Lovers (5e Subclass)
All classes allowed
Are you inseparable of your partner in life? Why are we limited by the barrier of existance? We both love each other till the point that we are practically the same person. Lovers are a couple, which can also be family, friends or anything else, that are controlled as one only character. They both have each own personallity, but they do everything together.
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- Two as one
This subclass only give you this feature at Level 1. Your character have a really big emotional conection with another character, so big that you also take control of this other character. This have some consequences:
- Both have the same level, class, and gain XP as an individual character. But each have their own personallity and needs. This means that they increase their level as a normal player but eat twice the food of one. Also both of them need to rest as individual characters. Obviusly, if Multiclassing, they both gain the same levels in that too.
- The character have proficiency in 1 additional stat, 2 additional skills and 1 tool of its choise. Proficiencies are commun for both members of the couple, even when separeted.
- They can get separated, you can only use this skill 2 time before a Long Rest (It increase into 3 at level 5, 4 at level 12, and 5 at level 17) and endures a number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus.
- When separeted, you must choose one character to use and that cannot be changed until they both get together again. The DM decide what the other character is doing while separeted if nothig have being decided before the separation, but that character cannot die unless the player´s character do. All the equipment should be part of the player´s character inventory unless specify the opposite.
- Each character have his own stats and one of them is considered "The brain" and the other is "The muscle". When they are together (it should be most of the time) count as only one creature and it has a different stats that are calcullated the way explained in the bottom table.
- They both share the same Hit Points, but the Con modifier to calcullate it is the sum of both Con modifiers.
- For healing, they are considered separeted individuals and the DM can specify which character have been damaged. Only the damage lover is required to rest for healing the couple's life. He/she can also be heal by magic. If both of them are damaged, the excedent magic heal of one goes to the other. Also un that casé, both of them must take the Long/Short Rest to heal the normal ammount of Hit Points.
+ If it is not specify the damaged one, magic healing can heal anyone without problems, but both of them will need to take the Long/Short Rest to be heal this way too.
- They both have their own AC, and together, the AC is the average of both of them minus one ((The brain´s AC + The muscle´s AC)/2 -1).
- When they are figthing together, even at firts level, they have and adittional Action.
- When figthing, the DM can Determine how many space is occuppied by them based on the heigth of each one, but they are considered as a unique creature and move together.
- If they have not the same speed, when together, they move at "The muscle" speed. The same applies during combat, and if any action is done (Dash, Disengage, Dodge..) it counts as The muscle´s action, which means that, in case of having different weapons, only The brain´s one can be used to attack. Although, you can use your aditional action to change the weapons between partners.
- If they can cast spells, both of them have always the same spell list. The same applies for special habilities like Figther´s Figthing style, bothof them must have always the same skills.
- Despite class features, which can only bé used normally because both of the couple members must have the same features, racial features of one of them can affect both when they are together.
- When together, all the states applies for both as an individual character (Blinded, Grappled, Incapacited, Poisoned, Unconscious, Exhaustion,...). That states only affect to one of them if it were obtained while being separeted.