Path of the Consumer (5e Subclass)

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Design Note: Please be aware this is a very free form subclass that requires DM and player discussion due to bonus flexibility

Design Note: Please be aware this is a very free form subclass that requires DM and player discussion due to bonus flexibility

Path of the Consumer[edit]

Hunter of Tastes

" Strength comes from within; your blood, bones and spirit are what give you power. We consumers simply tap into that power with each bite." -Zvier the Consumer


Starting at 3rd level through the consumption of your enemies you gain numerous bonuses. These manifest physically such as claws and enhanced strength,fangs or wings. This is meant for very free form shape changing characters with highly specific abilities but here is a list of general affects according to the type of creature for reference.

   1.Abberation: Gain 30 ft of colored Darkvision and a tentacled appendage (1d6+str) with advantage on grappling. 60 ft of colored Darkvision at 10th level and your tentacle now has reach.
   2.Beast: Gain claws (1d4+Str) and a +2 to Strength. The damage of your claws increases to 2d4+Str at 10th level
   3.Celestials: Gain angelic wings and a flight speed of 20 ft. along with resistance to radiant damage. At 10th level recieve a flight speed of 40 ft and the ability to deal radiant damage with all attacks
   4.Constructs: Gain Rocky skin which gives a +2 to AC. At 10th level You can now be healed using the mending cantrip and cannot have your form changed by magical means
   5.Dragon: Gain elemental resistance in accordance to the dragon type along with claws (1d4+Str) and scaly wings that give a flight speed of 30 ft. At 10th level you may now use an appropriate breath weapon following the dragonborn table.
   6.Elemental: Gain elemental immunity depending on elemental type. At 10th level you can gain a flying speed, burrowing speed or swimming speed of 30 ft depending on your elemental type.
   7.Fey: Gain an advantage on saving throws against being charmed and the abilitiy to cast misty step 2 times per long rest. At 10th level you have advantage on all charisma saves as well as any saving throws against being charmed and may use misty step up to 4 times per long rest
   8.Fiend: Gain the ability to use hellish rebuke as a bonus action with no cost 3 times per long rest and a resistance to fire dage. At 10th level you gain immunity to fire damage and colored darkvision up to 30 ft.
   9.Giant: Gain a +3 to Strength and +2 Constitution and become 1 size larger. At 10th level become 2 sizes large, your strength is now an 18 or you gain a +3 to str whichever is higher.
   10.Humanoid: Gain an extra proficiency bonus in a skill the creature you consumed knew. At 10th level gain a +1 to all ability scores.
   11.Monstrosity: Gain a second set of arms and an extra attack feature. At 10th level regenerate 1d4 hitpoints every round but only during combat.
   12.Plant: Skin becomes bark like, giving a +2 to AC. At 10th level you can around your whole body gain tremorsense of 20 ft.
   13.Undead: Resistance to Necrotic damage, you may choose to deal Necrotic damage with weapon attacks. At 10th level you can heal from Mecrotic damage.

Any one bonus lasts until the consumption of a new creature or until you take a long rest. You must have fought this creature before it was felled in order to gain any bonuses.

Through Gritting Teeth

Starting at 3rd level you gain the ability to use bite attack as a bonus action. 1d4 at 3rd, 1d6 at 6th, 1d8 at 10th, and 1d10 at 14th.

The Hunter

Starting at 6th level you gain the ability to innately predict your quarry's moves as long as you have consumed it before. Any specific creature you have consumed now gets a -2 penalty when attacking you due to your knowledge of how it acts. This bonus increases to -4 at 14th level (i.e. if you have eaten a kobold they now get -2 to attack rolls against you)

Ritual of the Consumers

Starting at 10th level the bonuses you gain from consuming meat you prepared yourself improves.

Also at 10th level you gain the ability to prepare creature's meat in order to give the bonuses to non-consumers. The bonus only lasts 2 hours and gives the user 1 state of exhaustion after transforming back to normal. Non-consumers can only recieve the basic bonuses.

An Everlasting Flavor

At 14th level you can now switch between any form you've previously consumed as an action on your turn. You may do this twice per long rest.

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