Soul-Stealer (5e Subclass)
Warlock Subclass (Otherworldly Patron)
- Familiar.
At 1st level you gain a cacodaemon familiar with the following changes:
- The cacodaemon familiar gains a +1 bonus to its AC per 5 warlock class levels.
- The cacodaemon familiar has (1d6+Con) hit points per warlock class level.
- The Soul Lock DC increases by 2 for every 4 warlock levels
- Extended Spell List
The Soul-Stealer lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell level | Spell list | |
1st | shield, command | |
2nd | blindness/deafness, wither and bloom | |
3rd | slow, spirit guardians | |
4rth | locate creature, stone shape | |
5th | planar binding, wall of stone |
- Hunger For Souls
Starting at 6th level, your body has morphed to hunger for the souls of your enemies. Each time you consume a soul gem you may choose one of the following. Alternatively you may consume a soul from the soul cage spell. Consuming a soul in anyway counts as a meal.
- You act as though under the effects of the haste spell for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the consumed creatures CR rounded up with no lethargy or concentration.
- Gain a (CR/2+1d4) circumstance bonus to a single ability check of your choosing for the next hour.
- Bargain for 3 truthful answers from the creature's soul(to the best of its knowledge)in exchange for releasing it to its intended afterlife, although there is no guarantee that it will agree to this pact.
- Heal damage 30ft range 3 points per (CR/2 of the trapped creature.
- Alternatively, you may consume 2 to regain a spell slot
- Soul Trade
Starting at 6th level, you can travel once per day to the Soul trade to barter worthy souls for favors or items. This is an array of city's in Avernus or other planes that deal in souls for items money or favors. Here all manor of hags, devils and generally evil or chaotic creatures depending on the plane can be found. It is considered a neutral zone but outside the city's general rules of the plane apply. The dm will determine the value of each soul but it should be noted that good aligned souls of heroes, clerics or paladins sell for the most to evil planes and vice versa.
- Improved Daemonic Might
Starting at 10th level, you & your familiar grow in power as you are both suffused with the culminated residual might of souls you have consumed. You now deal an extra 1d8 as hellfire coats your weapons your familiars size increases by one and bite increases to 1d8 DC 14 save 2d6 poison and the poisoned condition if not better and gains +3 to Constitution, +2 to Strength, -1 Dexterity and can now use its Soul Lock 2/day
- Vessel Switch
Starting at 14th level, Your experience with souls has given you the power to switch bodies. After your cacodaemon takes the soul of a defeated enemy and you prepare (eg. heal the body), you attempt to project your soul into the new vessel. Make a Charisma check = 12 + the creatures CR This ritual takes an hour during which you must draw a magic circle around a alter and concentrate on the soul-gem whilst chanting and muttering various incantations. Your very soul is shaped to fit its new home. The gem is consumed in this process and failure means you may not attempt it again with nothing short of a wish spell.
On Success, You replace your physical stats(Strength, Constitution,& Dexterity), natural AC, and attacks your old body had outside of class features and lose previous racial ability's not tied to crafting feats. Your Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence will remain the same. Your class hit die grow to match the creatures natural hit die size but you possess only a number equal to your class level. You do not gain class levels the creature knew or Feats or spells and abilities dependent on Intelligence or Wisdom or Charisma or legendary or lair actions. Your resistances and Immunity's from class levels and feats remain but you lose racial ones replacing them with the new vessels. If the creature had good, bad, or no bonus to saves your saves in that category will gain the corresponding bonus while in that body. You may attempt this feature once a week.
- Artisan Soul Sculptor
Starting at 20th level, You now gain the Charisma related abilities but not the spells, of the vessel you are in and may attempt to take a new body at anytime. Additionally a closable maw opens on your palm and you gain the Soul Lock action usable 3/day along with the cacodaemon’s bite. You still do not gain class levels or spells that use Intelligence or Wisdom as their modifier from this.
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