Way of the Raging Demon, Variant (5e Subclass)

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Way of the Raging Demon[edit]

Many monks channel their mental focus and drive towards the betterment of the self, and the peaceful abstinence of emotion. A large majority of Monks are as a reed in the wind, bending to whatever gust blows their way, but never breaking. They are wise, dexterous warriors who only fight to end a conflict, and rarely start one without provocation.

And then there's the Way of the Raging Demon.

The Monks that follow this tradition are dedicated to the path of Fury, Destruction and Bloodlust; a path dedicated to the perfection of battle fury. No mere screaming barbarians, monks that follow this path manifest their focus in a dark energy that consumes the life of their foes and can shrug off blows from weapons with nothing but their rage-fueled muscles. They are powerful, they are steadfast and they are imposing; in a word, they are Wrath.

Furious Fighter

Starting at 3rd level, your techniques are equally about surviving the move as it is mastering it. You gain the following benefits:

  • You may use your Constitution in place of your Wisdom for your Monk class features
  • Your hit point maximum increases by 2 for every level you have in this class.
  • You may add your Constitution modifier to the damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and initiative checks, in addition to your Strength or Dexterity. This increased damage can only be applied to an unarmed strike, and not to a monk weapon.
Raging Blast

At 3rd level, as an action, you can use 1 ki point to unleash a ball of pure rage at an enemy. This special attack is a ranged spell attack with a range of 30 feet. You are proficient with it, and you add your Constitution modifier to its attack and damage rolls. This deals 1d10 fire or necrotic damage for every ki point spent, up to a maximum number of dice equal to your proficiency bonus. You may choose the damage type for each die rolled. This attack counts as an unarmed strike for the purpose of your monk features.

Alternatively when using this attack, you may choose to crush your Raging Blast in your hand, coating your fist in your own furious energy. You may make this attack as an unarmed strike, with a range of 5 feet.

Torrid Destruction

Starting at 6th level, you learn to harness the power of your rage and deal some big damage. As an actoin, you take a stance, fly towards an enemy within 30 feet and make one unarmed strike against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d10 fire damage + 4d10 necrotic damage + your Constitution modifier. On a critical hit, your enemy is knocked prone, and takes an additional 1d10 fire damage and 1d10 necrotic damage.

You may do so again after finishing a short or long rest.

Invoke Fear

Also at 6th level, the path you walk causes your mere presence can invoke fear in the weak willed. You may add your Constitution modifier to all Intimidation checks.

Additionally, The first time a creature sees you, they must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a fail, they are frighened of you as long as they can see you. The creature may repeat this saving throw every 1 hour, and you may attempt to frighten a creature for 1 minute using your action by expending 1 ki point.

Oni Power

Starting at 11th level, you can unleash your anger filled energy into your body by expending up to 3 ki points as a bonus action. For 5 minute you assume a semi-demonic form. In that form your unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d8 fire damage + 1d8 necrotic damage, your jump height is multiplied by 5, your speed is doubled, you gain immunity to fire damage and necrotic damage, and you gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to the number of ki points expended to transform.

Additionally, your Strength or Dexterity and Constitution scores are increased by 3 for the duration. You may do so again after finishing a long rest.

Surge of Killing Intent

Also at 11th level, you may sacrifice your foes to your murderous intent. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points and regain Focus Points equal to its proficiency bonus. These temporary hit points do not stack, and are lost upon completing a short or long rest.

Final Blow

Starting at 17th level, you can spend 1 ki point to launch yourself at an enemy 15 feet near you. Make an unarmed strike against the creautre. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier fire damage, and 1d12 + your Constitution modifier necrotic damage. The target takes an additional 1d12 fire damage and 1d12 necrotic damage for every ki point you have expended previously.

You may do so again after finishing a short or long rest.

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