Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (5e Subclass)
Way of Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist[edit]
Monk Subclass
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Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist User [1] |
When used by a skilled fighter, this martial art is extremely effective and powerful, especially against humanoid opponents, and as long as the opponents are of a certain size that martial arts can still affect them. When in use, a blue aura can be seen around the user's extremities.
- Water Stream
Starting when you choose this fighting style at 3rd level, your special martial arts training leads you to master your body as the perfect defense. You gain the following benefits:
- Flowing Posture. Whenever you use Flurry of Blows, you gain the benefit of the Disengage action, and your walking speed increases by 10 feet until the end of the current turn.
- Soothing Current. When a creature misses you with a melee attack roll, you can spend 1 ki point as a reaction and them make an opportunity attack against the same creature. That attack gains one additional martial dice of damage.
- Water Stream Encampment. By using 2 ki point, as a bonus action, you are able to create a 15-foot dome around you for 1 minute. When the dome is active, you have full control of enemy attacks. When a melee attack is made against you, you can reduce damage by 1d10 + your Monk level+Wisdom modifier. If you reduce damage to 0 by spending 1 ki, you can make an unarmed strike against the enemy adding damage you would receive.
- Rock Smashing Fist
At 6th level, with each battle your mastery over the limits of your body starts to become each time more visible. You also learn new Shakkei techniques to use, mixing various martial arts techniques with the power of monsters. You can learn 3 at level 6, 3 at level 11 and 3 at level 17. You gain the following benefits at level 6:
- Monstrous resistance.when you take damage that would lower your health to zero, you can instead spend a Hit Die and receive the rolled number as temporary health and be left with 1 health. You can use this ability once per long rest, increasing to two at level 11.
- Changing flow
After practicing for the way of the fist a martial artist can only dream of reaching their physical limit , starting to grasp what you can do finally mastering the stream of your strength. Starting at 11th level, with a reaction you captures some of the incoming energy, lessening its effect on you and storing it for your next melee attack. You have resistance to the triggering damage type until the start of your next turn. Also, the first time you hit with a melee attack on your next turn, the target takes an extra martiel dice damage of the triggering type.
- Awakening Breath, monstrous transformation
At 17th level, thanks to your mastery over your body, you can now reach the limits of both your body and mind for a short duration. As a bonus action, you can use awakening breath to gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
- You add your Wisdom modifier to your Dexterity checks and saving throws, to your unarmed strikes damage rolls and attack rolls.
- You have Advantage on Wisdom and Constitution saving throws.
- Your movement speed increases in 15 feet
- You can take one additional reaction in between your turns.
- The ki cost of your shakkei techniques is halved, rounded down. If the cost is less than 1, the cost is 0.
- You are affected by freedom of movement while you are transformed
- Your martial arts die becomes a 2d6
You take 1d4 levels of exhaustion after using this transformation.Once you use this feature, you can't do it again until you complete a long rest.
- Shakkei Techniques
- Absolute defense. When you learn this technique, every time you activate the Water Stream Encampment you gain AC equal to half your proficiency modifier.
- Tanktop Blow. Spending 1 ki point, you cause a tremor in the ground within 10 feets range with a punch. Each creature other than you in that area must make a Strength save throw. On a failed save, a creature takes two martial arts die bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. If the ground in that area is loose earth or stone, it becomes difficult terrain.
- Watchdog's Movement. You need to be level 11 to use it.You have perfectly copied the swift movements of an animal. By spending 3 ki, you cast the Haste spell on yourself.
- Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist. You deliver several slashing blows to an enemy. By spending 1 ki points, you can, as an action, force all enemies into a 15 feet radius cone make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3 martials dice slashing or half on a pass.
Fang Interpolation. You can make an attack that can hit the smallest weak points with single hits of incredible accuracy. You can spend 1 ki point and enter into an special posture with your fingertips. Your next unarmed strike ignore the armos class granted by Armors and Natural Armor of targets, considering it as 10 + Dexterity bonuses. This unarmed strike causes piercing damage, rather than bludgeoning. Spells and shield bonuses still apply as normal.
- Exploding Heart Release Fist. You need to be level 11 to use it. A martial art focuses more on brute strength and destructive force, opposing to the defensive martial art Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. As an action, you can spend 1 ki point to deliver a powerful blow, and if it hits, you can make the next attack as a free action, but at -2 to the attack roll. If you hit, you can do another one, but now with -4 on the attack dice. So on until you miss an attack. -2, -4, -6, -8...
- Dual-Wielding Martial Arts. You've perfectly mixed your master's martial fighting styles. By spending 1 ki point, you deal an extra 1d10 slashing damage on your next attack.This technique is unaffected by the monstrous transformation.
- Great Fa Jin. You need to be level 11 to use it. You add monstrous power to your attacks, affecting your opponent's vitals. As a bonus action, you now add 2d8 radiant damage to your unarmed strike roll until the start of your next turn. You can spend 1 ki to add 1d8 to that damage. This technique is unaffected by the monstrous transformation.
- God Slayer Ascending Attack. You need to be level 17 to use it, You strikes opponents hard several times before sending them flying with your final blow. If you land 4 consecutive strikes on an opponent, you can expend 3 ki to continue the chain of strikes and deal an extra 10d10 force damage. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or be thrown 30 feet into the air.
- Mode: Saitama. You need to be level 17 to use it. You deliver a serious punch so powerful it makes the entire earth tremble. By spending 5 ki, you cause all creatures within a 60 radius cone to make a Dexterity saving throw or take 10d10 bludgeoning damage and 10d10 thunder damage and be knocked prone. Anyone passing through takes half damage and is not knocked back. This move's damage does not suffer from any type of resistance or immunity.
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