create a Smoke Stick that tastes and smells like any food you wish. A creature may then use another bonus action to inhale the Smoke Stick and after a minute, they must roll a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, they take 1d4 poison damage and are poisoned for 1 hour. Additionally, you may spend a sorcery point when you create a Smoke Stick to add one of the following magical effects from the table to the stick. All effects last 1 minute after being inhaled. If an effect requires the use of a spell or spell-like effect, then the user uses your spellcasting DC and spell attack bonus.
Smoke Stick Name | Smoke Stick Effect |
Clarity | When inhaled, your senses go into overdrive making you hypersensitive to your surroundings temporarily. You take 1d10 psychic damage and gain Truesight out to 120 feet. After the duration ends, you hallucinate for 1d4 hours. |
Rampage | When inhaled, you are engulfed with an anger so potent that it fuels you forward before you can properly think. You gain the ability to Rage for the duration if you do not already have it. You gain a +2 to the preexisting Rage damage as well. After the Rage fades or the duration has ended, you take 1 point of exhaustion. If you did not have the Rage ability before consuming the stick you instead gain 2 points of exhaustion. |
Adoration | When inhaled, your appearance becomes wondrous to those around you. You gain advantage on all Charisma checks against creatures that are not hostile towards you for the duration. During the duration, the next creature you speak to will need to make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC at disadvantage. If the creature fails this save, they are considered charmed for the remaining duration. If the creature succeeded their save or is resistant to charm, they are unaffected by the charm attempt. When the duration ends, you temporarily suffer -2 to your Charisma score until you complete a long rest. The Smoke Stick's effects can only be used against a creature once per long rest regardless of whether or not it was successful. Attempts to use this stick against a creature you tried to affect before automatically fails and ends the effect regardless of the remaining duration. |
Wither | When inhaled, your body starts to rot away and regrow slowly. Over the duration, you may cast the spell Vampiric Touch once during the duration. When the duration ends make a Constitution saving throw versus your spell save DC. On a fail, you take 1d10 necrotic damage for every attack that hits for the duration. You take half as much damage on a success. |
Wraith | When inhaled, your body becomes translucent and your steps soften. Over the duration of the Smoke Stick you gain advantage on all stealth checks. You also gain the ability to use Cunning Action as if you were a rogue. Using this stick allows you to hide in plain sight, even if there is no place to hide. You also take a -2 to initiative and make Strength and Constitution checks at disadvantage for the duration. If the duration ends while you are hiding in plain sight you are no longer considered hidden. |
Courage | When inhaled, you become fearless and more sure of yourself. You become immune to charm and fear for the duration of this Smoke Stick. You also have advantage on all persuasion and intimidation checks. You also gain 1d20+2 temporary hit points which disappear at the end of the duration. When the duration ends, you have disadvantage on all Charisma and Dexterity saving throws for the next 1d4 hours. |
Flame | When inhaled, flames begin to flicker behind your eyes and the air around you becomes hotter. You gain 2d10 fire damage to your melee, ranged, and/or spell attacks. When the duration ends you take 1d10 fire damage per attack or spell hit while in use. Additionally, you have heartburn and disadvantage on all Constitution checks until you complete a long rest. |
Belief | When inhaled, a halo of light forms above your head for the duration. You are put under the effects of the Heroism spell and the Bless spell and gain the ability to deal an additional 1d8 radiant damage to all attacks for the duration. When the duration ends you are banished to a demi-plane for 1d20 minutes. |
Focus | When inhaled, the world seems to slow down around you. For the duration of this Smoke Stick all ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws are done with advantage and you gain 4 uses of Guidance that you may use. Unused uses of Guidance disappear after the duration is up. When the duration ends you subtract a 1d4 from all ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until you complete a long rest. |
Zap | When inhaled, the air around you starts to smell of ozone and lightning begins to arc from your body. You gain the cantrip Shocking Grasp and double your movement speed for the duration. You may end the effect early by using your action to cast the spell Lightning Bolt. Whether the duration was ended by casting the spell or running out of time, you must make a Constitution saving throw versus your spell save DC. On a failure, you become paralyzed for the next 1d6 minutes. On a success, you instead become stunned for the next 1d4 minutes. |
Thorns | When inhaled, you feel your blood begin to boil as your eyes turn green. Your skin and armor grow needle-like spikes dealing 1d10 piercing damage to you when they grow. Creatures that hit you with a melee attack take 1d8 acid damage and cannot regain health until after the Smoke Sticks duration. When the duration ends, you have -2 to Constitution score until you complete a long rest. |
Chaos | When inhaled, you feel the potential of the universe as every possible future flashes past you. Immediately when you smoke this Smoke Stick you roll on the wild magic table and activate the effect rolled. After the duration is over you cannot use this effect for 1d8 completed long rests. |
You may only hold up to twice your Charisma modifier of Smoke Sticks at any point.
- Riding the High
Starting at 14th level, you have learned to concentrate the effects of your Smoke Sticks to last longer after being inhaled. When you create a Smoke Stick, the duration of the effects increases to 10 minutes instead of 1.
- Controlled Substance
Starting at 18th level, when you use your bonus action to create a smoke stick and use a sorcery point to add a magical effect to the smoke stick you may mitigate all of the negative effects from the smoke stick when inhaled. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest.
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