Warrior (5e Subclass)

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Traditional combatants, specialized in martial tactics and combat with weapons, the warrior is the archetypal fighter, embracing all its core aspects and building his power upon them. Warriors are simple and direct in their approach to tactics, replacing fancy techniques and complicated tactics with a basic and effective combat style.

This archetype is meant as an experiment in design, to build upon the features already brought by the core feature, reflecting and improving them, instead of creating totally new ones.

Fast Recovery

At 3rd level, you can use your Second Wind ability as a reaction, instead of a bonus action.

In addition, you recover the maximum amount of hit points possible, instead of rolling the die. Any amount of hit points that surpasses your maximum amount are converted in temporary hit points, that last until your next rest.

Adaptable Fighting Style

At 3rd level, you can mold and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the battlefield. Whenever you use your Action Surge or Second Wind features, you can replace one fighting style you know for a new one.

If the fighting style can be used as a reaction, you can use it as part of the same reaction you use fast recovery.

Skilled Combatant

At 7th level, you add half your proficiency bonus in any check made with a skill from the Fighter's list that don't already add your proficiency bonus.

In addition, if you are proficient with a skill from the fighter's list, and roll a 7 or lower on the d20, you can can replace that number for an 8 instead.


At 10th level, whenever you use your Indomitable feature to re-roll a saving throw, you can choose either result.

In addition, you can now use your Adaptable Fighting Style after using your Invincible feature.

Ability Score Replacement

At 15th level, whenever you finish a short or a long rest, you can reduce an ability score of your choice by 2, and increase another by 2, up to a maximum of 20.

In addition, if you use feats, whenever you finish a short or a long rest, you can replace one feat you know for another.

Relentless Surge

Starting at 18th level, whenever you roll initiative and have no uses of action surge, you regain one use.

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