NightWing (5e Subclass)

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Rogue Subclass[edit]

You were bit by a vampire bat, but what came out of it was less than what you wanted...

Monstrous Sight[edit]

Beginning at the 3rd level, your ears, eyes, teeth, nose, and body structure all shift into the form of a bat like creature.

  • You're now considered a monstrosity. Most creatures that see you will flee in fear or attack you on sight, at the DMs discretion, and almost all will be incredibly wary of you.
  • You gain advantage on Wisdom Perception ability checks related to hearing, and while in dim light or darkness, you gain advantage on Dexterity Stealth ability checks.
  • You grow wicked fangs which allows you to use your bite as a natural weapon that you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. This weapon has the finesse property.
  • From this point on eating normal food taste like dust or rock, and provides no benefit, but blood tastes like fresh fruit, honey, or the like, and you gain enough nourishment and hydration from one pint of blood to sustain yourself for one day.
  • While grappling a creature, if you hit it with a bite attack, you can drain up to one one pint of blood from it, provided it has any.
  • Whenever you use your Sneak Attack on a creature and drain its blood, you regain hit points equal to half the Sneak Attack damage dealt (round up), up to your maximum HP.
  • You can drink blood from the corpse of a creature that has died within the past 10 minutes. Provided it has any.
Vampiric Flight[edit]

Beginning at 9th level, you are a shadow in the night, a terror of the skies.

  • You have a flying speed equal to your movement speed, and your flight does not provoke opportunity attacks.
  • When you make a grapple attempt while flying, it is made with advantage. If you succeed grapple the target, you can move it with you any distance this turn up to your remaining movement. Upon a failure you are knocked prone to the ground.

When you reach additional levels in this class, your speed in creases: Your movement increases by +10 feet at 13th level, and by another +10 feet at 17th level.


Upon reaching the 13th level, you gain the thirst and the senses of vampires, and bats, and vampire bats.

  • As long as you're not deafened, you have a blindsight of 60 feet, and you gain Darkvision out to 60 feet if you didn't already have it. If you are deafened, you have disadvantage on attack rolls, and on ability checks that rely on sight.
  • Your bite damage is increased to 1d10, and after a successful bite attack, you can gain temporary hit points equal to yourConstitution modifier + the number of your Sneak Attack dice, which vanish at the end of your next turn.
  • You can ingest and retain up to 7 pints of blood at a time, satiating yourself for up to 7 days, and if you drink at least 7 pints of blood during a short rest, you can use it all up over the course of the short rest to decrease your exhaustion level, if any, by 1.
Ruler Of The Night[edit]

Beginning at 17th level, you have become the ultimate creature of the night, you stay up all night, and you almost never sleep, and you have grown to dislike people, and parties, and loud noises, and bright lights. Maybe you're just old. You gain the following benefits:

  • You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free.
  • While in dim light or darkness, you add double your Constitution modifier (minimum of 2) to your Dexterity Stealth ability checks, and to grapple attempts you make.
  • While in an interior space (such as in a cave, a building, or a dungeon), and as long as you're not deafened, you gain a +5 bonus to your Wisdom Perception ability checks and to your passive Perception.
  • Scream Burst: A an action, you unleash a monstrous screech in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Constitution modifier), or take 10d6 thunder damage and be pushed 20 feet away from you. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and is only pushed 10 feet away. You can use scream burst three times, and regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.
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