Deckmaster (5e Subclass)
School of Cards[edit]
Wizard Subclass
A mage of the School of Cards is someone who has given up years of wisdom and study in exchange of momentary pleasure. Its arcane knowledge is exchanged for the randomness of the cards, and its success depends on how the wizard uses these variables to his advantage.
- Magic Sacrifice
When you choose this school at 2nd level, you lose the ability to learn spells and the ability to choose which spells to prepare. All the time spent learning and mastering spells is wasted in favor of the momentary pleasure provided by the randomness of the cards.
- Deck Master
Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to assemble spell decks. After completing a long rest, you must roll on the spell tables to decide which spells from the wizard class you will have prepared until your next long rest.
The table you use is up to you, but it must correspond to spells that belong to a level for which you have spell slots. You can prepare a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier + your wizard level (minimum of one spell). Each roll on the table prepares a spell. When the same spell is prepared twice, the last roll is discarded and the dice are rolled again on the same table. The tables correspond to their respective magic levels:
Level 1 | Table 1 |
Level 2 | Table 2 |
Level 3 | Table 3 |
Level 4 | Table 4 |
Level 5 | Table 5 |
Level 6 | Table 6 |
Level 7 | Table 7 |
Level 8 | Table 8 |
Level 9 | Table 9 |
- Mulligan
Starting at 2nd level, when you receive a new Deck, you can discard up to 3 spells and reroll on the table to receive new ones in their place. You must select the spell you will discard in order to purchase a new one. Starting at 10th level, you can discard 5 spells with this feature. You must select the spell you will discard in order to purchase a new one.
- Golden Card
Starting at level 6, the player can choose a card from his Deck and turn it into a Golden Card. This gives the selected spell the ability to be used ignoring its material cost once per long rest. If this spell is used without the Golden Card attribute, it will still require the expenditure of the material component.
- Sideboard
Starting at 10th level, when you receive a new Deck, you can select 3 additional spells/cards to make up your Sideboard. These spells can be chosen from the wizard spell list, without having to roll on the table. When you receive the new Deck or when you take a short rest, you can replace prepared spells from your current list with spells from the Sideboard, placing the previously prepared spells in your Sideboard. The Sideboard is reset when you create a new Deck. Starting at 18th level, your Sideboard can hold 6 cards.
- Ace up the sleeve
Starting at 14th level, cards flow through your deck. You can draw a card to roll on a table of up to 5th level of your choice and cast the spell drawn without expending spell slots or using material components. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. If you prefer not to cast the spell drawn, you can choose not to do so. In this case, you still lose your action, but you don't lose the use of this feature.
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